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  • #726606

    I think this is being blown out of proportion.

    There was a CPA contract, the value of the players sent was not equal to the CPA offered, so the CPA was changed into a (generous) rev share to facilitate future cooperation. Happens all the time.

    Obviously neither party received mails from the other one for some reason, but in the day of mail filters that happens all the time. I can’t count the number of posts we get here that are sparked by mail not getting through to one party or the other or both.

    Calling people liars is not something we tend to do here, and apparently the “loling” email wasn’t very nice either.

    As far as I know Spectra is a decent program and DonErique is a decent affiliate and you all need to get some reconcilatory private correspondence going and make some money together.


    @Spectra /David

    Since you love mentioning the “LOL’ing” i will explain it for you. You were asking I don’t know how many times if you could get a spot on I kept saying no. When we finally agreed to a deal and your casino launched you came back and said your company had closed our account according to a meeting you had with the fraud department and your CEO.

    The reason why the amount was 230$ was that we were getting between 250$-500$ CPA’s so I didn’t see any reason to add a brand new RTG site for less.

    I wonder why a company of your size is having meetings with the fraud department, the affiliate manager and the CEO when you receive 3 players that weren’t worth what you had hoped for. (4 players according to you – in my memory it was 3 and then 1 player have converted after we changed the deal from CPA to %.)

    We did put you online and just as we did you you wanted to be removed.

    You can call me lier all day long. People we work with know they can trust us and we trust our partners.

    If you honestly think that we would set up ad deal to scam 600$ from Spectra Games I need not to say more.


    & DOM
    I agree with both of you.


    I also agree with Dom that this issue has been blown out of proportion.

    Let’s consider it as miscommunication. Nothing more, nothing less.

    — peace —

    Member wrote:
    …and I have a pending withdrawel for 14 days with these guys.

    I have send them 2 mails – no reply – and still no money in my Neteller!

    Sorry about that. Please email ME the FULL details ( and I’ll get back to you asap.


    CPA deals nearly always cause hassles don’t they?

    IF the casino doesn’t get the value they expect from players then there is often a claim of publisher fraud …

    If the publisher is being paid then it usually means that the casino is getting far more value for money – and a rev share deal would have been better anyway.


    In this specific case …

    From what I’ve seen of Mr Enrique on CAP – I’d say that is top notch and not likely to be remotely interested in this small time fraud …

    But spectragames may not have had the benefit of seeing that – and may also have dealt with many cases that seemed similar and were fraudulent — and lets face it we can find 1000 sites on the web that’s would obviously rip off their grandmother for $100 …


    I’ve had one experience myself (when dealing with 888.con) of being kicked out of a CPA deal after 3 months when they were happy for the first two months … and they also used the F-R-A-U-D word and inferred it was my fault.

    Let’s just say that I’ll have nothing to do with that #@$%% @!#$#$ @#@$#@$@$$ company even if they’re the last online place left on Earth !!

    It’s not the ending of the deal that matters as that’s a valid client business decison at any time with CPA …… it’s the reneging on an agreement and then the subsequent accusations. It really does get affiliates angry.

    It’s the world-wide-web for goodness sake – I have no idea who has clicked on the links – I get 150,000 visits a month and don’t know all of them !!!

    (err – sorry getting worked up again)


    The two sides will never agree here (I know from my personal experience above) and public debate will probably not solve anything.

    But I also know that this is an affiliate forum and I’ll take the experience onboard regarding another CPA failure – and unforunately for Spectragames I’ll know that you saw $690 as more important than keeping to your word.

    That was a poor value choice in my opinion … I would have thought that your reputation was worth more than that.

    TheGooner wrote:
    CPA deals nearly always cause hassles don’t they?

    IF the casino doesn’t get the value they expect from players then there is often a claim of publisher fraud …

    If the publisher is being paid then it usually means that the casino is getting far more value for money – and a rev share deal would have been better anyway.


    In this specific case …

    From what I’ve seen of Mr Enrique on CAP – I’d say that is top notch and not likely to be remotely interested in this small time fraud …

    But spectragames may not have had the benefit of seeing that – and may also have dealt with many cases that seemed similar and were fraudulent — and lets face it we can find 1000 sites on the web that’s would obviously rip off their grandmother for $100 …
    :omg: …


    Cheers mate :cheers:


    Probably a great example of how things can go wrong if the parties don’t trust each other. I will put this episode to rest and not bother about it again.

    Have a nice weekend all


    I’ve had one experience myself (when dealing with 888.con) of being kicked out of a CPA deal after 3 months when they were happy for the first two months … and they also used the F-R-A-U-D word and inferred it was my fault

    888 has been online forever and by now should know who is who and what is what and I find that pretty inexcusable on that basis.

    But spectragames may not have had the benefit of seeing that – and may also have dealt with many cases that seemed similar and were fraudulent — and lets face it we can find 1000 sites on the web that’s would obviously rip off their grandmother for $100 …

    I agree, Spectra is just getting to know us and hasn’t had the opportunity yet to sort the grain from the chaff….

    This business definitely has a learning curve for all of us. Guys like 888 and Party with years and years in this business should know better.

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