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Same BH’er infiltrating Google

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  • #705293

    I have reported a bunch of these now.

    I think you are doing a great thing here and want to thank you. pray.gif


    Thank you, Dom, and no problem. I hope I can do more, but it’s a team effort here. I’m am disgusted, disgruntled, and disappointed, but I’m going to try fighting fire with fire. I am seriously trying to diversify my businesses these days, because I think the warning shots have been fired, but I’m still not ready to wave the white flag just yet on this business, which has been good to many of us.

    Let’s keep the faith, and attack, attack, attack back !!!

    CAP rocks !


    You are not going to find me waving any white flags, that’s not the way to go places in life.

    Fighting fire with fire sounds perfectly fine to me.


    dhayman the links I have submitted are gone from the google search term, not from google’s index.

    I would take a step back and begin to take a closer at what is happening. While visiting this site

    Online Gambling Bonuses, Internet Gambling Sites, High Roller Gambling …
    Ask a Question – [ Next-in-Thread ] [ Next Message ] Online Gambling Bonuses, Internet Gambling Sites, High Roller Gambling, Online Gambling Resource, Best Gambling Sites Cached page 9/7/2006

    I was quicky redirected to so who redirected me? Clicking the back button A link pops up very quickly and returns me to I decide to use print screen to find out who is doing it xxx.seoinfo/urs.php?kwa=48dfk=gambling7crdt=06082&said=fed21&rf

    Take type into MSN and there you will find out more. Look at source codes and find the root of the problem. I have the answer for this, but I encourage learning. This will pay you back, big time. Ask yourself who is the culprit and how can you remove the domain from google’s index?

    Taking the weekend off, I very much appreciate all we have done together. I will be submitting more on Monday.



    Hey Greek,
    The url that everyone should type in at MSN is I caught this by trying to back up.


    Looks like many sub pages of a Russian site.


    Hey captain just type in and start clicking. Then look and the link domain and copy and paste into address bar, hit go.



    Sorry type I will be back a give a briefer. greek39


    ok, I am stupid, I typed in both .com and .info and clicked and learned nothing.


    MSN returned 37 results here are some.

    So this is not very useful so I will do a spam search

    x now you can learn. greek39


    Okay let’s look at one looking at the source I find the following:

    Absolute Poker, Poker Rooms, Online Poker Game, Omaha Poker, Free Online Poker


    Yes, I have been alerting Google for weeks, that these pages that I have enumerated on, wind up redirecting to, and this page is served up from SEOEXP.INFO each time (click on your Browser back button, or place cursor over it in IE, to verify this).

    I am unsure how to rid the NET of SEOEXP.INFO, although I’ve Emailed the “administrator” of this domain several times, to no avail. I’m sure the domain owner (from Moscow), is the culprit here.

    This is the standard text portion of what I Email Google on a daily basis, for each and every spam link that I find, associated with SEOEXP.INFO:

    This is the Black Hat Repeat spammer who redirects all his sites to:


    He Serves destination page from spamming domain:


    Click on IE browser “Back” button to verify the redirect page that gets
    you there.

    This spammer is saturating your index, by releasing new bogus pages on a daily basis. Your deletions of 1 or 2 of these sites at a time, on maybe a weekly basis or so, does not keep up with his rampant deluging of the indices – he knows your deletion cycle, and is judiciously making sure he
    stays ahead of you. His spamming is becoming more and more plentiful, as
    I’m sure you can tell from my prior posts. He has been doing this on a regular
    basis since your Jagger Google release.

    It is clear that this is the same spammer (or perhaps a set of spammers
    working together). It also appears that they creatively get these pages
    indexed (before adding scraped content to their pages), and once it gets
    indexed, then they add the scraped content, which elevates their ranking,
    due to the major loophole in your indexing algorithm. I would suggest
    until (if) you come up with a better automated solution for removal, that you
    deter this type of behavior, by being nimble and quick to delete these
    offending pages, at a minimum. Otherwise, he will always be ahead of you,
    and will render your index virtually useless for the effected keywords.

    Further, as of 9/7/2006, it was discovered that many of the pages below were
    entered onto the web via a CMS system emanating from [url]xhttp://PLONE.ORG[/url]. We have notified them of the deceitful use of their system, and hopefully, they are handling things on their end. Hopefully, most of the resultant pages below will be 404 within a day or 2.

    Here is a subset of the SAME spammer currently spamming your index, on
    Result pages # 1, # 2, or # 3 using several keyword searches. As of today, this spammer is at an all-time high with his spamdexing entries in your index.
    I am reporting each one individually, as per your spam report, but offering a
    consolidated view for you in each spam report, to make this consolidated for you, and easy for you to identify and delete. Note that the list continues to have new entries on a daily basis:

    KEYWORDS: poker sites

    Page 1


    Page 2


    Page 3


    KEYWORDS: best poker sites

    Page 1


    Page 2


    Page 3


    KEYWORDS: casino sites

    Page 1


    Page 2


    Page 3



    Welcome to my world !!! I still am at a loss on how to remove, SEOEXP.INFO, or any of these other, by other than traditional Spam Report means. Greek, if you have any other ideas, where I can help, please let me know next week.

    Thanks :)


    I understand, I know this stuff very well. But it takes a huge amount of time and resources to correct the problem. I beleive this is cpays, casinopays, tradal, empire online affiliates work or their own.

    One will be taking responsiblity for this. Another option is to get rid of the sight in question. But first I would rather wait and see the response from mainly cpays if they ever return.



    I’ve talked to several people at CPays (aff mgr, director of ops, etc.), and all claim to be “looking into it”, but “denying any association”. In other words, they really don’t want to be bothered. To me, the answer lies at the top – that is, with the Search Engines. Nip the problem up top, and everything else falls into place. Start at the bottom, and the root problem may be solved short-term, but never long-term. Think big picture with these issues.


    Some of these sight have afftags associated with them. Therefore someone is responsible for shutting down spam affiliates. The are after all doing it for someone. If cpays is not interested perhaps empire is?

    Google is viewed as always being the problem. I say it is not, they do the best they can. Everything is exploitable, to say google can coorect this problem is the same as there will no longer be viruses. greek39

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