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Submitting a few pages to start with.

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    I’ve started building my site and I was aiming to launch in a couple months from now. But as I start to get more and more into building, I’m not sure if a couple months is realistic for me, at least with my current situation.

    I’ve been reading the SEO for Dummies and in one of the chapters under the section that briefly talks about the sandbox, it says:

    the longer your domain has been registered, the better, and the longer your site has been up, the better…. Get a site, even a few pages, posted as soon as possible,…

    So my question is, should I create a few pages that I can have working for me now to establish some credibility? Of course they would be pages that would have been intergrated into my site anways. I would have the remaining pages in my site that are unfinished linked to coming soon pages that way I could just add to the site as I build it. Or is that a stupid idea altogether? Should I just wait to submit until my site is completely built?

    Mahalo guys.


    If you don’t have anybody going to your site just yet, I’d go ahea and put htem up. HOnestly, who’s going to find your site if you don’t want it to be found.

    Now, I dunno about SEO and having your site be up longer and all that, but if that’s true, I’d go ahead and get your stuff up now.

    YOu can always edit it later and just because your site isn’t yet ready for launch doesn’t mean that you can’t put some pages up.


    Yupperz, not only will it give you history and credibility, you want to get them indexed asap as well :)



    As far as history and credibility goes, does early submission of a couple pages create foundation for the domain overall,, or does it only apply to that particular page submitted,

    casinowahine wrote:
    As far as history and credibility goes, does early submission of a couple pages create foundation for the domain overall,, or does it only apply to that particular page submitted,

    If your index page has links to your inner pages, then the submission should be fine. However, many suggest not submitting manually and just gaining links from other websites whereas the se’s will find your site.

    occ wrote:
    If your index page has links to your inner pages, then the submission should be fine. However, many suggest not submitting manually and just gaining links from other websites whereas the se’s will find your site.

    Yah. I just read somewhere that manual submissions tend to get ignored and that your best bet would be to get quality links pointing to your page in regards to the se’s recognizing your presence.

    Now how about this thought…

    Would it matter which pages I got up first? Like, does it have to be the homepage necessarily (although I’m sure preferably) or could I get some of the pages up first?

    Also, with a few pages going up little by little, will those pages make due (for the time being) with just a couple of backlinks to start getting indexed? I know you ideally need a buttload of links pointing to your site, but with just a few pages coming up, I don’t think it’s a good marketing strategy to start asking for link exchange with not enough site substance.

    Or seriously, does this situation have “sandbox” written all over it? Or is this how some people actually do it? :nervous:

    Mahalo for the help guys. :blush:


    I would say that adding pages little by little is the most natural way to build a website anyway. That being said, some pages are better than no pages up. :)


    Google likes to see slow, natual growth of everything.

    Content, links, everything.

    And I disagree, I think you should submit manually to google and everything else you can think of.

    Dominique wrote:

    That’s a heck of a list! :woo-hoo:


    When I got started I spent hours and hours and days and days hunting down places to get listed.

    Now, years later, I am soooo glad I did that.

    You don’t get instant results, but you do establish a presence and it will serve you well in the long run.


    Mahalo everyone for your responses on the thread. :hattip:

    Dom – that list is great! Mahalo for sharing!!

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