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  • #606033

    Something is going on over at Paradise 8 and it is looking VERY suspicious!

    2 domains are being used for this:

    The email is a ‘try our games’, ‘get $xxx free’ email and has an unsubscribe, but IS unsolicited. It appears to be sent to players who have a Paradise8 account (but could be players who have any Rival account, who knows at this point).

    If you actually click the link, you go to which DOES have a reference URL on it (affiliate link). However, we all know that means very little.

    The link is: xxxx

    Here are the ONLY scenarios that make sense:

    1. Paradise 8 is behind this and is attempting to get players playing (using their OWN database).

    2. Paradise 8 is behind this and is attempting to CONVERT players from OTHER Rival casinos to their own casino (which would mean PILFERING affiliate’s players since it would create a new account with no proper tying of YOUR affiliate id for YOUR player).

    3. An Affiliate has purchased a copy of RIVALS FULL DATABASE and is attempting to convert players to Paradise8 in order to steal other affiliate’s players and make a bunch of money off of it.

    Scenarios that DON’T MAKE SENSE:

    1. An affiliate is sending out emails to existing Paradise8 players. If this was the case, then there would be NO benefit to that affiliate as those players would already be attached to the previous affiliate.

    Any other ideas? All I know is that this has me fuming – I don’t appreciate the mailer I got.


    This email was not from Paradise 8 nor sent to it’s players using Paradise 8’s database. The email was sent by an affiliate who has been spamming two casino/sportsbook/poker databases he bought while at industry conferences. Evidently some of the players in these databases also have accounts at Paradise 8. He apparently added the bogus information about the previous account to avoid getting shut down by his mail server for spamming. I was made aware of this yesterday by one of our affiliates and confronted the offending affiliate today.

    Believe me when I say this has me as angry as you as I’ve been having to deal with this mess for two days. Although we can’t control what every affiliate of ours will do what we can do is cut them off when they are acting in an unethical or deceitful way. Needless to say this affiliate has been banned permanently.


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