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Please welcome Best Casino Partner as a CAP Certified Partner

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    Everyone join me in congratulating Best Casino Partner team for being selected a Certified Program at CAP!
    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

    Best Casino Partner Team Says:
    Earn Cash with Your Traffic! Join the Affiliate Program and Earn one of the Most Generous Affiliate Payouts in the Industry! EVERY MONTH our huge Revenue-Share Program pays you a WHOPPING 30% of the Casino GROSS Revenue generated by your referred players for the entire lifetime of the player: payments EVERY month with No Loss Carry-Forward!

    Click here to join the Best Casino Partner program


    Sorry, but…..

    Wow – This move says to affiliates that CAP will certify programs that are willing to break contracts and steal from affiliates? I don’t think that is the kind of precedent you want to set, to be honest.

    I can only say that this is a horrible move for affiliates that BCP is ‘certified’ by CAP. I guess everyone just has to remember that certification is bought and paid for, not given based upon merit like it used to be.

    Very poor decision making on this one :(


    I think if CAP members had had a vote, this would have been voted down at this time.

    Too many unresolved problems, and one that threatens the structure of the aff industry.


    Surely this decision means that “Certification” should not be regarded as a meaningful indicator of a fair program. If it permits programs to make retroactive changes to T&C’s, what else does it allow? This seems a very odd decision unless I’ve missed something.


    Andy, we don’t need those sort of accusations from you, so both you and AGD will need to take a break from CAP until you realize the hard work that we truly do put forth into these sorts of situations. You saw the official statement from BCP — we are confident that we can work through any and all issues with the program and eventually come to a permanent resolution that is fair, honest, and equitable for all. Just like the issues with Fortune, Referback, etc., these matters take time to negotiate and involve multiple parties and layers of management to get over-turned. If we had not negotiated with them nor brought them onto CAP, the terms they had initially proposed were much worse and would have been far more damaging than that where we currently stand.

    Fact is, BCP is a good program and makes a lot of money for a lot of affiliates, including us. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we are sure that the team at BCP, including the senior management that Lou and I know personally, will work through any of these issues. If there are any individual issues that are not resolved directly by BCP, please let anyone on the CAP team know and we will step in.

    Thanks to everyone else for your understanding and support.


    You are going to ban Andy for speaking his mind?


    @Simmo! 180009 wrote:

    Surely this decision means that “Certification” should not be regarded as a meaningful indicator of a fair program. If it permits programs to make retroactive changes to T&C’s, what else does it allow? This seems a very odd decision unless I’ve missed something.

    Simmo, BCP is a fair program. Have they locked or frozen your account, or anyone else for that matter on CAP, due to lack of activity? If so, let me know, and I can guarantee you we can resolve the issue. They are trying to incorporate an insurance policy within their T&C’s so affiliates do not ignore them after years of doing business together; if it get’s enforced under unfair circumstances, we will work to resolve that.

    At the end of the day, we all need to leverage the strength of CAP to allow operators to do the right thing. Our “Certification” does not mean that a program is PERFECT in EVERY FASHION. It means that we believe the program has a positive outlook on communication and working with affiliates on all aspects within their program to either resolve current issues or try to clean up their past activity that may have just been plain old stupidity or ignorance.


    @Dominique 180012 wrote:

    You are going to ban Andy for speaking his mind?

    Nope, not for speaking his mind. Andy has spoken his mind on numerous occasions here. I don’t appreciate the lack of appreciation for the POSITIVE changes and time invested on this matter thus far by everyone at CAP and several affiliates as well. I realize for Andy and a few other members, no matter what we do, the glass will always be half empty.


    Warren, BCP is refusing to live up to the contract they signed with us. We acted in accordance and sent them players, and now they refuse to pay for them as agreed.

    What they do from here out is their business, but the contracts they made have to be honored.

    Excisting players were delivered with a contract in place, and you can’t just refuse to pay and say, look, I changed the contract, you don’t get what we owe you anymore. We changed our mind.

    If I sell you a TV for $1000 and send it to you, you can’t just send me $500 and a piece of paper that states that you don’t pay $1000 anymore.

    You can pay less for the next one and I can decide if that suits me or not, but once you have received the merchandise you have to pay.


    Dominique, I would be happy to discuss this with you in private. I will make one last comment and then this thread will be locked (amongst any others discussing this useless issue):

    Yes, they’ve made a silly terms and conditions change that they feel will benefit their business long term. Many people make claims, sign contracts, or do things that they will never enact and I feel that this one of those scenarios. What’s so hard about answering a phone call or an e-mail from an affiliate manager to just show them you’re alive? I don’t see the big deal and if we had this mentality at CAP to NOT communicate with operators because we are just “too busy” or have better things to do, no one here would have the ability to access and communicate with most if not all of the major programs in the industry.


    Based on our conversations with members here at CAP and our certification team, we have gone ahead and revoked BCP’s certification on CAP. We strongly felt that the concession we were able to obtain in Barcelona from BCP’s management team was a step in the right direction for the affiliate community, but obviously that is not the case.

    Over the past 7 years, nothing has been more important to CAP than our affiliate community, and as affiliates ourselves, this will always be the determining factor. We’re sorry for the aggravation this has caused everyone. We appreciate everyone’s feedback and input and you can be assured your voice is always heard and valued here at CAP.

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