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Rude AM’s at wajer junction

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  • #778741

    @Affiliatehero 176258 wrote:


    ‘ If I felt hard done by – I would not make such a huge deal of it.’

    Like your issues with Traffic Label.

    You hardly made a big deal with that one !!!!!!!!


    How old are you?


    Hey Greg – Where is my $300 CPA too ????? LOL – Just kidding ….
    I just have to echo everyone else’s ( bar one ) sentiments on this board.
    Greg is a good guy who has been in the Affiliate industry for years and has never given me any reason to doubt him in any way.
    He has always operated above board and quite frankly does not deserve to be lambased in public.
    AffiliateHero – I don’t know you and have no idea how long you have been in this industry but I honestly don’t believe that Greg owes you an apology of any kind.
    What you were asking for was unreasonable. Perhaps once you had started working with him and shown him the kind of traffic you have – he may have been a lot more willing to offer a better deal, but its all about building relationships and trust.


    Is it just me or does noone else see that this guy came on here looking for the largest CPA deal and then tried to publicly smear a respected Am’s name? He only has a few posts so I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that he’s probably a CPA fraud affiliate or just a new, ignorant and rude affiliate.

    This is a great community here and i think this guy should be banned, or reprimanded in some way.

    Just my 2 cents worth anyway.



    Every day there are numerous complaints on CAP in fact there are parts of the forum that are designed exactly for complaints.

    I have not sworn or given any reason for the moderators or any other members to remove me.

    It shows a huge weakness in CAP when a new affiliate is pushed away because he rightfully used the forum to complain.

    Anyone who thinks I should be removed should also request that parts of CAP where complaints are made should be removed as they do not respect the way these aspects of the forum work.

    I was very aggressive with Greg from the beginning, this is how me and many other people with traffic work.

    I hope that future complaints made on CAP will not be treated in this way.


    I agree there are lots of complaints/observations on CAP but honestly you don’t really have a point so that is why people are posting this way -It could be any AM and people would still post the same thing. On CAP there are many posts that complain or are negative but if you look closely uinless its justified that person will get zero support no matter who they are.

    Remember we are here to do business not fuk about in a playground

    I really hope its just that we misunderstood your posts and you really don’t have that attitude because you honestly won’t go far in iGaming at any level of the sector. Remember this sector has grown up through partnerships

    Personally I see an affiliate as an extension of a person’s marketing department and visa versa – You wouldn’t treat someone in your office like that so why do it in this situation. Times are tight and people are working super hard these days to generate business but that in no way means they need to work with some one with your attitude.

    My suggestion is leave this thread alone get on with your site do some deals with some programs “politely” and come back in 12 months and then read it….I think or at least I hope you will see that this is a very stupid and easily avoidable situation


    @Affiliatehero 176290 wrote:

    I was very aggressive with Greg from the beginning, this is how me and many other people with traffic work.

    I hope that future complaints made on CAP will not be treated in this way.

    That type of behavior is NOT how other people work in this industry. You were disrespectful to another person.

    I don’t see anyone being as unfair to you as you have been in your posts to Greg and us that express our opionin of him with your insults.

    CAP is not the problem Affiliatehero, you are, but it’s never to late to change that. :D

    Also, I find it very odd that you are so over the top about a CPA amount. If you are a true affiliate then you would be more rev share oriented in your business. IMO Folks that live by CPA will die an early death in this industry.


    @Affiliatehero 176290 wrote:

    Anyone who thinks I should be removed should also request that parts of CAP where complaints are made should be removed as they do not respect the way these aspects of the forum work.

    Cute. I just put in a request to have you removed.

    You are no newbie and you are a bad liar.

    You are disturbing the peace, making some sort of veiled personal insult against Peralis, a member in good standing, and just plain annoying the dickens out of everyone, including me.

    If you are looking to start flames and arguments, you have come to the wrong place.


    Kudos to to Greg on this one, not many people would post this, not from my side of the fence anyhow but you did the right thing. By posting it the facts came to light about the intentions of certain individuals who try and make business a chore. It’s possible to work on deals with your affiliate manager by talking to them as you would to any other human being, with respect I would say you tend to get more out of the partnership if its a 2 way thing.

    Sometimes when people think they have something their assumed sense of power goes to their head and they turn all Gordon Ramsey on you, not the way to do business in my book from either side.

    I am glad for one this has been raised as it does show some of the factors that we have to deal with from a management point of view, sometimes (in the early days mostly) emails like this can really affect the confidence of affiliate managers and could start to bring in doubts as to how they think they are performing on a whole. Greg has obviously pondered on this and got no answers from himself and done the right thing and posted about it and came to this forum with a smashing reply!

    Good work.



    @Martyn 176300Sometimes when people think they have something their assumed sense of power goes to their head and they turn all [URL=”” wrote:

    Gordon Ramsey[/URL] on you, not the way to do business in my book from either side.

    LOL Gordon Ramsey is a riot! I do love to watch Gordon as often as I can. It works for reality TV, but you are correct about it not being the way to do business. Him and Judge Judy make me laugh. hehe


    @Dominique 176294 wrote:

    Peralis, a member in good standing.

    HAHAHAHA – when have you known him standing?? :tongue:

    Affiliatehero-schmero – come on guys, time to stop posting and feeding this guy’s fire. There’s hidden agendas in this ‘ere thread and we’ve all got better things to be doing than trying to reason with this character.

    BTW – low number of posts is not necessarily a reflection of a member’s character or longevity in this industry – I’ve been lurking for 6 years or more!! :tongue:


    @yleewolf 176312 wrote:

    BTW – low number of posts is not necessarily a reflection of a member’s character or longevity in this industry – I’ve been lurking for 6 years or more!! :tongue:

    uh oh, another lurker. we’ve had a few recently. could everyone please stop lurking? lol

    so what compels a lurker to spring back to life?


    @yleewolf 176312 wrote:

    HAHAHAHA – when have you known him standing?? :tongue:


    I do believe I saw him standing in line to get a fresh beer once – can’t swear by it though! :tongue:


    What I see here is that some newbies think they are gods :) I can tell only one thing, learn the industry first and earn some respect before posting complaints.


    @yleewolf 176320 wrote:

    HAHAHAHA – when have you known him standing??

    Hmmm.. a certain bridge over a “Gracht” comes to mind :wink-wink

    @Dominique 176320 wrote:

    I do believe I saw him standing in line to get a fresh beer once – can’t swear by it though! :tongue:

    Now that is not true.. I would NEVER stand in a line.. I would sulk until somebody BRINGS me a beer :)


    @Dominique 176294 wrote:

    Cute. I just put in a request to have you removed.

    Pfffffffffffff, finally :flush:

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