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PrePaid ATM Charge backs

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  • #587227

    I know the PrePaid ATM thing happened a few months ago
    Had some charge backs for last month due to Prepaid ATM

    Anyone else have this problem?




    I am not aware of any chargebacks by my players via PrePaid ATM.

    I wonder how many people really use that service? I always assumed about 60% of sales were via Neteller with foreign credit cards/ debit cards making up the next biggest market then Payspark then PrePaid ATM and all the rest.

    Anyone have an idea how much they contribute to the market?



    which one was it that was on the outs with many casinos? was it PPATM?


    The story I’m getting is that PrePaid ATM charged back all of their transactions and kept the reserves. It hit me pretty hard last month at one casino just wanted to know if anyone else had the same experience or if im getting shaved in a big way


    Last month was the worst month I had all year despite strong traffic and decent sign ups. This Prepaid thing may have taken me out at the knees also and I just didnt know it.


    I have had a bit of prepaidatm chargebacks. ( these are not player chargebacks )

    From my understanding prepaidatm has kept the casinos reserves and any funds in there accounts for the ones that dropped prepaidatm, which is quite a few casinos. The reserves from what I have heard is a bit, but the prepaid atm wont let them withdraw non reserve funds. I believe the larger groups got hit hard, such as referback & fortune. The hit from prepaid atm is still going on, not just when it they dropped them. As the casinos are still trying to recover these funds.

    one casino group ( smaller one ) had about $60k tied up with them. Larger groups had a lot more tied up.

    I actually had a call from one of the head people at prepaid atm when a casino tried to pay me through prepaid atm, telling me that the casino had money in there account, but since they discontinued using prepaid atm he was not going to release the money and they were going to keep there funds, so they would not let me have the payment I received. He said by the casino dropping Prepaid atm they violated a contract. The whole story behind prepaidatm just makes a person sick.

    So when prepaid atm sends emails promoting the casinos still using prepaid atm to all there members, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I actually wrote them back last time and told them I did not agree when I signed up with prepaidatm to receive promotional emails and didnt like it.


    Thanks for the feedback looks like I am not the only one

    Krystall Sorry to here that it kinda makes you sick when you are expecting the money and it doesn’t happen.
    It would take a lot of Vegas Dinners to make up for that one huh

    Thanks again everyone


    What about other money Krystall may have in her account: is that frozen too? Just where do they draw the line? And what gives them the right to do so if there is a reserve held. That’s what the freakin reserve is for! it sounds like to me that PPATM has proven they are not to be trusted with funds since they are basically “playing God” or at the very least, judge and jury.

    This should never be accepted (though I am a hypocrite for saying this, since I have chosen to continue to promote RB after they changed the rules of the game – altering the agreement I and all of you had entered into originally) but that is something that won’t possibly effect my players.

    from a non-interested bystander’s POV: if what PPATM is saying is true; then they deserve to keep the money IF that is what was in the original contract they entered into with the casinos, and the casinos had broken that contract.

    BUT when innocent parties begin to suffer as a direct result of the conflict you must examine closely and determine which party is causing the innocent that injustice, or is it just a matter of circumstance? In this case, it is obvious that one of two things has happened, one of the two parties is trying to involve Krystall in something that she has no business being near.

    so it becomes a question of “Did the casino try to tell you they were paying you out of their reserve all the while knowing the money would not be released?” or “Was the money deposited into PPATM on top of the reserve that was obviously already there, and PPATM is choosing to keep that money on top of the reserve?” And in any case; as I said, isn’t that what a reserve is for? to make sure people get their money? Otherwise call it what it is: Penalty escrow. Not Freakin reserve!

    I note that one of the programs I work closely with had approached me about getting paid thru PPATM and I had agreed but they promised that they’d make things right no matter what: and I trust them to do that. However in the end since I’ve never completed my registering process with PPATM ( I of course signed up and did use them, but I never completed the registering my bank account process because quite frankly I never had any intention of using them since I’ve been happy with NETeller … so far ): anyway, in the end knowing it would take me a month to get the registered account completed because my bank is lost in the 20th century and has not yet updated to where I can check my account electronically, I must wait until the end of the month to get my statement to know what amounts are deposited into my account, which as you know is necessary to complete the process)

    after that I discreetly posted warnings telling my players that I wasn’t saying PPATM’s money wasn’t good, but that it was time to move on. That was because of all the casinos not accepting them as much as anything; I certainly never thought things would come the point they have reached.

    *you’ll have to check that site that records all the web pages from the past to find that warning since I’ve taken that down a month or more ago as I thought PPATM was a thing of the past (in the eyes of the major casinos). Sounds like I need to put the warnings back up.

    Even if its not PPATM that is at fault I don’t want my players getting their funds tied up in some kind of thing that I can’t count on 100% for the player to get their money, and whether it is the casino that is at fault for telling players they have been paid thru PPATM but that PPATM won’t turn loose the funds; or whether it is PPATM: doesn’t matter.

    I never want to be the first one in a mob to yell “get a rope!” but I’ve got my players to think about: and quite frankly that’s all I care about. It may not be right, but I don’t get paid by the just; I get paid by people who trust me to be the paranoid skeptic.

    So PPATM just went from being something I warned my players about because of possible inconvenience to warning of possible loss of funds.


    To me – that is criminal conduct on the part of prepaid ATM.

    I wish the US government would get it straight and go after real crimes comitted online instead of harassing lawabiding business people.


    The funds sent to me they reversed back out of my account. The casino that sent them, made it right with me. My funds in my prepaidatm account are not effected other than the one transaction…

    What makes me sick- What I have heard from several sources is the guy that owns prepaidatm son was up on murder charges and rape. The owner paid bail on his son using prepaidatm funds. The kid got off on a technicality and then did it again, only this time he the girl did not die, So more bond money was required to keep son out of jail and also money to pay for legal expenses. So the owner use prepaidatm funds again. Now I am not sure if this money is just tied up right now and will be released back once the court trial is over, or not. I would assume so, and at that point I think the casinos may recover there money. Right now they can not get there money out. Some casinos have lawyers working on this for them. The out come will be hard to tell.

    So that is where the money is going, doesnt it make you sick?


    This is one of the most horrific stories I have heard in a long time!


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