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Site penalized?

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  • #591140

    Hi everyone,
    how can you tell if your site has been penalized? I used to get tons of traffic from the search engines and now it says im not listed on them. I am at page rank 4 still but no traffic. it only says im listed on MSN? whats going on. can anyone help me?:confused:


    What do you mean by “not listed”? site: returns no results on Google?
    (Btw, the PR you see on you G Toolbar is just a “static PR”, the real PR calculated behind the scenes all the time, what you see on the toolbar is a 3-4 month old record – G updates its “visible” PR each 3-4 months.)

    Are you sure you don’t use any black hat seo? I mean black text on black background, redirects, cloaking pages?
    Or you could check your link partners (your outbound links), maybe one of them is penalized so you have bad neighbourhood.

    Hope this helps!


    no i use seo doctor and use keywords and meta tags. my site was getting tons of traffic from yahoo some from google but when i go to the seo doctor page and it shows only listed on MSN no more yahoo or google. but when i check search engine sat it still shows my pages?


    i dont use black text on black backgrounds can you check my site?


    Could be for any number of reasons, would need to see your url to be able to try and access.

    Did you make any changes lately? When did you come off the search engines (was it jagger that got you, that finished not too long ago).

    As for Page Rank, you can now see a much more current version of the page rank of your pages using google sitemaps.



    well my url is above. the funny thing is i didnt do anything differently. i have been really busy lately so i havent been working on it at all? thats why it seems weird to me. one day fine getting good traffic the next nothing, and i mean nothing i was getting like 500 sessions a day. now im lucky to get 10
    im so pissed!


    Well it looks pretty ‘spammy’ to me with all the repeat words on the left.

    That’s what i recon has caught up with you.


    Your site isn’t banned from Google. If you perform the search “” you come up with 16 pages indexed, and since you are showing PR, then you are definitely not banned. You likely suffered from the effects of the Jagger update if you haven’t been watching in the past few weeks. Check your logs, you will probably see a big drop off at some point in the last month. If so, then it was Jagger that got ya.

    Why Jagger got ya? Can’t be for sure, I do notice that you seem to be using some automated link exchanges, which are prone to issues when it comes to Google. It may also have to do with the backlinks you have pointing to your site being devalued by Google.

    BTW, Yahoo also did an update late into the Jagger update, so you might have gotten a 1-2 punch. Just speculation, but some ideas.


    Yeah there is a lot of talk about the effects of jagger on the seochat forums, so have a look there.

    A lot was mentioned in relation to where your inbound lilnks are coming from and that they were massively devalued if they weren’t ‘relevant’.



    dang that sucks. so whats the deal now. all my work down the tubes and my sites just gonna sit there with no one able to find it? any suggestions because i spent way to much time and energy just to let it go like this. i am really mad! thanks all


    Build more relevant and quality links pointing to your site with the anchor text you are optimizing for. Create more quality content, send out press releases to try and acquire one-way links and consider adding RSS feeds to your site.

    This is pretty much the stock answer anyone on SEO Chat gets when they ask what to do next.


    cool thanks for the help. i will try to do that. RSS feed and more quality links

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