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Poker – Game of Skill or Chance

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  • #586054

    I was wondering if anyone knows what the law is.

    Is Poker ( and all its variations) a game of Skill

    or a game of chance.

    The lottery is chance
    Bingo is chance
    I think roulette and keno are chance

    But Poker ??

    Anyone know for sure.

    I been diggin around law sites and cant seem to really get anywhere.

    I even sent a couple of emails to lawyers that watch the sites and no response yet.

    Thanks !!


    Poker appears to be a game of skill, but to my knowledge it has not been specifically legally categorized as anything.

    The answer likely varies according to whom you are asking.


    I read somewhere that Mike Caro testified about poker being a game of skill in some court case, but I think it was a long time ago.


    For what its worth, the banking industry treats Live Poker as online gambling and codes it as such.


    Yeah well, the DOJ decided chess and checkers tournaments and solitaire competitions were online gambling and threatened the arcade into closing.

    The truth is that none of this is legally established and will not be until we have seen lawsuits concernaing all of this, or a law gets passed.

    They have tried unsuccessfully to pass a law for 3 years now, so I doubt that will happen.

    Let’s hope they will realize sometime soon that regulation is the way to go to protect citizens and to keep the money at home.


    Originally posted by Dominique

    Let’s hope they will realize sometime soon that regulation is the way to go to protect citizens and to keep the money at home.

    Wow, that’s it in a nutshell. Well said. :thumbsup:


    Basically talking about a different/related issue, but…

    The answer to the question appears to be that courts haven’t ruled on it.

    Obviously poker is a game of skill, and just as obviously on any individual hand there is a huge amount of luck. Is “poker” a lifetime game, or is it a series of unrelated individual hands? Skill predominates over a lifetime, luck probably predominates on the turn of a single card in a hand.


    Nicely put C.

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