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October 12, 2003 at 10:22 pm #583580
InactiveCappy, you are totally cracking me up at wol!!!
Cappy rocks!
October 12, 2003 at 11:41 pm #640100Anonymous
InactiveHey Dom,
Thanks! Slydam Insane is a lier and she is coming to the end of her tyrany raign.The truth stands when nothing else stands.
For the record she now wants all current and new mmebers to sign a release stating that when they leave they are not allow to post any information on other forums. Many are bucking this already including Spearmaster. Slydam Insane has lost her mine and she is going to destroy her own forum. She has always used the members that make the GPWA what it was to her own benifit. I have had many members e-mailing me with good wishes for the past few days. Word has it many more will be leaving the GPWA soon.
I should have left the GPWA a long time before I did. By the way. Thank you for backing me up at WOL.
Allan :cheers:
October 12, 2003 at 11:55 pm #640102Anonymous
InactiveYou are most welcome.
I will always back the truth.
I have a feeling the truth about Cindy and what she does to people will all come out now.
October 13, 2003 at 5:33 am #640110Anonymous
InactiveShe is digging her own grave. I have stayed out of those posts for many months now, biting my tongue but it’s best for me. She has always been a compulsive liar and they’re all catching up with her now. Dean and I know what a vendictive person she can be. I have emails from her that would make your stomache turn.
The bottom line is, when you’re inside the GPWA and on her good side, it’s very hard to see the truth. Once you get on her bad side or disagree with her, or fall in love with and marry “her man” :baaa: she comes with double loaded shot guns! Even if it means telling lies, threatening to sue etc. etc. If she was smart she’ld keep her mouth shut over at WOL, but she’s not that intelligent, she doesn’t realize that every time she opens her mouth it makes her look worse and worse, she’s hanging herself
I am a little confused on why in the world she would not allow people to edit their own posts especially when it concerns money matters, and now this signing of a paper saying you can’t discuss anything GPWA related outside of GPWA, a little paranoid are we??!October 13, 2003 at 8:37 am #640114Anonymous
Inactive*sneaks in and waves at everybody*
Hi Ellen, looong time no see btw,
Just to explain, without giving my personal opinion:
If it concerned ‘nomal editing’ (typos, etc.) there wouldn’t have been a problem.
For whatever reason, members started to ‘clean out’ their posts. (like total deletion), leaving threads unreadable and utterly useless.You can understand this lowers the value of any messageboard incredibly and why the ‘management’ was so upset about it. It would leave the board like a shop without goods to sell……..
October 13, 2003 at 8:54 am #640115Anonymous
InactiveHIYA Breakfastman!! Long time no talk is right
I miss a lot of you all!
As for the editing, I agree with you to an extent, you can’t have people going around deleting or editing TONS of posts. But the author(s) of the posts should be allowed for the most part to edit or delete anything they feel is necessary. For instance with everyone panicing now with the laws not looking good for the US webmasters, they have a right to get rid of anything that could possibly incriminate them down the road. From what I understand, this is what started the whole thing, moving a thread to another forum where others can read it (non members of the GPWA) and it held content that they (webmasters) didn’t want OTHERS to see. If I got the story wrong I appologize, you know how rumors go around, some is true some not so true. But in general anyone should be allowed to edit or delete their own post, it’s their property.October 13, 2003 at 12:31 pm #640116Anonymous
InactiveHi Breakfastman,
Good to see ya!
I am planning to go to Amsterdam in April again, looking forward to seeing you again!
October 13, 2003 at 1:15 pm #640117Anonymous
InactiveHi Breakfastman,
It is great to see you here.I agree with Ellen that everyone has a right to edit their own post if they desire. They are soom GPWA members that had posted figures and had even posted about not paying taxes. I was not concern so much about my previous posts as I was for these members that had done so. Cindy disagreed by telephone conversation. Question is: Why?
October 13, 2003 at 1:56 pm #640119Anonymous
InactiveHi Dom, Hi Captain,
Question is: Why?
I don’t KNOW, but I think it has nothing to do with members having the right of editing or not, but it’s just a business decision:
Just read the last line of my previous post Cappy
If you’re commercially exploiting a forum and the content of that forum is being removed (for whatever reason) it’s like owning a shop without goods to sell….
Personally I think everybody has a right to edit/delete, but I can understand the objections from a business point of view.errrr… apart from that… posting about avoiding taxes doesn’t sound like the smartest thing you can do in the first place
October 13, 2003 at 2:22 pm #640120Anonymous
InactiveHi Breakfastman,
I agree that the members that posted that they had not payed taxes were not very smart to do so. Also some members posted revenue figures at one time or another. Still, these people that made the mistake in the first place should have the right to edit these type posts. You may not be aware of this, but many affiliate managers are allow access in to the private areas. This has been going on for along time and you would be surprized at who was actually giving this access. In any case several of us have decided not to be used by Slycin and dictated to as well. The members are what make the GPWA, not the other way around. Bottomline is many top members are sick and tired of being used for Slycin’s benifit. In closing I will say that they are many good people at the GPWA that are honest and true. It’s just the leadership there is deseptive in more ways than one. Again it is good to see you here Breakfastman. Have a great day!October 13, 2003 at 2:32 pm #640122Anonymous
InactiveBreakman Wrote:
errrr… apart from that… posting about avoiding taxes doesn’t sound like the smartest thing you can do in the first place
To set the record straight I was not refering to me.
I was talking about other members that had.
October 13, 2003 at 4:20 pm #640124Anonymous
InactiveI can confirm that some programs have access.
When I had access to admin I found an employee of fortune had been approved knowingly. An actual employee.
I also know of several plants.
The GPWA leaks like a sieve – sometimes managers tell me about threads in there before friends do.
October 18, 2003 at 12:18 am #640286bb1webs
well without getting into another big arguement about all this; it was obvious that strong feelings were involved and to me; what it boiled down to was the fact that I thought I was there amongst friends.
And friends don’t put themselves in a position to dictate what or what not their friend says or does not say; or chooses to change or delete what they had said in the past. Especially in light of the fact that right or wrong, panicked or not; I would not have stopped a friend from doing what they felt they needed to do to protect themselves.
That friend gave me that advice as a courtesy, and it is only a simple return of same courtesy, to allow them to do with as they see fit; whatever it is they brought to the table.
and No; I don’t feel the group has a right to vote and decide what I do with my own words or posts.
*if what I said was so damn important in the first place, they should have been taking notes.
October 18, 2003 at 12:56 am #640289vladcizsol
MemberAmen to that BB1.
Plus I had a huge problem with the new habit they started of moving private threads over to public or program areas AFTER we had made comments there with the understanding that what we were saying was supposed to be between members only!
I mean “Hello McFly” who was the fucking brainiac who thought this would be a good idea?
October 18, 2003 at 1:54 am #640294Anonymous
InactiveI felt the same as the Lou about this issue of moving private threads to public view. What moved me the most to leave the GPWA was the constant bickering by mostly Cindy that was wasting valuable time and the privacy issue. Our private post were being seen by affiliate managers and God knows who else. Another thing that always bother me is not really having the right to disagree with Cindy without being bashed. I really feel much better know that I am gone from the GPWA. One thing is for sure I am glad my very good friend Lou has this board where we can still all meet from time to time. Wishing all here a great weekend.