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Revolutionary Poker refusing to pay

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  • #591240

    Go to Poker Affiliate World Forums to read full discussion

    I want to give all of the online casino / poker room affiliates a heads up about Revolutionary Poker. They approached me over a month ago with a good rev share deal and I promoted them for awhile. I emailed them when I noticed that I haven’t received payment from them.

    Here is our current conversation

    Guess what? I dont care about somebody elses obligations to you. You made an obligation with my by legal contract. You also entered into this legally binding contract with other affiliates as well.

    If I lend $500 to an aquantance who signs a contract saying he is going to pay me back in 1 month and I try to collect on that month is it okay for him to say “Sorry, Bobby hasn’t paid me the $800 he owes me and I spent yours so I can’t pay you back until Bobby pays me.” No it’s not okay, I tell the aquantance that if he doesn’t get a job or find some other way of paying me back that I am going to exercise my legal rights to the contract in which we agreed upon and take legal action against him, which would end up ultimately costing him $1000 and will garnish his wages.

    The forums are go there and read our discussions.

    Find a way to pay me what is owed to me or else.


    On 12/16/05, Revolutionary Poker wrote:


    Futurebet terminated our site without notice because an affiliate posted up an advertisement on forums. If you want to see the advertisement look at Pokah search for the username “charlenezzz” and you will see a simple advertisement. Yes, this advertisement got us shut down because FutureBet accused us of attempting to steal player’s from the Network. On top of that they have not paid us one cent of our profits. They refuse to answer any calls or emails and have simply ignored us. We retained attorney’s in Canada and also in Nevis (where FutureBet says that they are located). However, there is absolutely nothing we can do.

    Please tell me where these forums are because we can use this against FutureBet. We know that this makes us look like a scam, but all that I can tell you is that we were wrongfully shut down and FutureBet says that they have no intentions (as of right now) of putting our poker portion back up.

    We honestly cannot pay you at this time because FutureBet has not paid us one cent. They refuse to even acknowledge us at all. That is why we are working with attorneys. You will be paid as soon as we can get any money from FutureBet.

    Revolutionary Poker

    Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:32 PM
    To: Revolutionary Poker
    Subject: Commissions

    Pay me the commissions due to me or you will be looking at a class action lawsuit. Refer to for more information.



    And now you know why Futurebet is a dirty word here at CAP.

    Everyone – do not deal with Futurebet or anyone depending on them. Especially anyone using them as payment processor.

    Futurebet has been doing this sort of stuff for years.



    I have just been in touch with Bryan and he is in touch with Futurebet and is getting players AND affiliates paid.

    If you are owed money by a Futurebet venture, and specifically by revolutionary poker, you can get paid by going here and “pitching a bitch”.


    Thank you for extending a helping hand in this matter. I want you to know that your generiosity is much appreciated.



    Thanks!!! :D

    It’s what we try to do here…

    This sounds very Scandalessssssly wrong. They should be X-listed. :hmmm:

    I think this should highlight for everyone how important it is to work with sponsors that are honest and fair dealing.

    The best way to collect from dishonest sponsors is never to send them traffic in the first place!

    If ever in doubt on a sponsor ask away here and someone will probably have feedback to give if there isn’t something on them already on the forums (hopefully its something good, but if not why take a chance?).

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