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Simon Eaton – Emails

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  • #601369

    Hey everyone,

    I’m a bit upset that I am receiving emails from Simon – basically spam. He must have emailed from the database of emails from his former employer because one of the emails was only used at VIP casino.

    I’m sure others are getting the same crap, because I got 3 of them in 5 minutes :(

    Way to leave an impression on the way out!


    Got them as well and was wondering why he felt it was ok to spam me:plain:


    I have mixed feelings about this – Simon was always very helpful, I remember in the early days sportsbooks were notorious for paying late or not at all and when I heard people complaining I’d contact Simon and he’d approach whatever sportsbook and fix it – nothing in it for him.

    I also had a talk with him about VIP predatory terms and he did set out to fix that – and I must assume it was a part of why he had such a huge falling out with them. He practically built VIP from scratch.

    The mail oozes a lot of anger at VIP and I assume they split in a huge fight. Of course when VIP gets a whiff of the mail they will be even more pissed.

    Looks like he is trying to strike out on his own and become some sort of “master affiliate”, recruiting for programs and such. Again, looking at the early days, he is likely suitable because he probably will take care of things swiftly.

    But spam is spam, and boy did he just stab VIP in the back! They must be seething and it might even sink them if he manages to convert some of the major sports affs. He does know most of them in person from dealing with them over the years…

    I think he’ll regret having sent that mail one way or another, one should never act in anger, justified or not.

    He may well own the mailing list, he owned from what I gather.

    Just my thoughts here, no actual opinon as of yet.


    Great info Dom!

    I’ll reserve judgement.


    Yep shall reserve judgement myself based on that info.

    one should never act in anger, justified or not.

    Boy have I learned that the hard way myself, and more then


    I havent recieved any. But then again I never did much with Sports Betting so Simon may not see me as a prime candidate for any deals hes putting together. I dont advocate SPAM, but I can understand why he’s probably scrambling to find a way to support himself and grasping at straws.


    Yes I received one too and was initially a bit taken aback. But like Dom, I quite like what Simon’s done before now and am happy to give him the benefit of any doubt unless it gets too out of hand personally.

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