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  • #781623

    No problem Dom,

    @Dominique 179830 wrote:

    I wouldn’t. If Lou left I’d likely go along and put some eggs in a new basket with him. I was here when he started CAP over 7 years ago, and it’s been an exciting and rewarding ride. If it were time to saddle up another horse, I’d be game.

    Well you guys can’t leave me behind! LOL If both of you guys go and i’m invited to the game then count me in. :D hehe


    A day a the spa, I am thinking that is in order making me an appt at the best one here in the good ole show me state for this weekend!!

    No ship is sailing without me and I have a large basket to bring for eggs:hattip:



    whatever happens, your health comes first. Do not let this stress you out to a point that you lose sleep over it.

    We have made our thoughts and feelings very clear. I assume that one of the three, John, Yvette or Warren have access to this part of the forum – but the “public” thread should also be a clear indication as to how the affiliates feel (Except Stupid of course :tongue:)
    They only need to take the time to read through these 2 threads to realise what is going on. So, I will not be sending them a PM – either one of the 2 threads should be enough to realise that certification may not be on the cards right now. Seriously though… since when do we care what the GPWA says or does?????

    If they feel comfortable certifying them after all that – so be it.



    Thank god this nightmare is over.


    Glad that CAP came to the rescue in the end :)

    For the record, I won’t be promoting them anymore. I don’t feel I can trust them.

    As an aside, and this could well be coincidence, my player that was playing every day for the last 6 months (bar a 2 week holiday in August) stopped the day after I got back from CAP Euro (where I met Jeff) and hasn’t played since :tongue:

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