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October 23, 2003 at 3:14 am #640526
InactiveSince my resignation, I have made it a point not to worry about that crowd at all. I asked to be taken off the mailing list, and have not visited Freshmans forums since (so I missed the latest crapola)
Before I left it ALREADY was a ghost town. In fact that is why I didn’t really care about resigning.
I did want to make Cindy look like an ass before I left… but I think we can all related to that….
Let us not dwell on the past, let us drink wine and be merry – celebrate our freedom of speech on our new found home.
Thanks Professor for providing a place for us to chill….
October 23, 2003 at 3:54 am #640528Anonymous
InactiveWell there is an upside to all of this.
We are able to all still talk to each other, maintain a civil tongue and help each other out.
That cheers me up immensely.
October 23, 2003 at 4:30 am #640530Anonymous
InactiveThat’s true Dean, and I for one am glad to be back in touch with you two. (and everyone)
What became of Kevin? (peralis) anyone know?
October 23, 2003 at 8:44 am #640533Anonymous
InactiveHaven’t seen good old Kevin on for a month or so will track him down!
October 23, 2003 at 9:57 am #640536Anonymous
Inactivei don’t know about that quote of yours dean, i can look at an aweful lot of dirty pictures.
October 23, 2003 at 11:25 am #640539Anonymous
InactiveSimon Noble is probably very, very old.
October 23, 2003 at 2:21 pm #640543Anonymous
InactiveI know Kevin is cruising around – I saw him listed at one or two forums as present recently. He just won’t post anymore, except once in a blue moon something about Cindy still gets his hackles up.
We probably ought to send him an invite…:bigsmile:
October 23, 2003 at 4:16 pm #640548Anonymous
InactiveOriginally posted by EllenIng
Unfortunately it’s easier to see these things from the outside…I don’t think many inside the GPWA really believe that manipulation and lies exist inside. It’s a real shame that one person can cause so much of this all by her lonesome and that the GPWA has come to this. I really used to love it there…
On the other hand, I’m very ashamed of myself for respecting her so much in the beginning. I am usually a good judge of character…I just can’t believe I fell for it and trusted her.
Unfortunately it’s easier to see these things from the outside…I don’t think many inside the GPWA really believe that manipulation and lies exist inside.
Well I think its understandable – when you’re a member you want to feel like you’re a part of something – you don’t want to imagine it as being something bad – otherwise you’d just leave (as so many have.) heh
Even if and when you do realize something’s just not right, you will ignore it because you don’t want to harm the group to get at the individual. About a year ago I realized things were not going to change, I started laying low and became a lurker as so many others have. I didn’t want to do harm to any of the honest / innocent webmasters.
However there comes a time when one must rise to fight off the evil doers. (LMAO) If my outspoken character pissed/pisses off a few webmasters its worth it if I can make a positive difference in the end. I say its worth it only because Id have full faith that these ticked off colleagues would see the new light that we all now share …
October 23, 2003 at 7:05 pm #640555Anonymous
InactiveFucking hell! It was made to help each other. That is what it what the GPWA was built for. It failed.
This is a lonely industry and you need friends. We are not going to change the world. But, if we need a shoulder sometime, hope you are there.
October 23, 2003 at 7:17 pm #640557Anonymous
InactiveWo said it failed? We got the idea, and we are here and helping each other. :bigsmile:
There will be more joining us as we go – and we will keep the spirit alive, without the complications.
The “GPWA” is really just a forum with a database.
It’s the people who make a difference.
The funny thing is that in a way Cindy picked most of us to be here – the ones who were a threat somehow.
So be it. We are a great bunch. We can do exactly what we wanted to do over there.
What’s the difference? A domain name?
October 23, 2003 at 7:40 pm #640558Anonymous
InactiveYes it was a valiant concept too – however it didn’t consider growth and the evolution of its senior members and that’s why I believe its failing. Your not seeing newbies being expelled or resigning it’s the senior representatives.
The group was founded on the morals of webmasters helping webmasters. That in itself is a novel idea, but only so much information can be shared and once it’s been exhausted what’s left? It’s no secret to experienced webmasters that there really isn’t much over there unless you’re a new webmaster or in the “clique.”
This clique will do what ever it takes to remain in power, they don’t want to consider evolving into something more, they like the feeling of supremacy, even if it is over newbies. Hell it’s this unsuspecting group they can so easily take advantage of and have absolutely no remorse so long as they get theirs.
However, thanks to uncle sam the steady supply of newbies is being cut-off and so is the livelihood of the group. With senior member after senior member leaving and no new members to take their place this group is destined to extinction!
If you have a TRUE friend (one not looking to benefit off of you) though, you can ALWAYS count on them to be there for you. Change is the only constant in this world, and if we fail to adapt we will fall victim as have those that came before us.
This my friend is an adaptation – we have made choices to better ourselves and our closest friends … let the spirit live on!
October 23, 2003 at 8:09 pm #640559Anonymous
InactiveIf you have a TRUE friend (one not looking to benefit off of you) though, you can ALWAYS count on them to be there for you.
I got stuck with a couple of scripts. Craig helped me. I owe him.
October 23, 2003 at 8:48 pm #640564Anonymous
InactiveIf you have a TRUE friend (one not looking to benefit off of you) though, you can ALWAYS count on them to be there for you.
I got stuck with a couple of scripts. Craig helped me. I owe him.
October 24, 2003 at 12:53 am #640572bb1webs
well you know me enough to know I said what I felt. which is that I want to know every single bit of info possible and hiding my head in the sand isn’t going to help me.don’t know how it went over since I just posted, but anyway, Prof, thank you for any and all info concerning this and any matter involving the biz in which we are in the know.
I can’t imagine why anyone would want to censor these publications because right now it has not been decided that what we do is illegal.
I very much want to know if /when that time should come; so that I can comply …. or move someplace where I don’t have to worry about it.
October 24, 2003 at 1:34 am #640575vladcizsol
MemberThats only common sense BB1.
Unfortunately that has been in very short supply over at GPWA for some time now.
I will do my best to keep everyone posted on whatever info I find online and I hope the rest of you share any news or info you find.
Thats what a webmaster community is supposed to do I thought and its what we will do here at CAP….