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Question on Australian gamblers

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    I am a little confuse about the Australian gambling traffic. It is legal to gamble on line but carries a penalty for the service provider?

    The Interactive Gambling Act of 2001 ( passed by the Australian Government ) established that Australian resident is allowed to play poker or casinos on line. But the problem goes to the interactive services provider wheter based on Australia or offshore, whether Australian or foreign; the goverment is entitle to apply a penalty.

    In short my question is: Can I work with the Australian market? :sarcasm:


    Good questions. I’m not a lawyer, but I am a qualified journo, and have been in the iGaming business for a couple of years. I’m based in Sydney, Australia, and haven’t had any problems. We don’t target Australia. Our traffic is approx 50 /50 Australian – overseas, and have have websites both hosted down under in Australia and overseas to play things on the safe side. I also report on the casino and iGaming industry in a media analyst. A lot of people believe that the Australian government wants their cut, or a bigger slice of the action. Australians generally do not want censorship of the internet. A new government was voted in last year and gaming, porn and other “God” related matters are on the agenda. Many Australian ISP’s, and their clients, don’t want to be censored, nor be told what to look at, what to think or what to play etc etc etc. The government has their hands full. Australia is a red hot market, but again, I’m not a lawyer, and wouldn’t want to be, but I know a good one! He spoke at CAP Down Under also. I hope this may help some.
    Best Regards
    Greg Tingle
    Media Man Australia
    Casino News Media

    @PatoSilber 190352 wrote:


    I am a little confuse about the Australian gambling traffic. It is legal to gamble on line but carries a penalty for the service provider?

    The Interactive Gambling Act of 2001 ( passed by the Australian Government ) established that Australian resident is allowed to play poker or casinos on line. But the problem goes to the interactive services provider wheter based on Australia or offshore, whether Australian or foreign; the goverment is entitle to apply a penalty.

    In short my question is: Can I work with the Australian market? :sarcasm:


    Hey Greg,

    Thanks for the promt and accurate replay.
    And let me add: way to go Aussies! People should be free to chose what to think and what to play.


    A quote from one of my favorite movies ‘Pulp Fiction’:

    “It breaks down like this: it’s legal to buy it, it’s legal to own it, and, if you’re the proprietor of a hash bar, it’s legal to sell it. It’s legal to carry it, but that doesn’t really matter ’cause – get a load of this – if you get stopped by the cops in Amsterdam, it’s illegal for them to search you. I mean, that’s a right the cops in Amsterdam don’t have.”

    Sums up my thoughts on the Australian Interactive Gambling Act (IGA) 2001.


    Awesome and you nailed it there. I think the Australian government just wants a bigger slice of the pie. That reminds me, I need to finish off my tax paperwork. I’m building more websites to add to our portfolio here and I was discussing with one of my tech guys what ones to host in Australia, and what ones to have based at some island we’ve never heard of. The history of mankind shows that if a government forces, or tries to force an industry underground, the industry still exists, however it starts to become invisible to the general public and law authorities, however the customer and potential customer still finds what they need, and the government misses out on their slice of the pie. Think of no holds barred fighting, like UFC, but with no rules! I think most high end internet gaming entrepreneur tech skills would be superior to many government departments, and we know that the passion and motivation is their in the igaming sector by both provider, website portal owners, ISP’s etc to do a dam fine job with their service to provide the paying customer with they want, be it based in Australia, the US, Canada, Tuvalu or Gibraltar. Much of the world loves a punt, and this is certainly the case with Australians, be it at the casino, horse racing, boxing or playing cards with their mates. I’ve got a movie for the forum… ‘They Live’, staring the great Rowdy Roddy Piper, who I’m aiming to collaborate again with later in the new year. The tag line of They Live… basically, the government and those who wish to control have hidden messages, but some of us can see them, and eventually they that were in power become exposed for what they are… aliens! If you like Pulp Fiction, and are looking for the real message, you must see They Live.
    Greg Tingle
    Media Man Australia
    Casino News Media

    @Buddy 191689 wrote:

    A quote from one of my favorite movies ‘Pulp Fiction’:

    “It breaks down like this: it’s legal to buy it, it’s legal to own it, and, if you’re the proprietor of a hash bar, it’s legal to sell it. It’s legal to carry it, but that doesn’t really matter ’cause – get a load of this – if you get stopped by the cops in Amsterdam, it’s illegal for them to search you. I mean, that’s a right the cops in Amsterdam don’t have.”

    Sums up my thoughts on the Australian Interactive Gambling Act (IGA) 2001.

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