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Referspot – Short paid for February

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    Like many others here, I try to resolve issues privately before airing them on forums. This issue has now got to the point where nothing is happening so it’s time to warn people and find out if others are in the same situation.

    I first emailed the finance email address on 14 March enquiring about the short payment which interestingly was less than their stated minimum and coincidently the first month I actually exceeded the minimum. Just couldn’t convert them after all the player sign up notifications, not many went on to deposit and play. But I digress so back to the story. No answer so another email on 17 March. No answer so another email on 24 March. No answer so another email on 26 March. No answer so another email on 28 March with comments about putting them on my worst affiliate programs page and posting at CAP and GPWA. Finally received a reply (well three actually) saying that it had been the Casino Grand Bay birthday and they had been celebrating and will look into the issue. I send another email on 31 March as I hadn’t heard anything.

    Yashin finally gives me some attention and over the course of the next couple of days we go back and forth with two completely different sets of numbers. Their numbers confirm their payment, mine obviously confirm what I was expecting. Finally I download the stats as a csv and send to Yashin on 3 April. Yashin replies, “Am looking into this – will advise shortly. “

    Heard nothing so email sent 7 April. No answer so email sent 13 April. Irwin replies 14 April, “I am currently looking into this for you and I will contact you as soon as possible.” Heard nothing so email sent 19 April with similar threats to before and they had until the end of the week to sort it out. Irwin sends email 22 April (the end of the week) saying he tried to call me. No message was left on my voicemail and he would try again Monday and that they will be launching a new website soon and this will solve all the problems. So I held off posting pending the phonecall. Guess what? No phone call on Monday so here I am posting.

    So based on the comment that the new website will solve the problems, it appears that the are problems with the stats repporting at Referspot. Anyone else have issues about not being paid the amount showing in their stats? Initially Yashin was very confident of the numbers and sent copies of how they came up with their amount. As soon as I sent the csv download everything went silent and the new website comment was made.


    May I ask how you are coming up with your figures? I mean, the amount you think you should have been paid, you got how?

    From the 90 Day Report?


    I’m getting the numbers straight from the reporting area. Just running the report for the full date range and it produces them.

    On another note, as they have said they are members here, I sent them a link to this thread and still no response.



    well James if they think not answering you was the way to go they are sadly mistaken. I greatly respect what you have to say as I do many of the affiliates here at CAP and will act upon your word.

    I’ve been on the bubble about them for a long time due to inferior production and then the Bella Vegas fiasco concerning the “underage” player not being paid …

    and your post is it for me unless they pull some kind of miracle last minute game saver…


    You all know how I feel about Referspot and the treatment of players, I think they need a serious management change or they are going to be in trouble.
    I can say that they have always paid on time and the correct amount due, in 3 years we have never been shorted or not paid what is due.


    Thanks for the support BB1.

    And to confirm, I sent them a link to this post on 26 April and no comments here and I still haven’t heard anything from them since 22 April.


    I have emailed James and confirmed that we are working on this problem. I will post an update as soon as we have a solution.



    I have faith in Yashin.

    He’s always resolved things for me to my satisfaction.

    I do know he’s just come back from a month traveling and now here comes Gigse and Miami.. he’s a busy, busy man I think, but I think he will make things right or have an explanation when you’re done. He always has for me.


    Daera, my problem is with the time it is taking, not following through with what they said they would do and only keeping me up to date after I have sent them another nasty email. The only reason I finally had an email from Yashin was because I emailed and asked for an update, otherwise I was still waiting for a phonecall that was supposed to happen on 24 April.

    Being away is no excuse and we are all trying to operate profitable businesses, and remember it was two weeks before I even received the first reply. I have great difficulty working with people who go away and no-one else has authority to do anything. All I am hearing is excuses. If it was me, after looking into it and realising it might take a while, I would have paid the disputed amount (it’s less than a couple of hundred dollars) and said, “we’ll sort it out and if you owe us then you can pay it back.” Heck I’ve been given amounts like this just for hanging in there with non-profitable programs for a bit longer than I normally would.


    I understand that Jarvi. To be honest, although I’m sure things will be resolved fine… I think Yashin has his plate full and a few other people’s plates also. I know that’s not our fault, and it’s very frustrating waiting.

    I had a question about my stats recently, and Yashin resolved it to my 100% satisfaction. BUT it did take over a month on the first question I had to be final and done. The second question was stemmed from the first and was resolved much quicker.

    Things shouldn’t take a month. But I’m getting used to it. I sent Referback an email last month when we got paid, asking for some explanation on my stats. I did receive a reply and a “Thank you for your continued patience” email the other day. But asked to please continue waiting longer.

    Patience is not my best skill, but I’m getting better at it. You need it when trying to resolve these things sometimes.

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