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The new BCP term

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    Simmo has it summed up right there , this is about a sales deal Lou and you know what salesmen are like when they have to meet that quota. I have not had time to go there and read but I am sure if Simmo says they are pissed over there it must be true. Also, CAP stands above GPWA in many many ways and CAP sets higher expections over and above what GPWA does so your stance against it is more meaningful which is why BCN is crying like babies, they are getting the feel of the sting affiliates are sending to them now.


    Im stuck between a rock and hard place. We dont have a “listing only classification” at CAP and if we did who would payu to be there? It’s almost better to just not have a presence at CAP then to be admitted access, but you have to wear a grey smock with a big red x on it.

    Guys please make your thougfhts and opinions known to John, Yvette and Warren (Certification team) I am sure they will appreciate the feedback. Contact them via PM here at CAP. I am going to step back a little on this as I am losing sleep over the whole thing and I have to remain sharp for all the other things I have on my plate and I really dont want to get sick over something that at the end of the day isnt life changing. People who want to work with BCP will and those that dont wont. Nothing will change that.


    PS Im not going to turn their certification on or approve it. As I am not the sole share holder in the company it may mean my leaving CAP, I dont know, but if they get pushed through its not my decision.


    Well, re GPWA, why do they set the pace for us? They don’t.

    If Warren etc are not aware that the success of CAP depends more on the good will of affiliates than on that of one program, they haven’t been paying good attention.

    Don’t stress over this, Lou. It will go down one way or another and I don’t think the fallout will hit you personally. If you were to leave CAP, so would everyone with any clout here. CAP would not exist without you and will not exist without you.


    Thanks Dom. I will always be a part of CAP but I may ease out of the lime light and focus on other endeavors. I just am getting burned out with all this constant turmoil. I might just turn up at the shows and see my friends who knows.

    Guess its time for a short vacation or cruise.


    @Professor 179799 wrote:

    Guess its time for a short vacation or cruise.

    Plan! Come to Macau with Marie and have a gamble with me and Ted :D


    Alternate plan – come and join 9 of the G&C crew in Vegas for a week of fun and relaxation in the week of the 8th of November. :hattip:


    I will be in Vegas the 12 through the 17th with a few of my guys. We are going to see the UFC91 fights at MGM Saturday night. As usual, I am in a tower suite at the Wynn. So that should help revive me a little (or wear me out more!) :hattip:


    Most of the crew will leave a couple days before me, but I will leave on the 14th. Maybe we can meet up on the 13th? That would be fun.


    Lets work it out. Maybe a Spa day for me you and Mrs Professor?


    Damn sounds like a great time! If I can say with no offense intended here at all but I really hope CAP is not going to be leaning towards a more “corporate” type of forum, that is when it stops being about us affiliates and what is good for us in general and more about what is right for the “board” and shareholders. One thing I love about CAP is that we can express our thoughts and opinions and well there is my thoughts on this. Lou this place would be boring and dead without you around, your the foundation of this forum and everyone of us look up to you and depend on you for guidance as well. I admire you for sticking up for us all and going against the shareholders.

    Lou when your making yourself ill and not enjoying this anymore then it is time to step back and go have fun, believe me I know all to well that life is way to short not to enjoy it with your family. Go get crazy wild in Vegas and hell drink a few for me will ya!!


    DITTO on what Christine said. :) The only reason I”m hear is due to Professor and Dom. I’ll still be here if you leave Lou, but I’ll be very sad.


    @Professor 179809 wrote:

    Lets work it out. Maybe a Spa day for me you and Mrs Professor?

    Way cool. :) We’ll work it out.


    CAP will always be about affiliates. Thats why we are here, its why we started and its always our primary focus, but it is a business too and thats true now as it has been for years. You take the good with the bad I guess. We have the clout to make things happen. We produce quality magazines and events that are free for affiliates. We just invested another $100,000 for the new software which will power CAP 2.2/2.3. That all takes money to make happen so we gotta keep the lights on. I understand that and more often then not I get my way about who we have here and who we dont. Lets see what happens.

    I think some time off in Vegas may just perk me up. Just gotta hang on one more month :wink-wink


    @GamTrak 179817 wrote:

    DITTO on what Christine said. :) The only reason I”m hear is due to Professor and Dom. I’ll still be here if you leave Lou, but I’ll be very sad.

    Oops, I hit the edit button instead of the quote button. Nothing edited here! Sorry! :tongue:

    I wouldn’t. If Lou left I’d likely go along and put some eggs in a new basket with him. I was here when he started CAP over 7 years ago, and it’s been an exciting and rewarding ride. If it were time to saddle up another horse, I’d be game.

    But I’d have a cow if Lou actually left, I don’t see it happening. I don’t think any of us would want that, including Lou and me. Not gonna happen over stuff like this. :colgate:

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