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  • #625445

    What do you like?
    What do you hate?
    What could improve?



    HI, I looked at all 3 sites and I’ll give you a general idea of what you should change on all of them
    1) Title tag – figure out a keyword phrase -heaven4casinos is not one of them -“all in one casinos” might be – but what is an all in one casino? DO they have casino and sports do the have horse betting and poker

    maybe try All Online Casinos News: Sports Horse Betting and Poker with All Online Casinos

    (I’ve tried ‘online casino news’ – not a good keyword phrase -at least it didn’t work for me)

    or if ‘you like’ video slots, make that you main keyword eg. top online video slots casinos bonus Online Video slots bonus

    or something like that

    2) use alt text for images -alt=”keyword phrase” eg alt=”all in one online casino news”

    3) might want to change ©2008

    4) in your list of casino you might want to use and 120*60 banner with the casino name under it – banners give a lot of information and catch the eye faster

    5) the 3 euro banners don’t give me any info at all – I would change them to your top 3 percentage rev share casinos

    6) Top choices -top choice of what? Top Video Slots Choices?

    7) also to do with your list of casinos- if you are going to use Video Slots then change the headers to – Online Video Slots Casinos, Video Slots Software Video Slots Bonus (not a bad title tag either – it would be on the page and in your title tag

    well those are my thoughts


    P.S. Do Gamblers Go to Heaven?
    you might get some hits for that!


    A question, what do you mean top choices? On what site do I have this info?

    For the rest, wow, thanks a lot, really good advice.
    Do you like the layout?

    Other ideas anybody?


    you had it on heaven4casinos but you changed it – where you now have
    Visit NetEnt casino, CasinoEuro this September


    @Shotgunpete 231405 wrote:

    you had it on heaven4casinos but you changed it – where you now have
    Visit NetEnt casino, CasinoEuro this September

    Yes sorry I found it. Thanks again.

    Hoping to make some good changes. How do you feel about gamblers? The layout?


    You have the same problems with the title and alt tags

    the layout is a little bland but it’s too the point for viewers

    I would put the partners/links at the bottom with the affiliate link as well

    where do USA people go?


    Don’t have a seperate USA section.

    With the alt tag in images I should use keywords I need, so not description about the image?

    I’m gonna move partners/links to the bottom, it is better indeed…:blush:


    alt tags (I think) should be your keyword phrase

    that way you might not have it in the exact order written for people to see but BOTS will read it as it in the exact order and will help in ranking – so i have found


    Thanks again for all the help, gonna have a lot work to change everything but I hope it will be worth it.


    Been working hard on casinos, hope you can tell…:Nod:


    Looks much better

    couple of things

    1) under the list of casinos i see “Edit” <-- remove that 2) remember you have for your alt tag alt=”InterCasino” (for example) put your keyword phrase there alt=”video slots reviews bonuses” 3) It look like you are gong for video slots your title tag is “Video slot reviews bonuses online casino software and casino lists” try something like Video slot reviews Video slots bonuses Online Video Slot Casinos
    I think the casino images make it look much better – less static, and give the person info they want


    Work in progress but I finally get the point ;-)

    Took a long time, hopefully I will now earn some cash..

    Like always, THANKS!


    Nice looking websites! ;)


    nice looking websites but there are too many banners and affiliate links on your homepages

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