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Revenue expectations?

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  • #590263

    I am about to launch a gambling portal which will provide useful information on recommended casinos, gambling tips and advice, best casino payout percentages, best introductory offers etc etc.

    I would very much like to know what sort of revenue I am likely to generate in the first to the sixth month? Let us assume that the site is nicely designed and logically laid out, that it is being optimised appropriately etc.

    I know this is very much a ballpark guestimate and I understand that things will start off slowly but I would certainly be interested in feedback on this issue and how other webmasters have faired the first 6 months post launch.

    Thank you




    It’s really almost impossible to say. It depends on what keyword phrases your site targets, how well you do in the search engines for those phrases, and how well your partners perform for you. You should be able to make at least a dollar or so for every visitor to your website unless you’re doing something horribly wrong.


    Hi Sasha,

    This is impossible to say since there are so many variables. You could make nothing all the way to 100 k if you are very lucky.

    Just to give you a point of reference, my first month i earned $0.40, my second month $8, and it then grew from there.



    I made nothing during the first 6 months. But after that, things started to pick up. :)


    I made negligible money during the first year, and practically nothing the first 6 months.

    The first 6 months I had no info resource like CAP is, and I also operated on a different concept from most people back then.

    Don’t worry if you move along slowly – if you are in it for the long run it can be a lot better for you to move step by step. The search engines are getting smart and like to see “natural development”. It may take longer but the reward is relative permanence of positioning.

    SEO experts tend to think they are always one step on front of the engines – from where I am sitting, they are always one step behind.


    takes time and patience. with time your player base will grow. Now i generate about 500 per month and i do no advertisements so i guess i could get more if i market my site further.

    I tried that but also found most traffic is just crap.


    Could be anywhere from 0 – 500 a month after the first few months. Probably closer to 0 for those first months. Google, which is the main search engine to be concerned with, places new sites in the sandbox for the first 6-8 months, regardless of what SEO you do. After you emerge from the sandbox, you will find out if you have done things right or wrong and will have to tweak from there. Expect a full year before significant revenue is flowing (and that assumes you do have a well designed and informative site).


    Well at the risk of sounding pessimistic from my experience you probably won’t make much. Thank google and it’s sandboxing of all new sites for on average 9 months (but could be upto 15). MSN is easier to rank with but traffic is not that great, and Yahoo is just slow to get in to. I suppose if you have money to invest in buying links from high traffic sites then it could be different, but it can be very disheartening otherwise.

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