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Problems with UltimateBet

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  • #592040

    Hi Folks

    So, i signed up my first player to UltimateBet last week – of course, the player was not tracked (as seems the norm for me so far).

    After mush discussion with Amanda at UB it seems the problem is due to a technical failure on their part: my player does not use I.E as her browser but instead uses Firefox, apparently this causes problems for UB.

    Despite this fault on their part they are still refusing to credit me for the signup.

    This seems a terrible way to do business.

    Is this common? Do I have any further options? My polite and professional attitude in the communications so far is being sorely tested.

    I notice UB are recommended here.

    All advice gratefully received.


    no answers, just a thanks for the heads up.

    bb1webs wrote:
    no answers, just a thanks for the heads up.

    Same here.

    This raises a whole new issue – firefox is being used more and more. I wonder how many programs have the same problem?


    A (very) quick search tells me that around 80% of users have I.E as their browser, but that this number will continue to decrease over time.

    20% is 20% – why should our revenue take a 20% hit because these guys can’t overcome ‘technical’ problems?

    As it stands I am taking down UltimateBet from my site until they can come up with some sort of resolution that seems ‘fair’ to me. (Not that losing a minnow like me will cause them to lose much sleep! :whatsthat).

    To openly admit that this is due to their failure but to offer no compensation other than ‘their sympathies’ is laughable and offensive.

    I hope others advertising for UB will contact and seek comment from them, and am glad the heads-up maybe of some use to others.

    (Oh, and according to UB: “Unfortunately Firefox can be a problem for a lot of different affliate programs.”)


    Well, that sucks. I have not used IE is ages and a healthy chunk of my visitors don’t.

    Also with people like Google pushing FF, that number is going to keep on falling.

    Tell them that 20% of your visitors use FF, so since their systems are garbage, you want 120% payout to help account for this. :D

    How does anyone “professional” design or program something that’s not friendly in other browsers besides IE? That’s amazing.

    Tell them that 20% of your visitors use FF, so since their systems are garbage, you want 120% payout to help account for this.

    Now this is a good idea!

    Thanks for the support, I have removed them from my site until I get some sort of satisfactory resolution.


    This is very scary to see, Ub is my life blood. They are 70% of my liftime earnings at poker affiliate programs. They are closer to 40-50% of my current earnings. I have noticed a slow down, figured it was because more people are signed up with them, leaving less new blood. Perhaps it is FF growing market share. I feel somewhat forced to continue to promote them, but I will have to give others some of there exposure.

    It is very alarming that they admit error, but don’t resolve!


    Hmm, that is a concern. In looking at my stats, just over 10% of my visitors are Firefox users.


    Please check their forum here.

    They are apparently actively working to resolve this.

    I just wonder how many others are having the same problem. Some 15% of my visitors are firefox. Just under 80% IE, the rest netscape and opera.


    And this has been going on for how long I wonder??!

    Amanda has been very polite and professional with me, and the use of a bonus code does overcome the problem, but many players won’t use a site-specific code especially as there is no need to enter any code to receive their signup bonus.

    I wonder when they started working on this glitch too.

    I’m willing to bet UB is not the only culprit out there.

    ThePokerProf wrote:
    I’m willing to bet UB is not the only culprit out there.

    To me that is a VERY alarming sentence. I am in the same boat as others….FF becoming a bigger and bigger chunk.

    How could we find out if this is true with others? Asking is an obvious answer but would like to test it myself.


    If Ultimate Bet knew they had this problem, why havent they made any announcements as such? It appears from the post above they were already aware of this issue when you first emailed them. If thats the case, why hadn’t they sent out an email letting affiliates know about it?

    To me that’s clear cut highway robbery! They knew players were not being tracked and they took no actions to let us know! Worse thing they didnt even offer me any KY! :devil:

    And I agree this is a scary subject, how many other programs have the same issue? And for that matter what exactly is the issue?


    This is a little odd. I understand that sometimes there are tracking problems between new players and affiliates, but generally these should be able to be resolved by your affiliate manager.

    We (PartnerLogic) occassionally have linking issues for various reasons, but we can 98% the time get around this manually.

    Affiliate programs realise how important players are to not only your revenue but ours and so generally do what they can to make the linking run smoothly.

    I have never come across an issue with different Internet browsers.

    If you know that this happens for other affiliate programs, please let me know and i will investigate this our end to make sure we are not affected as well.

    i hope this helps


    No anouncement on a fix? It doesn;t take weeks to fix this kind of thing.


    There are some legitmate sounding posts by your company however dealing with you in e-mail shows you to be disinterested in dealing honestly and fairly with affiliates. Mr. Waxman… you are arrogant and offer nothing. Change your ways Sir ….it will be a better world !

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