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Someone has copied my site big time

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    I periodically use


    The person who copied my site I was able to contact through email from the help of an old friend at After talking with the offending webmaster he understood the damage he could of caused to my site and promptly removed his site.

    As you are aware Mario from VIP Profits is away on vacation so I was not able to get the help from the program, but his managers were supportive.

    I am glad this problem is resolved, and I know that VIP Profits does not condone scrapping of sites.


    Mario is definitely useful when this type of thing happens and if the copied site has any relationship with VIP Profits then I’m sure he will help. In my case the copied content was removed within a day or so after the offending webmaster had ignored my initial (polite) contact.


    Is this a good tool for checking for stolen content?

    How do you folks check this – any tips?



    Put your domain in there it will show you results of all similar content sites.
    Then you manually look at them. It highlights the similar contents.. Some results will not be that much.. Others will have a lot of your contents.

    I have found sites that copied my whole page that i put in copyscape to check, or copied main parts of my page..

    Second step.. How to prove it was your contents.. Well can show who’s contents was there first. This is all good information to prove legally who copied whom.

    It is illegal to copy someones orginal words or graphics without permission.
    General idea’s of site layouts you can not do much about.

    Usually you can ask the person to remove contents and they will.. If they do not you can contact affiliate program managers, which most are helpful on this as well.

    krystall2 wrote:
    Put your domain in there it will show you results of all similar content sites.
    Then you manually look at them. It highlights the similar contents.. Some results will not be that much.. Others will have a lot of your contents.

    I have found sites that copied my whole page that i put in copyscape to check, or copied main parts of my page..

    Second step.. How to prove it was your contents.. Well can show who’s contents was there first. This is all good information to prove legally who copied whom.

    It is illegal to copy someones orginal words or graphics without permission.
    General idea’s of site layouts you can not do much about.

    Usually you can ask the person to remove contents and they will.. If they do not you can contact affiliate program managers, which most are helpful on this as well.

    Thanks! That was very helpful! and fast . . . :D


    your very welcome :)

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