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  • #596838

    I was doing pretty darn good in google searches. With the black hat developements, I have not gotten one google search in a solid 3 weeks or more. So where are these searches going? I feel they are going straight to them.

    Now I’m thinking that since I can’t seem to fight them, I certainly don’t want to help them. What if I requested google remove my urls? I will merely lick my wounds and move on. I don’t want to give them any more of my players since I’m not getting them anyway. Will this work do you think?


    I think it was fergie who had an experience with that – not sure of the details anymore but I vowed never to do this.


    Thanks Dominique, I will hold off until I find out more. I’m sure there are many reprocussians and probably I would be gone and they would stay.


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