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Professor Uncensored Videos?

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  • #795723

    @Professor 198179 wrote:

    I wouldnt be surprised if I am not accidently banned too. Or I am labeled as not rational because I dont want to do as I am told.

    Arjun (Warren’s brother) will undoubtably pop in later and say there were technical issues or the team was unable to post my videos because of some time issue or they were working feverishly on it as we spoke. If my Community News videos dont come back I will do uncensored ones on Youtube and then I will reveal alot of things people have asked about but I couldnt discuss openly as I didnt want to aggravate the situation and I thought some were working with us externally and internally in good faith when that is not the case.

    I’m still waiting to hear exactly what happened with that CAP audit that was released (without) my approval, but it’s all good. Things are becoming clear now.

    The atomic bomb is about to blow again I guess.


    Alex I see you are back.
    Remember Chamberlain and Churchill. Who won the battle of Britian and where would your country or the world be if people continued to listen to Chamberlain?


    The above link is for people who arent as old or versed in history to follow my remark

    You made mention of Sir Richard Branson, I seriously doubt he would allow British Airways to destroy his headquarters and just silently go out to his island and retire. Mr Branson is a fighter and adventurer and a buildier of business empires. He does not have quit in him.

    Alex remember when people hurt CAP that will also eventually impact our events too. I would hope I could count you to protect our mutual interests.


    Alex has taken an unfair beating for some time now online at a few places and it’s a real shame how folks are bullying others like they are.


    Lou can I suggest that maybe you step away from the pc for a bit and cool down some this is going in a direction that maybe in the future you would have wished it didn’t go in?


    I love working with Alex and want to protect him and the events too. They are certainly one of the best facets of CAP and the community. But I need his help and support to bring things back around to a positive direction. Sitting on our hands wont stop the damage thats being done.

    I know Alex wants it to stop just as much as I do and its in our mutual best interests to get control of this problem.

    The industry needs this to work too. But we all have to stand up and say NO we dont want negativity and fraction and we arent going to support it and turn our backs on CAP or the Professor and the positive way moving forward. We need cooperation and progress and business growth not constant distractions, negative videos and more and more “Solutions” popping up everywhere to cure a problem we already had well in hand.


    Yes I now Bonus thats what you have been suggesting for awhile now. How long should I stay silent? What about my videos being supressed and what about all these new organizations springing up? What about all the negative posts and calls to Rogue CAP flying around should I be quiet about those too?

    If you want to help please support me and CAP like you always did in the past. PLEASE.


    Where would Casinomeitser be without Bryan?

    Where would CAP be without the Professor?

    Both sound equally silly and wrong.


    Ok guys its Saturday and we have projects to do and I have to visit my mother in the hospital. Everyone is welcome to post their rebuttals while I am away.


    AS a new guy here I am confused now prof…I thought you were an owner of CAP also ?


    @Professor 198190 wrote:

    Ok guys its Saturday and we have projects to do and I have to visit my mother in the hospital. Everyone is welcome to post their rebuttals while I am away.

    Have a good day Professor! Thoughs and prayes are still with your Mom and family. Try to relax and not worry about this stuff. :hattip:


    I am the founder of CAP and majority shareholder. I was here before anyone else in the organization was and as such I am eager to protect CAP at all costs.

    I know to a new comer this is all confusing. I have a hard time myself fully understanding how or why we got to this point too.

    I just want to have CAP a positive and professional outlook and I dont like the dishonorable treatment we are getting by competitors.

    The second issue which set me off today is the fact that my Community News videos are not being posted after I spent hours working on them. As you pointed out I am one of the owners and shareholder board members so it pisses me off to no end that my sales team is not posting them.


    Hey my Community news magically appeared in the CAP TV section! It wasnt announced yet though. I am going to put this thread in the attic for now so we can all get back to our weekends.


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