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Professor Uncensored Videos?

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    @Professor 198156 wrote:

    Alex my whole point is I dont want to be distanced from CAP. And I dont want CAP further distanced from anyone else. I started CAP almost 9 years ago and there has NEVER been a more ardent believer or supporter of CAP, its members, or the majority of its staff. I have worked tirelessly in that effort.

    During the past few months there have been those who want me to be silent so CAP can be dismantled and other places empowered or established. I dont believe my being silent or distanced from CAP is in its best interest.

    Very well said Professor. I can understand how you would feel about being asked to step away from CAP by those that ‘feel’ it’s best for CAP, but I say STAY and fight! :cappy:


    He is and thats why we see all the poison there directed towards CAP.

    Bonustreak it takes more then one person wanting to get along for it to happen. When everyone REALLY DOES want to get along CAP and myself will be here waiting. All we ever wanted was a stronger industry, a professional and positive place for affiliates to commune, the best affiliate events available and free for all affiliates, free access to learning tools and publications so affiliates could GROW their buisiness and correction of any anti affiliate issues that arose.

    For eight years that formula worked fine. Until only a few months ago the questions and challenges coming up now werent even being uttered. Now it’s suddenly vogue to say it might be better if I moved on or if CAP moved on or if I was quiet while all this negativity and hate was directed towards us then everything would be magically solved. This makes little sense.

    I would love nothing better than for all of us to get along and work positively on growing our businesses and reinforcing the industry. I would love to be given the opportunity to do so. But If I fall silent nothing positive will really occur, our competitors will become even more hostile and bold. New ones like the new community CM is launching will crop up. And CAP and our business will be damaged. United at CAP we stand divided we fall. How is that an acceptable or good option?

    Does everyone have such a short attention span they forgot that before CAP staged events affiliates were forced to pay to attend a conference. It was that or the Sponsors were asked to buy tickets for them or lose face with their affiliates? Do partners still remember when they were told “THEY” had no GUTS?

    Does anyone remember when we all worked together and forced change when a program wasnt always wise enough to see it was the right thing to do? If we fracture and everyone runs in five different directions and forms splinter groups or attempts to work the rounds at all of them will we still have that collective bargaining power?

    Will there be anyone who invests the amount of money and engineering we do into a community where affiliates and programs get real ROI without unhealthy gossip and daily unpheavels?

    Yes, shock internet can be entertaining but does it add money to anyone’s bottom line? Amusement is fine, but isnt this the way many of us make a living?

    Thats what I keep trying to get across before I am shouted down or challenged or censored.

    95% of the Affiliate Programs out there want a strong and effective affiliate base to work with. What about the other 5%? The Grand Prive’s of the world would love to pick us off one by one or as small groups instead of one powerful CAP. I can see why those 5% are laughing right now and rubbing their hands together with glee. Is that what eveyone wants?

    Again CAP and I want to get along with other groups and be a positive place for growth but in order to get along it takes more then one side seeking peace.


    I’m sure that you have supporters Professor! It’s hard for a lot of folks to show support because they become a target. I personally don’t have that worry and it’s my nature to speak my mind, get stuff off my chest and move on to make it better.

    That is why I ‘ask questions’ and defend any ‘unfair’ act against CAP that I see online. Things are NOT always the way they seem. :tongue:


    Yes I dont blame people for not wanting to come under fire. But its people with integrity not, fair weather friends or social butterflies who want to be accepted everywhere, that will ultimately help me save CAP.

    Ok gang lets start the round of free speach soap box sermons. Well is it OK if I have free speach too or is that only reserved for others?

    I have every belief that when people get tired of the games and distractions and when they are ready to focus on business again they WILL be right back here at CAP. Most have NOT left. This IS a challenge but I dont back down from challenges. I am committed to CAP, nothing else. No other forum. No other agenda. You can count on that one thing remaining true and if that doesnt please some people thats fine.


    Professor when was this taken?


    I would welcome ALL videos, comments and suggestions that the CAP community have to offer. Having worked with a CAP moderator for the last 7 months my first thought was “what in the world have I gotten myself into?” I am so passionate about “what I do for her” that I can’t wait for the time to come that the “full time job” becomes a afterthought. Several ppl laugh when I said that the first time. In order to succeed, you must have the will and drive to make it succeed. Sure there are going to be ups and downs, there is in every business adventure, but in the long run a person must do what is right for them.

    I can’t wait for the Professor tutorials :wink-wink because if i can get one thing out of it, then in the long run I will do a better job for my “boss” and our players. Should I be allowed to “voice” my opinion? YES…but in a respectful and mature way. Discusson is always good as long as it doesn’t become a “bashing.” And right now I’m so sick of “bashings.”

    We need unity in this industry or most of us aren’t going to survive. Now that i’ve rambled on, probably off track, I will go back to my corner and continue to read and learn.

    Professor bring those uncensored videos on…..I for one am ready to learn more and contribute :hattip:


    At the CAP Awards in London in January. Bryan was also at CAP Euro London, most days in the lobby bar.


    @Professor 198171 wrote:

    At the CAP Awards in London in January. Bryan was also at CAP Euro London, most days in the lobby bar.

    Really? I heard him say in his video, where he made a point of noting, that he was NOT going to attend CAP Euro London, but just the awards dinner.

    Did you guys manage to have a talk like you asked when he posted before the atomic bomb went off? Looks like HE has the SOLUTION. :tongue:


    One thing I would like to see again is my CAP Community News here at CAP. For the past two weeks I have filmed them and sent them in and stayed late doing it and they are not getting posted by the Califorina Office. So the Professor is being censored right here at CAP.

    The videos I did were not controversial either I was wishing people good luck on Friday 13th and a nice Valentines Day along with welcoming our new certified partners and talking about Cancun. It was never aired.

    This weeks video was much the same but I also wished Dom a swift recovery and told her we missed her input here at CAP.

    Neither Video has been posted. Thats why I may be forced to do Uncensored Videos just so people remember Im here and I can stay connected with the community. Some people, as evidenced in posts here, and by the lack of my Community News Videos, dont want that to happen. I am not going to give up what I worked so hard to build. Like I said, for eight years everything was great and we had all the support in the world. Then BANG we have all this over the course of maybe six months and I am being offered up as some sort of sacrifical lamb.

    CAP may be taken down by hateful competitors and phoney friends, but the whole industry will suffer, so be careful what you wish for.

    I just hope the calvary rides in and helps me save CAP and does it without trying to force me out in the process. Ultimately I do believe good will prevail and those who chose the evil path to business building will fail.


    We talked cordially, he smiled and I smiled, we posed for pictures together he complimented me on the show and I complimented him on the work he had done with players. I always liked and respected Bryan and had no idea what he had planned.

    I thought he was the players equivalent of what I try to do for affiliates. I never imagined a Player Advocate/Watchdog would want to also be an Affiliate Advocate as the two ideas dont really mesh well. Its better to have what we did have. A strong Affiliate Group and a strong Players Group. I have no idea what he sees in this or why he would suddenly change his online persona to such a degree and with such ferocity.

    Quite frankly I still dont get it.


    @Professor 198173 wrote:

    One thing I would like to see again is my CAP Community News here at CAP. For the past two weeks I have filmed them and sent them in and stayed late doing it and they are not getting posted by the Califorina Office. So the Professor is being censored right here at CAP.

    The videos I did were not controversial either I was wishing people good luck on Friday 13th and a nice Valentines Day along with welcoming our new certified partners and talking about Cancun. It was never aired.

    This weeks video was much the same but I also wished Dom a swift recovery and told her we missed her input here at CAP.

    Neither Video has been posted. Thats why I may be forced to do Uncensored Videos just so people remember Im here and I can stay connected with the community. Some people, as evidenced in posts here, and by the lack of my Community News Videos, dont want that to happen. I am not going to give up what I worked so hard to build. Like I said, for eight years everything was great and we had all the support in the world. Then BANG we have all this over the course of maybe six months and I am being offered up as some sort of sacrifical lamb.

    OMG No way! :flush: That is some low down dirty stuff! Don’t let them do this to you Professor! No wonder you are upset! How many other of us would like to have this done to them?

    Well if I dissapear then you can guess that I got banned! LMAOOOOOO If they treat YOU like that then lord knows what’s in store for me! :roflmao:


    @Professor 198175 wrote:

    We talked cordially, he smiled and I smiled, we posed for pictures together he complimented me on the show and I complimented him on the work he had done with players. I always liked and respected Bryan and had no idea what he had planned.

    I thought he was the players equivalent of what I try to do for affiliates. I never imagined a Player Advocate/Watchdog would want to also be an Affiliate Advocate as the two ideas dont really mesh well. Its better to have what we did have. A strong Affiliate Group and a strong Players Group. I have no idea what he sees in this or why he would suddenly change his online persona to such a degree and with such ferocity.

    Quite frankly I still dont get it.

    Well he is on vacation, but being that he is pondering his position on ‘officially’ rouging CAP when he gets back I”m sure that he will do a video/post to explain it all for everyone to ‘understand’ what is going on with the industry as a whole and how he will save us all! :D


    Lou I would not do it, I don’t see any good coming from this, once again lets focus on the positive.



    I wouldnt be surprised if I am not accidently banned too. Or I am labeled as not rational because I dont want to do as I am told.

    Arjun (Warren’s brother) will undoubtably pop in later and say there were technical issues or the team was unable to post my videos because of some time issue or they were working feverishly on it as we spoke. If my Community News videos dont come back I will do uncensored ones on Youtube and then I will reveal alot of things people have asked about but I couldnt discuss openly as I didnt want to aggravate the situation and I thought some were working with us externally and internally in good faith when that is not the case.

    90% of whats being blamed on CAP and Me in particular occured against my will and without my authorization. I tried to play clean up and and sing the party line but thats going to come to and end soon if this censorship and behind the scenes politics doesnt stop now.


    Islandmaan thats my sincerest wish and dream. Lets hope it doesnt head that way. But I cant let CAP continue to be damaged and sit silently and watch and I cant be forced out of my own company or community.

    Lets hope good prevails.

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