I sell of 10/20 Article of hight quality wiht topic that you choose.
You decide the price. I don’t ask 50 $ to article.
I have a worker that have of the time and he can write some articles.
Presentation of my worker :
I am a writer. I believe that a sentence is a complete thought which is expressed in words. A paragraph is a collection of sentences. An article is a collection of paragraph. These three products, the sentence, the paragraph, and the article, however much they differ, ought to have one factor in common, that is unity between them. Whenever I write I keep in my mind that words should be relevant to the subject. I always have the scope of subject in my mind. That helps me making it easier for the reader to understand the consequences of the article. I arrange the article in such a way that when reader has gone through the article, his mind is carried forward by the article transition. The idea must succeed in a coherence of the whole article may be secured. A proper, logical order in setting forth the ideas can be ensured only by the use of an outline.