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Should we certify Roulette69?

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  • #783532

    Is the concept that players will be distracted by the lovely ladies and not mind loosing their money as much, in that case I vote yes, seems like a cool idea!! You have to be over 18 to gamble anyway so why not throw in a few more vices :)


    well you have certified AP and UB .. doesn’t that mean you will certify anyone? :hattip:

    They pay you a couple of G’s to get certified don’t they?

    would be interested to hear details of this whole “certification” process..

    as for the site in question, sex & gambling is cool. will the next site will have lapdancers playing roulette with guns? probly. I vote YES :)


    That was an extremely rude and offensive comment Alex :madat:


    have to disagree… everyone knows about UB AND AP and their SCANDALS…
    since we are all in the Casino/gambling industry and it’s common knowledge and this is a forum regarding these industries, I figured it was ok to actually address the issue / flog a dead horse.

    no offense was meant.. we still don’t know the whole story re AP/UB problems, and nobody has been brought to book for any of this…… I am a pro poker player as well as an affiliate, so this stuff makes me sick….

    anyway I shall say nothing more about this, and shall take whatever “punishment” you see fit obv :)


    Alex I will leave it at a warning. I just dont appreciate this line and felt it was rude and uncalled for:

    doesn’t that mean you will certify anyone?

    No! We dont just certify anyone and thats a slap in the face of CAP and we dont like slaps. If for some odd reason you didnt think that was offensive then let me assure you it was.

    Regarding certification fee’s, Yes we do charge programs a fee for certification and for access to the community. We make no appologies about this. We are not a charity or non profit group nor do we pretend to be. It costs a lot of money to do the things we do and thank heavans our Certified Programs are gracious enough to make all this possible through their support.

    Ok you voted yes for Roullete with attractive ladies ( I agree) lets move on.


    ok fair enough prof.. I am once again guilty of speaking my mind without thinking I might offend someone..This was not the intention, and I offer you my sincere Apologies.

    While we are discussing certification, what’s the deal with certification.. which boxes need to be ticked by potential sites?? has anyone ever lost their CAP certification?….


    It’s been outlined here for a quite a while:

    Generally we reject about 30% of the programs that apply. We do this if we think there is enough reason to believe they are or will be a problem, examples include the late Warren Cloud Casinos, Casino On Air, Casino On Bar, Be the dealer (Be the Stealer), 1CNP, Cashwave and a long list of others over the years.

    Have we de-certified programs? Yes, actually more then I care to remember. Of those two very large ones made the changes to their program we required and they were admitted back in. Most were never allowed back.

    We just recently had a situation where we pulled certification on a program until they got rid of a retroactive clause in their terms and conditions that members found offensive. So we take certification very seriously and this is why I bristled when you made those comments.

    Hope this helps clarify the question a bit.


    @alexross 182293 wrote:

    has anyone ever lost their CAP certification?….

    You must not be paying attention to things!


    I voted yes – and I promote and recommend these guys on my main site.
    see our Roulette69 casino review.

    OK – I know that they’re promoting sex and gambling (like almost any land based casino) but our review points out that this is very much a LADS casino (perhaps) aimed at existing sports players rather than targeting a general audience.

    Sex sells – and I believe that they’re doing their upmost to ensure that their product is only used by adult players.

    Our look at the background of this company found them to be very solid with the personel and finances that they have behind them, and I believe are a reliable and reputable group.


    @alexross 182289 wrote:

    have to disagree… everyone knows about UB AND AP and their SCANDALS…
    since we are all in the Casino/gambling industry and it’s common knowledge and this is a forum regarding these industries, I figured it was ok to actually address the issue / flog a dead horse.

    no offense was meant.. we still don’t know the whole story re AP/UB problems, and nobody has been brought to book for any of this…… I am a pro poker player as well as an affiliate, so this stuff makes me sick….

    anyway I shall say nothing more about this, and shall take whatever “punishment” you see fit obv :)

    Simple way of doing things..

    I speak my mind on numerous occasions.. often also without thinking things over and end up going over the top..


    If you have something aganst AP and UB.. then by all means.. speak your mind.. but this thread had nothing to do with that and the way you put it was downright rude.

    I have also often said things that many do not like.. but in the appropriate thread and appropriate subject..

    Comparing these programs was not only rude to both programs but to all that have contributed to this thread and to CAP in general. One has nothing to do with the other.


    @revenuex 182147 wrote:

    Hi Alex, any specific reason why, what is your main concern?

    I don’t support the mix of porn and gambling industries.

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