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  • #795868

    @WarrenCAP 198373 wrote:

    I can assure you this will now be the main focus. I am not at the liberty to discuss anything further due to legal reasons.

    So does this mean that the professor will be unbanned asap?


    @GamTrak 198377 wrote:

    So does this mean that the professor will be unbanned asap?

    I agree with the implied point, the professor must be allowed to post here on CAP


    @Big Fish 198378 wrote:

    I agree with the implied point, the professor must be allowed to post here on CAP

    Okay, I guess Warren is not here me so I’ll ask Arjun.

    Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 49 (20 members and 29 guests)
    GamTrak, greedygirl, ALEX777, darko123, ArjunCAP, gamblingguide, Shotgunpete, casinobonusguy, Simmo!, Spearmaster, Redbush54, mainstreet+, HodgeyBoy, allfreechips, Jan, BestCasinoPartner, CWC-Martyn, Pelikassa, krystall2, DealerDan

    Arjun, can you unban the professor now please?


    Why is my PM box full? I only had 700 messages out of 1,000? What is going on? Has my moderator powers been taken away as well?

    Welcome, GamTrak.
    You last visited: Today at 12:57 PM
    Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 712.
    Your PM box is 100% full.

    Now you are messing with my account here at CAP? I can’t send PM’s anymore?


    @GamTrak 198380 wrote:

    Why is my PM box full? I only had 700 messages out of 1,000? What is going on? Has my moderator powers been taken away as well?

    Now you are messing with my account here at CAP? I can’t send PM’s anymore?

    Don’t worry. The same thing happened to CasinoMeisters account. It’s Just a minor error…LOL



    I am not sure what to say. But as a certified room here on CAP I don’t like what has happened over the last 3 months. I believe that CAP was started with the affiliates needs in mind and to help rooms get out the message about their programs.
    I have always been a big supporter of CAP and any program that helps affiliates grow their business.

    I also understand that CAP is about making money like all affiliates and rooms. But not at their core customers expense or hurt the people that helped them grow as an industry giant.

    Just curious – is this just a reshuffling or has the industry made adjustments?

    My only concern is how the affiliates are getting hurt by this type of in fighting.

    Tower will be at CAC and CAP Amsterdam – please let us know how you want us to move forward. Affiliates are the life blood of this industry.


    I cant believe a minority share owner would be banning the majority shareholder .

    Member 198382 wrote:

    I am not sure what to say. But as a certified room here on CAP I don’t like what has happened over the last 3 months. I believe that CAP was started with the affiliates needs in mind and to help rooms get out the message about their programs.
    I have always been a big supporter of CAP and any program that helps affiliates grow their business.

    I also understand that CAP is about making money like all affiliates and rooms. But not at their core customers expense or hurt the people that helped them grow as an industry giant.

    Just curious – is this just a reshuffling or has the industry made adjustments?

    My only concern is how the affiliates are getting hurt by this type of in fighting.

    Tower will be at CAC and CAP Amsterdam – please let us know how you want us to move forward. Affiliates are the life blood of this industry.

    Thanks for caring enough to ask our opinions :)Today some serious things came about here.Lou posted serious accusations goign as far as saying warren is stealling.Warren is here stating Lou is banned and they are going to court.Personally I don’t think Warren has the authority to make the bold statemnts about CAP’S future if he is a minority shareholder.Please let me know if I am wrong on that assumption.
    Warren and Lou appear to be taking their battle to Court which will make for some uncomfortable moments I am sure felt by all of us.Who is going to accept the membership fees in the interim?What if the person who receives the fees does not have control of the website to honor advertising deals?This can make for a very sticky situation for all people involved.Contrary to what some may thing I am not trying to start a fight but I am raising legitimate questions on the future of CAP as we know it.


    Warren, Professor and Gang,

    You guys are professionals and all the certified programs here are paying over a million a year between them to be listed on your site, as well additional sponsorship costs at shows.

    You hold it to your members and certified programs to keep the in-house bickering out of public view and resolve the issue maturely. If the professor indeed is the majority shareholder then the minority shareholders should be mature enough to know banning the professor is basically just adding fuel to the fire.

    From a certified program standpoint I care about conversions and bringing new affiliates onboard to help increase my revenues. I do not feel the last couple of days have assisted us in this.

    Please do what you need to do, and I highly suggest any public postings should be done as a press release on this forum explaining how this affects members, and the post should be done by a neutral party.

    The professor, and indeed you Warren have done the right thing in the past and I expect you to continue to do the right thing in the future. I find it hard from the professors press release regarding pricing for programs that he was not aware of this.

    Please get things sorted and focus on future events as you owe it to the sponsors.


    Guys, there is a lot more going on here than meets the eye.

    I think it is best to give Lou and Warren a few days to work through things and not blow up the house in the meantime.

    There has been a lot of stress recently here at CAP, and it’s taking it’s toll.

    I myself had retired from here and haven’t posted in a while because of all kinds of fighting and accusations going on, and some of the fallout falling on me.

    But I have been at CAP for over 8 years and hate to see it go up in flames. We all worked too hard for too long to see that happen.

    So let’s please give the two guys a little time to work things out. Forcing the issue from our end right now is likely just going to result in a bigger mess.

    People need to cool down a bit and resume rational talks and find their way to peace.


    It appears the ripple effect is affecting PAP as well… this is a post from Randy Ray… I’d say the timing says it all!

    My Well-Earned Retirement

    I’ve been administering the forums here at PAP since October, but I wanted to let everyone know that I’m retiring from my position as the admin here effective today. I’ve recently launched some new projects that are taking up the bulk of my time. I’ll still be around from time to time, but the admin duties will belong to someone new very soon.

    I want to thank all of you for your support here over the last few months. It’s been an honor to have been able to serve the community here.

    My main industry-related website now is located at I don’t update it very often, but feel free to visit there anytime.


    IMO as long as Lou is banned there is NOT going to be any peace or working things out. Warren has NO right to ban the Professor from here. I don’t care about my moderator rights, but I do care about the censorship going on that seems to be allowed here now.

    If you think the Professor is going to take this then you guys are sadly mistaken. You will FORCE him to go to YouTube instead and the fall will not be pretty. Mark my words! :hattip:


    @casinobonusguy 198383 wrote:

    I cant believe a minority share owner would be banning the majority shareholder .


    I will gladly clarify this one point. Lou owns 40% of the company, while 2 remaining shareholders (myself and another who remains silent) own 60%. This is a known fact.


    You have no idea how much this pisses me off and it takes alot. I have not been at a CAP event in over 2 years since before the eigea (so pissed I cannot even spell it!) I had just decided to attend CAP spring break in Cancun, got my flight reservations in place and was ready to get out meet some old friends, create new friends and get fired up about the business again. I am gonna stop this post now because my blood is boiling by the minute. Looks like another year without me or my wife attending a CAP event. Your fighting is going to cost everything, your web site, your sponsers and your shows will be a thing of the past. Looks like the lawyers will once again walk away the only winners.



    @WarrenCAP 198390 wrote:


    I will gladly clarify this one point. Lou owns 40% of the company, while 2 remaining shareholders (myself and another who remains silent) own 60%. This is a known fact.

    Well I’d like to know who that is please.

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