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  • #795884

    @WarrenCAP 198390 wrote:


    I will gladly clarify this one point. Lou owns 40% of the company, while 2 remaining shareholders (myself and another who remains silent) own 60%. This is a known fact.

    It is worth noting in the email received today from Lou I received this information;

    1. I am the founder of CAP and majority shareholder in Affiliate Media Inc. I owned long before I ever met Warren Jolly.

    4. Warren Jolly was given a minority shareholder position and seat on the new company board. His task was to increase reveneus at CAP and join in the growth of that venture.

    Someone looks like they are not telling the truth and in reality I do not care who this person is, but do care about the sponsorship money the program I represent has already paid and the possible future of the CAP site.

    It is worth noting that affiliates work on respect and trust and us as an industry can not afford to loose this.


    @GamTrak 198389 wrote:

    IMO as long as Lou is banned there is NOT going to be any peace or working things out. Warren has NO right to ban the Professor from here. I don’t care about my moderator rights, but I do care about the censorship going on that seems to be allowed here now.


    It is a well-known fact that you are a personal friend of Lou’s.

    We are not censoring anyone. Lou is the FIRST person I have ever banned at CAP and I’m ashamed to say that he was my partner.

    If you want to talk about censorship, why not ask all of the other members banned over the last 8 years?

    I would encourage you to post once the facts are available.


    @islandmaan 198391 wrote:

    You have no idea how much this pisses me off and it takes alot. I have not been at a CAP event in over 2 years since before the eigea (so pissed I cannot even spell it!) I had just decided to attend CAP spring break in Cancun, got my flight reservations in place and was ready to get out meet some old friends, create new friends and get fired up about the business again. I am gonna stop this post now because my blood is boiling by the minute. Looks like another year without me or my wife attending a CAP event. Your fighting is going to cost everything, your web site, your sponsers and your shows will be a thing of the past. Looks like the lawyers will once again walk away the only winners.


    I hear ya! How they think that all will be ok with the professor gone is beyond me! If All of you guys lied together then you ALL go down together IMO. Why do you and your partner get to do business as usual and Lou is out in the cold? That is some back stabbing crap if you ask me.


    @WarrenCAP 198394 wrote:


    It is a well-known fact that you are a personal friend of Lou’s.

    We are not censoring anyone. Lou is the FIRST person I have ever banned at CAP and I’m ashamed to say that he was my partner.

    If you want to talk about censorship, why not ask all of the other members banned over the last 8 years?

    I would encourage you to post once the facts are available.

    So what about me? Am I still a moderator or not?So who banned Bryan/Casinomeister? If you can prove to me via the Admin control panel that Lou did it then I will go away.


    @GamTrak 198396 wrote:

    So what about me? Am I still a moderator or not?

    No, you are not. We removed your mod status to protect the community from any further censorship (should you act under Lou’s direction) and allow this discussion to continue.

    I will be happy to re-grant your moderator status once we can have a discussion and you can assure me that is not your intention.


    Thanks for clarifying that point Warren.Can i ask another question?Who owns the domain?Who has control of it ?Lou or you?I am sure the people who send the checks willw ant to know anyway so may as well throw it out here :)


    LOL. This is some sort of special American version of “April fool” right?!
    Some day that we international affiliates are completely unaware of?

    Yes ??

    Oh it’s not?

    Assuming that it’s not …

    If the note that Tarzan has posted from Lou is genuine – then Lou has been neck deep in cover-ups, deception and bald face lying both in print and in video to all the members here for the last 3-6 months regarding this sorry tale. That post is a 180 degree spin on all his previous statements on this.

    I don’t believe everything in the post – Lou’s ability to re-invent history to paint himself in a good light is frightening and a recurring event – but there is enough in this post to confirm that the general gist of the information uncovered by the GPWA and APCW is true.

    With that front of mind – I don’t really care if the self styled “Professor” is banned or able to post. His reliability on this subject is obviously zero and his personal credibility is in tatters. Yapping about shares and majority ownership and right of reply is beyond the pale.

    But, Warren, unfortunately it will not matter whether Lou is here to post or not.

    If this is not some sort of joke then CAP is well and truly broken. Although you have been far more measured in your reaction to this situation, all senior management at CAP are tarred with the same brush. Management set it up. Management knew ALL about it. Management attempted to cover it.

    This has been an organised litany of lies over the past three months. It’s the end of the goodwill that the CAP organisation had built up with programs and established affiliates.

    Who owns the forum and the company and EMG / AMG / CAP and PAP names is a moot point. The entire group is now synonomous with creating conflicts of interest, and then going to extreme lengths to prevent exposure of the conflicts, to the point of bald faced lies.

    Do you really think that the group can remain a watchdog for affiliates and a conduit for fair and open business ?

    It’s over ladies and gents. Turn out the lights.


    @WarrenCAP 198398 wrote:

    No, you are not. We removed your mod status to protect the community from any further censorship (should you act under Lou’s direction) and allow this discussion to continue.

    I will be happy to re-grant your moderator status once we can have a discussion and you can assure me that is not your intention.

    Well IF you would have discussed this with me like you obviously did the other then I would not be in the dark and you would know my intentions! I would NEVER do anything under handed for Lou or anyone and anyone that knows me will vouch for that. You went about this the wrong way IMO.


    I did not know you had walked away from CAP. You are a great source of information and help to all affiliates and affiliate managers.
    I would like to know if you will continue with CAP? Or are you going to wait for the smoke to settle?


    @WarrenCAP 198398 wrote:

    No, you are not. We removed your mod status to protect the community from any further censorship (should you act under Lou’s direction) and allow this discussion to continue.

    I will be happy to re-grant your moderator status once we can have a discussion and you can assure me that is not your intention.

    Wow I am shocked to see you say this.You are worried about censorship?Within past month or so anyone who brought up any thing in a negative light has been mussled?


    CAP is now officially a freak show!



    I think it is best to give Lou and Warren a few days to work through things and not blow up the house in the meantime.

    I agree some very crazy things have happened in the last few months including many not feeling comfortable anymore at cap, what I wish and I am sure everyone else wishes is things get back on track and fast there is business to attend to and many new affiliates over the last few months that have I am sure walked away from this thinking we are all insane in this business.

    I personally in the last few days did not want to come around because I was being called out for belonging to other forums, I will not give up my rights to visit other places if that happens I am sorry to say I cannot come to CAP anymore plain as that. I will not choose sides and I will continue to visit other iGaming forums all that I like.

    I will let these 2 guys fix what is broke and be here to support peace :)


    @TheGooner 198400 wrote:

    LOL. This is some sort of special American version of “April fool” right?!
    Some day that we international affiliates are completely unaware of?

    Yes ??

    Oh it’s not?

    Assuming that it’s not …

    If the note that GamTrak has posted from Lou is genuine – then Lou has been neck deep in cover-ups, deception and bald face lying both in print and in video to all the members here for the last 3-6 months regarding this sorry tale. That post is a 180 degree spin on all his previous statements on this.

    I don’t believe everything in the post – Lou’s ability to re-invent history to paint himself in a good light is frightening and a recurring event – but there is enough in this post to confirm that the general gist of the information uncovered by the GPWA and APCW is true.

    With that front of mind – I don’t really care if the self styled “Professor” is banned or able to post. His reliability on this subject is obviously zero and his personal credibility is in tatters. Yapping about shares and majority ownership and right of reply is beyond the pale.

    But, Warren, unfortunately it will not matter whether Lou is here to post or not.

    If this is not some sort of joke then CAP is well and truly broken. Although you have been far more measured in your reaction to this situation, all senior management at CAP are tarred with the same brush. Management set it up. Management knew ALL about it. Management attempted to cover it.

    This has been an organised litany of lies over the past three months. It’s the end of the goodwill that the CAP organisation had built up with programs and established affiliates.

    Who owns the forum and the company and EMG / AMG / CAP and PAP names is a moot point. The entire group is now synonomous with creating conflicts of interest, and then going to extreme lengths to prevent exposure of the conflicts, to the point of bald faced lies.

    Do you really think that the group can remain a watchdog for affiliates and a conduit for fair and open business ?

    It’s over ladies and gents. Turn out the lights.

    As usual you say it best Paul.


    Pitty for CAP


    What is worse is the bad press for the industry…lawyers…US???


    @Simoneaton 198393 wrote:

    It is worth noting in the email received today from Lou I received this information;

    Someone looks like they are not telling the truth and in reality I do not care who this person is, but do care about the sponsorship money the program I represent has already paid and the possible future of the CAP site.

    It is worth noting that affiliates work on respect and trust and us as an industry can not afford to loose this.

    I think I would be worried to spend money here if the prospects are it getting tied up in courts for years.We have a corporation and one can own 1% and have a majority say on a business.It depends on how the articles of incorporation is set up,voting rights etc .I really can’t see Lou GIVING UP control of THIS website . I tend to agree CAP without Lou is not the same and unfortunate for those with their travel plans already made for next month.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 149 total)