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  • #597216

    Anyone familiar with this site?

    They seem to be scraping content and I found them by searching for some of my site names and found their sub-domains and folders ranking and the description had my sites urls.

    When I went to the page, they redirected to their main site.

    Pulled some of their pages and it looks like they’ve duplicated a page over and over but have a directory type listing with other sites in it and this varies from page to page.

    Lot’s of funky code going on when you examine their pages.

    Here’s some urls: poker

    Maybe its nothing, I dont know but it seems odd.

    Is the Greek familiar with them?


    IMO this is bad stuff and I would go running to google’s spam report and report it.

    It looks like they are stealing your rankings.


    Very familiar with these sites. I have been trying to relax a little in these sorts of operations to keep my sanity in check. In any case your claim is legit and they are also burning Dominique as well.



    Heck, everyone and his brother is burning me anymore.

    If they can’t do it one way, they do it another.

    One of these days I am going to sue the hell out of the lot of them.

    Or in case they are hiding out in Russia or wherever, it is not beyond me to reach there locally.

    I am so pissed off about this, I am going to explode some day soon and chase these guys to hell and back.

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