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SEO and php CMS

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  • #587931

    Hello all,

    I really have a bevy of questions, but for now I am going to limit it to the following…. Which is actually less CAP related and more SEO related…

    The question is this… There are a lot of CMS (Content Management Systems) out there that I have used in the past for other websites. I would like to get a website up in this manner again along with a CAP. I have looked at several of the websites of CAP users and noticed that one or two used a CMS. Are there any drawbacks to this? For example, am I going to lose some SEO because I use a php driven website as opposed to a flat HTML page without database-driven links? I assume that many of you use asp/php, but I also know that there are ways to quickly create html pages which are easier for the spiders to crawl.

    I will continue to read to get many of my other answers! I hope someone has some good knowledge on this.




    Maybe I will give an example to help?

    CMS systems like:


    and many more.

    Again, my main question is… Is this a decent way to get a site up and going or would I be better off creating one from scratch using simple HTML for the SE spiders?





    Maybe I am just wording things wrong or maybe nobody knows the answer…

    Once again… Are asp/psp generated pages going to be a problem for me when I submit to a search engine? I want the spiders to get the most content out of my site as possible, but I am unsure of which way to go…..

    php/asp generated OR HTML static

    Thanks again!



    I think Mambo has an option to create static-looking URLs , but there are many ways you can optimise dynamic pages for SE.

    Have a read at


    I haven’t, but I will take a look at that. I have been looking around, but have have had some difficulty finding affiliate information and SEO in the same sites.

    I just want to make sure that I get everything optimized properly.




    Mambo does have that option, but it doesn’t seem to work on IIS servers. I can get it to work on Linux without issue, but not on MS and that is what I am using for servers.




    I’m using CMS at my signature website. I think it is pretty well indexed. Almost all good CMS have the option to generate html pages and/or search engine friendly URL’s.

    I’ve tried a lot of CMS and almost all can generate html content, although all they approach the issue in different ways.

    In PHP Nuke and Post Nuke you have to deal with htaccess and mod_rewrite to generate these pages. If you look at the webpages of these CMS’ you’ll find information about this.

    Mambo as far as I know has a simple option to generate html pages.

    Xaraya is what I use and it has a very simple approach to the issue. It does not generate page with a .html extension, it generates friendly URL’s without strings attached. Xaraya is the most flexible CMS but it is also the most complex sytem, because of all the functionality it has. It’s an excellent script but you will have to deal with all template system with variables attached to it, and with a dynamic data way of creating publications with a complex cross reference system.

    Mambo may be a good option since it is not hard to set up and is very good on your friendly pages.

    Mambo does have that option, but it doesn’t seem to work on IIS servers. I can get it to work on Linux without issue, but not on MS and that is what I am using for servers.

    arghhh…IIS servers. I think all these CMS I spoke about work on linux systems and not on IIS. Maybe it’s time to change your servers. I’m not a specialist but as far as I know, linux is far better than IIS, and almost all good scripts are for linux and also free.


    Unfortunately I am one of ‘those guys’ who are very tied to Microsoft products. My company is a Microsoft Certified Partner and we have always used their products. I am sure that I could figure out Linux, but the learning curve might take a while.

    Yes, all of the CMS programs that I have tried use Linux and are able to generate ‘friendly’ pages, but only with Apache or other web servers.

    Same with Mambo. Xaraya, I have gotten up and running, but also uses the .htaccess file which IIS doesn’t appear to make use of. In fact, in Mambo when you try to enable the ‘SEO friendly’ feature, it screws everything up. :) I would venture to guess that Xaraya does the same.

    I checked out Drupal (which I had previously not used) and it is the same.


    I may be SOL and have to start learning a new system!

    All my servers are Win2003, though (with IIS). Makes it difficult. :(


    IIS makes it difficult to every good script available. Most of them make use of linux.

    I don’t know what exactly is your situation. If you’re trying to set up a single site why not host it elsewhere. You don’t have to know about linux.

    I also have been looking at my xaraya file and my .htaccess file is empty. I think xaraya does not use it to render short URL’s.


    Situation is this…. I can host directly on my own servers. To host somewhere else costs $$$. Maybe not a lot, but something. I would prefer to go with what I know.

    I will look at Xaraya again, but I am relatively sure that I had issues with that one… It was over a month ago that I looked at that one. I believe I have to set up Apache to run it because IIS is not supported, but I know that I got it to run under IIS (with PHP 4.0, not 5.0). My brain fails me as to what the reason for going the Mambo route was (vs. Xaraya).

    Well, I have my Linux test server (Mandrake)… and I can get Drupal, Xaraya, and Mambo up on that (actually, they are already up)… I just don’t feel ‘comfortable’ with securing those servers. That is my only issue there.

    Also, I am looking to set up multiple sites.. Some CA, others Adsense.

    I will try Xaraya again, like I said… Maybe I can find out what my problem was and write intelligibly about it :) Maybe.




    I have no direct experience of any of the CMS systems you’re referring to, but generally, the ‘static/html’ page options on these kind of things use mod_rewrite to generate the search engine friendly URLs.

    mod_rewrite is *nix/Apache specific. The Windows server equivalent is an ISAPI filter. You can buy commercial ISAPI rewrite filters from several companies that will help you generate search engine friendly URLs. All very easy to install and get working. Just do a Google search for ‘ISAPI rewrite filter’ and you’ll find them.


    I think that is exactly what I am looking for… I will give it a try.


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