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Serious Problem With (scam??)

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  • #591718

    I had a deal (which I have in writing) with for between 10 – 30 players at $250 / $50 as a test to see if they want to work with me.

    It has now been a month since they should have paid me for players I got in May but no payment has been recieved.

    Gaming revenues now owe me $5250 which is not a small amount of money.

    I have tried emailing ALL of the emails they provide on their site and my so called “affiliate manager”, Or Shani and all the emails bounce back, I assume they have blocked me from emailing them.

    If anyone from gaming revenues is reading this please contact me as a matter or urgency (account: DS2008) or I will contine to tell my story on as many webmaster forums as I can. I may also take the matter to my solicitor.

    It’s completely unacceptable to cut me off like this without even an email from them, this is breaking a written contract and it’s not as if the players havent spent, they have spent way more than $250 each on average.

    I will keep members of this forum updated, for now my advice is stay WELL clear of gaming revenues.




    Ive been looking into this and there are rumours that gaming revenues have closed down, although there is no mention of this on the site and you can still sign up and start promoting their casinos as far as I know.

    This is looking more and more like I won’t get paid a penny and I will lose £500 promotion cost’s (to get the players) for deciding to work with them :Cry:

    Arghhhhhhhhhh :flush:


    It sucks when stuff like this happens. Although I have to confess to never having heard of Gaming Revenues nor either of the brands they offer.


    Well one of their casinos looks like it hit the big time this year if you go by alexa rankings royal lounge casino was covered in traffic earlier in the year.

    I need to correct a statement below, it’s showing on my account that the average first deposit was around $135 over 21 players, I just assumed they had spent well more than $250 each.

    It doesnt show the total revenue the players have made but they have made another 27 deposits as well as initial 1st deposits.

    It shows that my account balace is $5250 but nothing has been approved yet.

    Come on gaming revenues I really hope this is just a communication error and we can have a happy ending to this story!

    I have some traffic streams already set up for royal lounge casino, just please pay me what you owe me and I’ll put them on again and everyones happy.

    Contact me asap, thanks.

    All The Best



    Hello CAP people

    this will be my last update for 30 days unless this is resolved by gaming revenues by contacting me.

    I will give them 30 days to conact me after which time I will write a scam review on my popular site and review site and forum saying if they don;t pay and cut off there business partners how can they be trusted to pay winnings.

    I will seo my scam reports for their brands and possibily seo this post for the affiliate brand, I will then send out the warning in my newsletter which has over 200,000 casino players on, I will ask them to share the info with friends. then I will consider the matter closed.

    The other way the matter can close is if gamingrevenues contact me within 30 day’s I can’t believe they can miss a post on the biggest forum, in fact PLEASE join in and resolve the problem! I think this is a fair thing to do on my part.



    I think you are handling this fairly, Daniel. Though it might be better to also post over at and to see if anyone there has a contact with these people.

    Don’t just limit yourself to this forum. If you have a legitimate issue, the more venues you pursue, the better your chances are.


    Thanks for the advice mate, sounds good.

    My business mind is wirling though and I think spending a few day’s warning my people if this does turn out to be a scam worthwhile, I dunno about going down the posting in forums route, I’m not sure it will make me any money, and Ive lost enough with this.

    If sort out a system that will eventually make me back my $5k with refered traffic and lose them more than $5k that’s fair for me, thing is I could make it back by forgetting about it and moving on.

    But that’s not fair on affilaites or players so I’m going to balance the work I put into this situation correctly hopefully.



    Daniel, Just curious, Did you ever get paid by Gaming Revenues?


    No, I think they’ve closed down


    Oh I’m sorry, thats terrible, but no surprise. Yes they closed down in August I believe, at least from their base here in Cyprus anyway, not sure what has happened since then because as you rightly said, you can still sign up as an affiliate and promote the brands. I hope everyone avoids them and spread the word about them. I hear on the local grapevine that a new FX company has taken over their offices here, and surprise surprise, they are friends of the owner of Gaming Revenues. If you are promoting FX programs check them out thoroughly first.


    yeah, i allready wrote an article about them: Gamingrevenues, ordinary scam?
    there are many people that still promoting their brands.

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