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Quicktender Now $30 to Withdraw!!!!!!!!

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  • #607629

    This is getting absurd!!!



    I didnt notice this one..


    Seems they taking advantage of their position for US players and Affiliates.
    and thats just not right.
    30$ for a WT is not just to much, it is Robbery!


    Yep! I light weight mentioned how it was going to happen in another post awhile back… lol I even think its a casino group that started it all.. wish someone knew and could share just exactly how they started.
    Every payment system currently available is screwing players and affiliates.

    Also, thats my post for the next few months lol…. WHERE HAVE I BEEN!?! Oh yeh… being poor poor poor… no job and making chump change when I can… I could so use the money I paid out for fees right now just to eat


    My bank just started to charge $10, it used to be free.
    I received a QT withdrawal today that I made last week. That’s $20 for them, $10 for the intermeadiate bank and now $10 for my bank. $40 now and if QT goes to $30 that will be $50 each time. Yikes!



    TY for pointing this out. It’s ubsurd and IMO, I would think it to be highly illegal to charge such an absorbanant fee!

    Sorry to bring the legal aspect into it but, it processors like QT, OBVIOUSLY out to get a quick buck, that only aid in taring down the whole gambling industry.

    IMO, we have 3 choices……or do we??

    1. Use QT if there is no other feasible mothod by which to get paid and pay whatever they choose to charge within the month

    2. Pay whatever fee they choose to charge in that month. BTW, started at $10. Last month, it was $20. Now, in March, it’s $30. Seems to increase by $10 per month. If we LET this continue, by December, we will have to pay, $110 PLUS what our bank charges inorder to withdraw from QT!

    3. Give in

    Sorry, I will NOT due any of the above.



    im converting most of mine to checks or wire


    Unfortunately due to life circumstances, I do not have an “official” bank account. Therefore, cannot cash a check. Believe me, I have tried. Last year, it sickened me but, I ripped up and threw away quite a bit of money in checks. Needless to say, I do not promote those properties any longer.

    I just do NOT understand why affiliate programs can’t cooperate and provide a viable solution!!

    When Affiate Speedpay came out, I thought it was going to be the next best thing since Grandma’s baked bread. From what I have read, there are not even a handfull of programs using this method.

    AM’s??? do you have any input as to why you are not using this method? If you do, PLEASE post.

    I am getting seriously discusted with”most” the affil. programs. the claims of biggest and best????!! Have some balls, step up to the plate and PAY your affiliates tht work like dogs! Most, dogs with familys to feed! Stop treating human beings like marionette’s! Stop exuses!

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