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Someone has copied my site big time

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  • #590702

    Hi Guys,

    I am sending this message in hope that someone here can help me out.

    My website has been copied by (you will notice they are identical).

    This is extremely damaging to my SE placement and I would like to know what I can do to overcome this.

    The guys email address which copied my website is

    Suggestions please so I can move on…


    Matt Cutts recently posted in his blog a request for all webmasters to report spam to Google. I think this definitely counts as spam.

    There seems to be many of these scraper sites cropping up and if you are the offended webmaster, you need to take action to protect yourself. Everyone that has been posting about these issues should at least be reporting these sites to Google and Yahoo. Since you also happen to have the webmaster’s email, it wouldn’t hurt to send some sort of cease and decist letter. Maybe start with a cordial email, then advance to something that looks like legal trouble (I’m sure there are plenty of these sorts of documents around the web you could re-fashion). You might just scare them into complying.


    certainly nothing ventured; nothing gained. Yes I’d definitely send a letter. And I’d enclose that

    I will require a response stating you will take down the site in order to avoid my begining the process of legal recourse: because once its begun I am not sure how far things will go before I am no longer in a position to prevent them from going all the way to prosecution resulting in possible fines or even jail time. I would very much like to avoid such an uncomfortable position for both yourself and me; because I really don’t want to see anyone in jail; but make no mistake I will do whatever it takes to protect what is mine that is within the legal limits of the law. The simple and smart thing to do is to take the site down and move on to easier prey. If that is your decision, please waste no time in reply because i won’t wait long before I persue the matter on a much more formal basis.


    Thank you for all the replies as this is very comforting to know that I can rely on the support of people here at CAP.

    Action I have taken to hopefully overcome this:-

    1) Email has been sent to the offending webmasters email address and my thanks goes to (WS domain registrar) for providing their personal info in a timily fashion.
    2) VIP Profits are aware of the problem and due to my very close relationship with them they are fully on my side.
    3) Spoke to a person at google and they informed me that people scape websites and since Wheretobet is close to 8 years old and has been listed in google my site will not to penalized by them.

    Thanks once again.


    I can’t stand this sort of thing. but I am good at doing something about it. If nothing is done by the methods you are using, tell me I have friends that love fighting fire with fire. Currently I am working on another copied website its taking sometime, the server is located in China. Copywright laws and huge holes in their internet service, its a tough one. I wish you luck and feel for you. greek39

    P.S maybe I will sent a email along with a packet, bombs away!


    The best thing we have is the date of creation of the ofended website. Since the offending website is always created later, google and other search engines know wich one is the offending one and will penalise only them and not you.

    The legal question is much more difficult. There are people around the world on the internet and from some countries that would not be much concerned with a letter threatening with legal prosecutions. In this kind of situation it may be better to speak with affiliate managers. They are in the best positions to take action and suspend accounts.

    sharpgambler wrote:
    The best thing we have is the date of creation of the ofended website. Since the offending website is always created later, google and other search engines know wich one is the offending one and will penalise only them and not you.

    The legal question is much more difficult. There are people around the world on the internet and from some countries that would not be much concerned with a letter threatening with legal prosecutions. In this kind of situation it may be better to speak with affiliate managers. They are in the best positions to take action and suspend accounts.

    I agree, a letter threatening prosecution would do nothing. I tend to think a little different than most. Being polite and following propper protocals don’t always work with criminals that copy sites. I often have to restrain myself, I am sure we all know how to rip this copied site down asap.



    its still best to approach with communication first. The idea is to contact them and let them know you know… that you’re not going to stand by and do nothing… and then if they don’t comply … use stronger tactics.

    I think it was someone thats a member here whom I recall had hired someone else for SEO purposes; and the SEO people copied content and added it to the person’s website without them knowing what had been done.

    once the person was aware, they took down the content and that was that.

    While that may not be the case here; its certainly worth the time it takes to contact them…. which it seems you’ve done. Now i’d give them a day or two to respond before going any further.


    I’d contact VIP if they are an honest group I think they would have no problem withholding this other sites pay until all your content is removed. While youre doing that contact this jerk and let him know you know and that you have contacted VIP etc – he will remove it!

    I would be careful about reporting it as spam – dont want your site removed for being a duplicate/mirror. I have seen older original sites removed along with the new rip offs!

    I also would not suggest fighting the fire with 5 gallons of gasoline. Two wrongs dont make a right.


    Whatever you or whoever did must have worked, looks like their host pulled the site. I get a removed for violations message.


    .ws has temp suspended his account.

    Good Afternoon,

    The domain name has been suspended while we investigate this issue further. You will notified accordingly of the full action that has been taken as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


    David ****

    Hopefully now I can move on.


    yee hah congradulations! We should all be this aggressive when it comes to people ripping off our sites. greek39


    Indeed, that is impressively swift action.


    Simon, it would be nice if you would credit the program that helped you. It helps people decide who to trust.


    This might be a really stupid question, but how do you find out whether someone has copied your site? It’s quite a worrying phenomenom…

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