This site needs a bit of work to bring it up to scratch but does get solid traffic and a few sign ups.
I’ve been messing with the banner on the right to see what brings the most players and pacific has only brough 2 in a month so not that one
I was going to get a load of wallpapers done for each poker site and include a bonus code on the design, you could use this to promote your other sites or whatever you want really.
Uniques are at about 1500 a month and growing. Number 4 in google .com 4 in google uk.
Number 1 in yahoo and there is plenty of search volume for “poker wallpaper”
Open to serious offers as it has a lot of potential and good traffic already, made approx $1000 in revenue last 3 months from various poker rooms which as i said I’ve been messing with, some cpa deals some rev share.
Stats are from google analytics.
I simply have no time for this so will sell if anyone is interested, quick sale prefered so wil be a bargain for a fast deal.