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Prof rises above the BS in order to help us and others

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  • #583737

    Hi all,

    I just had to post my reply to the Prof publicly.

    I wrote asking him for permission to post what he’d said about the front loading shavers at “another board” because IMHO we all need the collective power we give each other and he realizes that and rather than be a little person; has taken the hi road and should be given credit for having done so.

    This benefits us all but I won’t be surprised if I’m not “punished” in some form for bringing this very valuable information to the other board; simply because I will give the Prof credit for the post.

    anyway, you’re too cool for school Lou.



    Lou is right to be diseminating info. I agree, he deserves kudos. :D

    Just because Cindy acts like a xxxx much of the time doesn’t mean that the folks in the GPWA don’t deserve to know what goes on in the industry.

    I still believe that we webmasters need to stick together, and so does Lou as we can see, and so does most everyone here I am sure.


    Hey guys and gals … why do you think that for me this is the absolute best Forum on planet Earth for its kind … and Lou has made it all possible … Thanks Professor !



    Thanks Guys! :blush::bigsmile:

    I am sure happy to have everyone here. You guys and girls are the greatest!
    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


    some of the attitudes expressed above are very encouraging because we DO need each other… all of us.

    I for one am never quick to pluck an eye to spite my face.

    Its refreshing to see others are of the same mind-set.


    actually, this is the ONLY casino affiliate board which I am visiting,
    I just wish I could share with you the info on who have been shaving me, the private forum is not secured from the operators and I have no clue where to post it , it is quite a long list


    Janet the operators are restricted from access here.

    Most people can not even see the private areas are here and I generally don’t allow access to anyone I suspect of being a casino operator or are known to allow Operators to view the boards via their login info.

    Is it 100% foolproof? No, but its as close as is possible given the nature of people and the limitations of the message board.


    Hi Prof,
    since most of us here trust YOU (you know our identity) I do not mind if we all send you by PM the lists of savers and you will post the aggregated results, or better yet, can you set up an anonymous poll here listing all the programs and each one will mark his/her shavers .


    Ok a poll it is. I will set one up this afternoon and allow multiple selections so everyone can provide feedback on their suspected shavers.


    you’r the BEST !


    I agree with Janet about polls.

    I have been tempted by some conversations here to post my stats for one program or another – but I will not do it nor will I ever talk about how much I make in any place anymore.

    There is a political climate to worry about, and I will only make any comments on such things anymore if I can do it anonymously.


    Always has been the best board in my book, even before he had the good board software that allowed all this from the polls to the private area to the plain old serving off a shared message board server … From the begining prof your board has more good info then the others …


    Agreed. I have been a regular on this board for longer than any other board ever – for good reason!

    I learned my beginnings here, Prof was nice enough to evaluate my brand new site years ago.

    I have always stayed loyal, and I am delighted to see the new look and feel of the board and the general renaissance.

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