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Site Scraping – Lets Scrape the Scrapers

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  • #589071

    Guys I think we all have had it with the redirects and site scrapers totally trashing our search rankings. It may be time to fight fire with fire and scrape the scrapers and push THEM out of the serps or have THEM banned for duplicate content.

    Does anyone have any ideas how we could do this or what software would be needed?

    Does anyone know of offshore developers who can put a custom solution together? I have already spoken to a few larger affiliates and we are willing to finance development and deployment.

    The only limits I have on this is that the program(s) be configurable to attack ONLY those sites doing scraping or blog spamming. It must NOT target regular affiliate sites and portals.

    Any ideas?


    With respect, I think this is a really bad idea. Black Hat taking on Black Hat so to speak. These scraper sites do get dropped by the search engines, normally after a few days, but some do take a few weeks maybe a bit longer.

    Our time and effort and thus money should be spent on updating our sites, ensuring quality content. This in the long run beats Black Hat SEO tactics hands down and gets the desired results.

    If you are really annoyed about some of these scraper black hat sites, then just report them to google. It works as well. Then they will be gone even quicker from the index.


    I have always agreed with what you said Webzcas, but the fact remains that these sites continue to be a huge issue for all of us and have not gone away on their own.

    Its always preferable to take the high road and I would never advocate using Blackhat SEO to promote or optimize sites for teh search engines, I do however think its a totally different question here.

    What I am pondering is using Black Hat techniques on those using Black Hat techniques to steal our traffic and rankings. Copying other peoples hard work and content is as low as anyone can possibly go, for people like that there HAS to a response. Pascifism doesnt work with these assholes. Beating them with their own methods will.

    Again the objective is NOT to acheive rankings its to make sure the pond scum does NOT profit through the hard work of others.


    Professor I am in total agreement with you on this, fight fire with fire, but I would like to see affiliate managers culling the income from these sites instantly and should this fail utilise whatever is necessary to give these guys some of their own medicine.

    There will always be people trying to cheat the system or copy others sites and that is life I guess especially were money is concerned, so if it calls for beating them at their own game you have a big “GO FOR IT” from me :hattip:

    rooster wrote:
    but I would like to see affiliate managers culling the income from these sites instantly and should this fail utilise whatever is necessary to give these guys some of their own medicine.

    I hold the programs responsible, particularly Casino on Net, Golden Palace and Casino Partner properties.

    They need to fix this. They are supporting it and causing it. They are the root of the problem. If they don’t fix it after having been given the opportunity, they should bear the consequences. At that point I will agree to use whatever techniques we can to put a stop to them.


    So, given the affiliate links of these scum, the aff managers are not contacting the sites in question and dealing with it ?

    Holis wrote:
    the aff managers are not contacting the sites in question and dealing with it ?

    Some affiliate managers are supporting these scraper sites… Most affiliate programs are very good about handling these issues and contacting the webmasters in question. There is just a few programs that support this behavior

    These scraper sites do get dropped by the search engines, normally after a few days, but some do take a few weeks maybe a bit longer.

    These sites have been in there over 6 months. There is thousands of these type sites. We have seen respected affiliates that have worked years on there sites drop out of the serps do to this type of behavior. This is just wrong..

    I would like to see affiliate managers culling the income from these sites instantly and should this fail utilise whatever is necessary to give these guys some of their own medicine.

    I agree 100%..


    I agree that something has to be done, be it from the Program’s, or some sort of collective drastic measures by honest affiliates….

    I’m damn tired of seeing my listings dumped to page 5 in the last two months because of this unscrupulous type of junk….


    so, are the 3 sites listed by dom the ones I should avoid ?


    They are the ones who are usually advertised by these sites, and therefor are the ones financing and encouraging this nuisance.

    This is a lot worse that just harming us as individuals, this is possible death to the industry.

    It is antagonizing the heck out of the search engines – and we need them to treat us fairly. They will soon start ignoring gambling industry complaints. This s#!t is costing them a lot of time and money to keep fixing.

    It is also targeting the state run lotteries and this is the biggest political blunder the casinos have comitted – ever! We need the state operated lotteries to stay on our side fighting the good fight in congress, not antagonize them and have them make independent deals with the politicians. This is a very delicate balance, and these numb nuts are upsetting it to make a quick buck!


    I’ve always believed that if I earn honestly and NEVER use unethical tactics that all would be well. However, lately I have been thinking along the same lines as you all and feel that fighting fire with fire would be the best way to remedy these scrapper, bottom feeding vermon. Too bad I have no idea how to do it! One thing is for certain I am fully willing to take down any properties that do not cooperate with the situation.


    I will have to totally disagree with this mesure. I have a few points I would like to touch:

    1. There should be nobody trying to “police” the industry. And who is to say what is Black Hat SEO? Does repeating a keyword 10 times in a row falls into this category?
    And if you plan on scraping the scraper sites, wouldnt you just “re-scripe” yours and our own content?!? Thus increasing the chances to get banned?

    2. We can get rid of those websites by taking action ourselves in a much better way, namely, by targeting the aff programs. I, for example, do not advertise those aff programs mentioned above, despite their constant emails. This forum justified Casino Partners a few months ago for the same scrapers, and now it’s turning the opposite way…There should be consistency, and if you do not approve the actions of those aff programs – they should not be “certified partners” – how about that Professor?

    3. There are a few aff programs which are behind us 100% and will close an affiliate account for scraping a good site. But how could you ask an aff program to help you with a bad affiliate, if you do the same thing???

    This forum justified Casino Partners a few months ago for the same scrapers, and now it’s turning the opposite way…There should be consistency, and if you do not approve the actions of those aff programs – they should not be “certified partners” – how about that Professor?

    Nope…. A few months ago we insisted people have proof before leveling accusations at anyone. At that time you had no proof that it was a program doing scraping, that proof still does not exist…. BUT proof as too who these scraper sites REALLY belong to is not necessary to target the ACTUAL SITES doing the scraping… Now if those sites belong to disreputable affiliates as previosuly stated then fine… If they do belong to the casino group as you contend then this will solve the problem also. How about that Stupid?

    We dont de-certify partners without proof of misconduct or behavior that is simply too unacceptable to tolerate. See above…


    Hey Everyone,
    I totally agree with the Professor on fighting these fucking asshole scumbags. As krystall2 stated these sites have been around for months. The simple solution would be for the affiliate programs that are involved with these affiliates demand them to stop this practice immediately or else lose their affiliate account and commission.

    The simple solution would be for the affiliate programs that are involved with these affiliates demand them to stop this practice immediately or else lose their affiliate account and commission.

    I will drink TWO Apple Martinis to that Cappy! (make that Four!)

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