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March 27, 2006 at 5:50 pm #593311
You have assured me I would be paid every dime owed for my players. In 10 days my players (650 plus) have attempted to download All Jackpots Casino software. These are not clickthroughs ….these are downloads from a special promotion.I cannot explain why your statistics show that only 150 have succeeded. Sir, not a single dollar has been recorded from any player during this promotion. Not a single dollar. Please explain these statistics and why you are showing only 3 depositing players. Your statistics again, are not correct.
March 27, 2006 at 6:40 pm #687164Anonymous
InactiveAre you using the direct download links?
Most people do not realize they are clicking on an actual download and freak out when they see someting happening on their computer and either pull the plug or do some other stupid thing to stop the “invasion” of their computer and never return to your site and tell all their friends not to.
Sorry if that is not your problem, but it sure soundslike it from here.
Do you have a link to where these downloads are originating?
March 27, 2006 at 8:29 pm #687168Anonymous
I really don’t want to be dragged into another round with pacificsun1. Pacificsun1 emailed me this month and I replied, and then he emailed me again and I replied again and then again and I didn’t get a reply other than this posting. My last email to him:
,Please explain to me what isn’t correct in our stats.
Thanks you,
LloydMaybe someone can help me here – how can someone just come into our lounge and create a new thread entitled ‘Stats Incorrect’ on absolutely no grounds? Is this a fair way of doing business?
Dominique, do we really need to go through this all again or can we take this off line?
This statement itself is simply not true:
Sir, not a single dollar has been recorded from any player during this promotion. Not a single dollar.
Here are Pacificsun1’s All Jackpots stats so far for this month:
Downloads 150
Guests 59
New Real registers 23
New Real Players 3
New made 2nd purchase 0
Total active players 4
Purchases $925 etc..So, how can he say ‘Sir, not a single dollar has been recorded from any player during this promotion. Not a single dollar’. We are one of the few programs that provide per player reporting. Our data comes right from the casino data warehouse and we have neither the time nor the desire to mess with these numbers.
I apologize for my somewhat curt posting but I don’t believe we need to be bulled especially like this.
Best regards,
LloydMarch 27, 2006 at 8:40 pm #687171Anonymous
InactiveWell, given that we just went through this in the United forum, and nothing came of it, I agree and would like Pacificsun to take this up privately.
No one else has expressed any kind of problem resembling yours with either of the programs.
March 27, 2006 at 11:02 pm #687182Anonymous
InactiveThe first thing that comes to mind here is why would an affiliate that claims to have experienced so many problems with stats in the past run another promotion. Me personally, if I had concerns on how accurate the stats were, the last thing I would do is run an exclusive promotion risking hundreds of potential depositors to a program that I thought was short changing me. I personally wouldn’t throw away potential income just to prove a point. Thats just smart business. No offense Pacific, but it just appears that your unhappy with your stats and you believe them to be off. If you have run a certain test, meaning you actually witnessed someone live go to your website, download the casino, deposit money, and the stats did not show, then I don’t think it would be very hard to get to the bottom of it by submiting the name and account number of the person to Lloyd. These vague attempts at calling their program out with no proof are in my opinion just your way of venting because you find it highly unlikely to have that many downloads and such few players. Frankly, if your that concerned about the stats issues, move on to a program where you don’t have these concerns. I personally have witnessed programs that show new players one day, then they are gone from my stats the next day, and programs that I ran tests by friends setting up accounts from another computer, yet they never showed up. Do you know how I handled them, I just dropped them. I wasn’t interested in some lame excuse on why this happened as one of the accounts that was opened was from a brand new computer right out of the box so it couldn’t be a cookies issue or any other kind of bs they try to give me. It just isn’t worth the time to even inquire about it as I know in my heart I would never feel comfortable in sending tons of players this program so I just promote the programs that pass all my tests every time I run them. If they don’t I drop them. The bottom line here is that yes, there are a few underhanded programs out there that pull some dirty tricks to steal from you, but your not being fair to brightshare here and I don’t find this to be the case. If your that concerned about it just move on or deal with it the right way and submit proof, names, account #s ect. I know many affiliates here run their own tests, and I personally think if there was anything malicious or any errors in stats, you would not be the only one inquiring about this. I find your accusations to be unfounded and more less a way to vent your frustrations. I understand Pacific, believe me I do but you will have better sucess by being more professional about this and not spaming the boards like you have. Good luck, I hope you can work some of these issues out.
March 28, 2006 at 12:06 am #687186Anonymous
InactiveMy personal experience with Brightshare has been an excellent one. Their stats have always been correct. I am paid on time, and Lloyd is always there when I need help. This is one of my best affiliate programs when it is about the key factors: conversion rate, stats accuracy, management’s honesty and support.
March 28, 2006 at 12:07 am #687187Anonymous
InactiveI agree with betprize. Brightshare and Lloyd do an excellent job. I have tested their statistics, myself, and find them to be accurate (even when I do not wish them to be).
March 28, 2006 at 1:47 am #687191Anonymous
InactiveMr. Aptner,
You have posted stats that have not changed since the end of my last promotion earlier this month with you. You are twisting things so as it might appear there has been activity when in fact not a single dollar has been posted during this promotion.After complaining last month of this same problem I received a 4 figure check from you and a promise that my stats would be recorded correctly from here on in. My current promotion with All Jackpots has produced 400% more downloads than the last promotion. Yet not a single dollar has been attributed.
As I mentioned earlier, I have contact with my players. They receive a free gift when registering to play for real money with your casino. These players have not been included in my stats.
Dominique….I do not offer links to All Jackpots but rather direct downloads only. I make it very clear to the player that he is clicking a link to download. 650 players have clicked this link. Mr. Aptner did not post these 650 players in my stats he has shown you…. 650 players have clicked to download…not one has been recorded as a download.
Dominique…I am a bit resentful of your statement. “Well, given that we just went through this in the United forum, and nothing came of it”
Something did come of it. I was paid 3 separate times for my commission after complaining that each amount was incorrect. It’s true…no money ended up in your pocket but it did in mine and it was deserved. This shows shoddy record keeping and a unwillingness to pay the proper amount owed to affiliates. So please, don’t suggest nothing came of it. Everyone will benefit when innacurate affiliate statistics are exposed.Mr. Aptner has a reputation for fairness that I consider undeserved. I will continue to be polite…but I will expect that my stats are recorded correctly and I am paid the proper amount owed. It’s not my intention to embarrass Mr. Aptner however private e-mails have done nothing to solve this problem 6 e-mails were previously ignored.
It was not until I took this matter up in the forum that he acknowledged a problem with recording my statistics and he addressed the issue.
I am extremely grateful to you and the Professor for allowing me to confront Mr. Aptner with these problems in an open forum. He has made promises to me in private e-mails that he has not kept however when he is confronted in an open forum he has responded.
All the accolades from others mean nothing to me. I am not swayed by those who have been treated correctly by this gentleman….I have not !
March 28, 2006 at 6:58 am #687208Anonymous
InactivePacificsun1, it’s Apter and not Aptner and lloyd is just fine as well.
This statement is not true (to be mild about it):
After complaining last month of this same problem I received a 4 figure check from you and a promise that my stats would be recorded correctly from here on in.
150 downloaded out of 650 that clicked on the direct download link, so where does this come from?
650 players have clicked to download…not one has been recorded
as a download.Not true, to be even milder about it:
He has made promises to me in private e-mails that he has not kept however when he is confronted in an open forum he has responded.
Dominique, Professor, we have all been through all this before and if there were grounds then I would be more than happy to invest as much time as it would take to make sure that our program’s reporting is accurate but I don’t see any grounds here…
Best regards,
LloydMarch 28, 2006 at 2:55 pm #687228Anonymous
InactiveIt’s true…no money ended up in your pocket but it did in mine
Ok, now I am seriously pissed off.
How should any money end up in my pocket when you have a dispute with Ryan? Huh? Are you implying you pay people to back you up? Or?
I am nor the least bit surprised at all the aborted downloads when you use forced downloads.
I tested that myself and it is only good when presented in the right way.
What’s wrong with showing your site so you can maybe get some advice on how to capture all these players?
March 28, 2006 at 3:20 pm #687233vladcizsol
MemberPacificsun Lloyds reputation for fairness and honesty is WELL DESERVED and generally shared by all the affiliates who work with Brightshare. If you have tracking issues to disucss that’s fine, thats what the forum is here for, BUT please do so without personal remarks like:
Quote:Mr. Aptner has a reputation for fairness that I consider undeserved.or subtle pokes at Dominique. These are inflamatory comments and detract from the issues you are reporting.
I have always found Lloyd to be responsive and Im sure he will work with you to resolve any issues if you take a positive and professional approach to problem reporting.
March 28, 2006 at 6:21 pm #687256Anonymous
InactiveI have always found Lloyd to be responsive and Im sure he will work with you to resolve any issues if you take a positive and professional approach to problem reporting.
Couldn’t agree more Professor.
March 28, 2006 at 6:36 pm #687258Anonymous
InactiveFirst let me say there was no pokes at Dominique. No…not at all. I’m too old for that. When I have something to say it’s not veiled and there is no ambiquity. It’s upfront it’s right in your face. Mr. Apner will confirm that. I think Dominique is hot and she is, I believe, your most valuable asset. I think she’s honest and I think she is more than fair or at least has been to me.
I was offended when she stated my dissagreement with Earn United lead nowhere. Earn United advertises 50% commissions on your website but told me the program ended 2 years earlier which accounted for half my earnings not being paid. This issue was brought to light. To suggest that nothing became of my effort…I apologize for being misinterpreted but It’s just plain wrong. I would never be disrespectful Dominique.
As for you Professor, I admire what you do and your accomplishments. I understand there is a balancing act with your web site and I am grateful you have allowed me to participate. It can’t be easy to pacify advertisers and at the same time single handedly keep them in check. Your website is the only regulator of internet gambling that has any muscle. I got absolutely no response from Mr. Apner. For two months he ignored me. Until I brought up issues in the forum I was owed $31.00. After I pointed out fault in his stat recording in your forum I was paid over $1,100. So am I appreciate of your your company….? ABSOLUTELY !
I believe however you are overlooking an important point. You are most likely being treated better than other affiliates. Ask yourself this: Would Mr. Apner ignore 6 e-mails from you. What would your dollar stats look like after 163 player downloads? 650 + failed attempts to download….? Mine looks like $ 0.00. You can jump on his bandwagon if he’s doing you right. I’ve done the same thing with 888. There isn’t anything wrong with it but you have to understand we’re not on an equal playing field. I’m not being treated as good as you are….or Dominique. There are others who keep silent and accept a partial payment all the time knowing that something is wrong. No….not me. I’m being punished ….for bitching about stats that aren’t being recorded. If I keep my mouth shut maybe I’ll make another $31.00 for two months.
One last thing in closing. I don’t believe Mr. Apner has any right to take my private statistic and post them in the forum. I’m surprised this didn’t raise any concerns about affiliate privacy and I’m dissapointed in all who ignored this. NO ONE has admonished him for doing that. Has Mr. Apner ever posted your private stats…AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF HE DID….?The dollar figure shown is a carry over from my last promotion…There has been no monetary activity….ZERO yet this promotion is 400% better.
As for wanting to see my website. My website does not play a part or used in my promotion. Right now it’s pathetic and under construction. As for Mr. Apner…may I ask that you record my statistics correctly and pay me the money that’s owed ? This is a promise you have made me ….but a promise that has not been kept.
March 28, 2006 at 7:48 pm #687264Anonymous
InactiveWhy are you antagonizing Lloyd? I think you should just close your affiliate account at Brightshare out and move on to other programs, out of hundreds of affiliates you seem to be the only one not happy!
You are offended that Lloyd showed a small amount of your stats, why? There is nothing private posted there, just numbers and you pushed him to post that, I would be upset if Lloyd out of the blue just came on and posted a thread about you and showed your stats for no good reason, to me he had the right here to defend himself.
You don’t have a website? How are you getting these players then, this is all a bit suspicious to me.
I feel like you should have went to Dom or another Admin here in a private message about this, you did the public ranting once before and I was not impressed then as I am not impressed now!
I know for a fact that Lloyd does not ignore people, there were a few times when I needed help and he took time out, on his off time when he should be with his family to help me with my problems!
Lloyd keep on doing the great job!
March 28, 2006 at 9:31 pm #687270Anonymous
InactiveMost (but not all) programs do respond when the professor or I write. That is necessary if we are to be able to settle disputes when necessary, and the programs know that. It helps all sides involved.
pacificsun1 wrote:I believe however you are overlooking an important point. You are most likely being treated better than other affiliates. I’m not being treated as good as you are….or Dominique.If that was the case, Lloyd would not have allowed a winner to wipe out my entire income two months in a row, especially with my complaining loudly about it elsewhere in this forum.
Brightshare, in my opinion, would be a much better program if it didn’t bundle.
I have not found a problem with Brightshare stats however, and I have found Lloyd to be honest and straight forward.
That’s why I promote Brightshare still, despite the bundling.
I think Dominique is hot and she is, I believe, your most valuable asset. I think she’s honest and I think she is more than fair or at least has been to me.
Flattery will get you everywhere.