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Predatory terms at PartyPartners

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  • #602227

    Is this new?

    4.4 Minimum Payment and Time of Payment. All Affiliate Accruals generated through your chosen Payment Plan will be paid into your Affiliate Cashier Account within fifteen (15) days of the close of each calendar month. We may impose reasonable restrictions on the frequency and amounts that can be cashed out of your Affiliate Cashier Account for administrative convenience and/or to protect the security of your account. Further, if the amount due is negative in any particular month, then that negative amount will carry over and be deducted against the following month. In the event, the balance carried over does not exceed US $50 within a consecutive three (3) month period, then the amount due will be voided and cancelled, and we have the right to terminate the affiliate agreement in this case.

    And, how will it affect IOG, who now pay through the PartyPartners cashier?


    oohhhhhh….. I’m going to have to get on this one, huh? That is the craziest shit I have seen in a while.


    What a bunch of clowns and to think they are dead serious about this “changed term”!


    Ouch, that’s not good at all!


    >>>how will it affect IOG, who now pay through the PartyPartners cashier?

    they are linked ?


    where have the good old days went?!


    Old days vanished with the exit of good guys like you Itay, Now that you are back again, I hope things can be interesting again :)

    How is your new project doing?


    Hi all,

    I have made this post more than once recently about the trouble finding quality poker sponsors. Party …. or any association ….. is NOT a good choice.

    I’m tired of being screwed because i have a small but loyal following. Screw you party ….. who btw have proven in the past to be cheats and liars via their casinos … ask Antoine, a vet in this industry that knows his stuff what he thinks of party’s casinos?

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