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October 29, 2006 at 1:30 pm #713845
InactiveAdioKing wrote:Be nice if he knew just who was giving him all this money!Why send these people money and not tell them why? That’s like throwing a $20 at a store clerk and expecting them to read your mind. Well, except that they will keep and spend the money either way. Be sure to say why you are giving someone money. For several hundred dollars, we should feel comfortable writing it on their foreheads.
This one makes it fairly clear.
Maybe something similar could be started for Loebsack.
October 30, 2006 at 5:17 pm #714016Anonymous
InactiveFrom google news:
Pederson camp: Jon Kyl spent more time on internet gambling than dealing with Iraq
Gambling community mocked by Kyl PR guyThe Arizona Daily Star reported on the online gambling communities efforts to educate Arizona state voters about Senator Jon Kyl (R) and his attempts at making internet poker and other forms of online gambling illegal.
Democratic Senate candidate Jim Pederson has secured the crucial endorsement of online gamblers, the paper reports.
Well, sort of.
“The industry has mounted an attack on U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, who co-sponsored a bill that bans the use of credit cards, PayPal and bank accounts for Internet gambling.
“The gaming Web site Gambling 911.com, even went so far as to threaten a media attack against the Republican senator.”
Kyl PR man Andy Chasin dismissed the industry’s flexing.
“They have the same right to vote, but if you look at the demographics …” he said, drifting into a long pause before changing the subject.
The pause implied that perhaps gamblers aren’t the most diligent voters.
Mark Bergman, Pederson’s top campaign spinmeister, had an interesting twist on the issue, somehow tying it to Kyl’s support of the war in Iraq.
“He spent his time working on online gambling instead of the war in Iraq,” he said.
Poker Players Against Jon Kyl has already witnessed over 50 donors to date without pressing gamblers to contribute towards the Jim Pederson campaign. If they can send more money than any other donor group thus far, we hate to see what they are capable of at the voting booths.
Lets all get this out to even more poker players:
54 Has give money in few days
http://www.actblue.com/page/pokerplayersKYL IS REASON WE ALL IN NOW TRUBLE WITH USA
ITS PAYBACK TIME KYLNovember 2, 2006 at 1:58 pm #714315Anonymous
InactiveThe Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee smells blood now. A source affiliated with the Pederson campaign told me that they are going up with ads on Pederson’s behalf today.
It’s about time they realized they have a chance to win this. This could be the 51st senate seat that wrests control from the folks that f***ed us!
If you haven’t already, pitch in today… every dollar helps!
As of this moment, 94 people have pitched in a total in excess of $7500! I know its beans in the grand scheme of a campaign, but we’ll be kicking ourselves if Kyl wins by a tiny margin! This is the year to get rid of this a**hole!
November 2, 2006 at 3:47 pm #714323Anonymous
InactiveLooks like Kyl is up a good margin according to http://www.electoral-vote.com.
November 2, 2006 at 4:16 pm #714324Anonymous
Inactiveactually when an incumbant can’t exceed 50% (in 2 candidate race) and the challenger is withing 5-8 points, there’s still a good change. It’s generally assumed that an incumbant not polling a majority, is in for a very tight race.
If the race is within 2 points by Sunday, i’d bet Pederson.
Go give money if you can.
November 2, 2006 at 5:22 pm #714327Anonymous
InactiveSome additional information about the race, including confirmation about the ad buy on behalf of Pederson is at http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2006/11/2/121149/469