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> PAYMENT WARNING: Maxima Casino

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  • #604940

    Hi all,

    I’m warning the community here that Maxima Casino is not paying commissions owed. I’ve requested my payment and never got any reply to several emails sent to different email boxes. Plus, while discussing with other webmasters, it seems that it has becomes a regular at this program.

    So my advice is to do not promote or withdraw NOW any promotion related to Maxima Casino if you do not want to waste your time and $$$. Plus, we will have to remember of that if one day they come back wanting to pay us. Those programs are in legal breach of their agreements and can be sued for theft.

    I’m contacting PlayTech.

    Dear Cedric,

    First of all let me thank you for the email you sent us and we sincerely hope you will find all of your questions answered. I would also like to apologize for not answering the emails you sent before.

    First of all let me answer your questions regarding your payments. It is written on the page that our affiliates are paid on the 15 of the month. Since the 15 of the month was on Saturday we have paid our affiliates earnings on Monday (17.09.2007). Your Neteller account we have as your preferred payment method is closed and can not be used for transactions so please be kind enough to provide us with new payment solution you would like to use in order to receive your earnings.

    We do not appreciate the post you have posted on and would like to inform you that we would be very gratefull if you would be kind enough and remove it.

    We would also like to inform you that we have just received 3 new games in our casino and if you wish we can make an advertising promotion for your clients that will be more effective if you wish to earn even more! So please do not hesitate contacting me on one of the following addresses so we can talk more about this.

    Seems it is going the right way… as I said to Jerry which replied there, the lack of communication is always the source of problems and misunderstandings. Proper, courteous, helpful, prompt communication is by far the #1 priority when doing business, in my sense.

    So the address email to contact is affiliate @ (Jerry).


    Thanks for posting this Maxfalcon1. I sent an email asking about my payment due quite a while back and never got a reply.

    It’s a shame that it takes “calling them out” to get some action. :sarcasm:

    Now maybe they will answer my emails or atleast pay me so that I don’t have to start a new thread.


    Well, Max you did the impossible! :hattip:
    You performed a Miracle when your e-mail didn’t bounce and you actually received a reply!
    I did find his statement that affiliate payments are made on the 15th ridiculous when neither of us including countless others that I am aware of haven’t seen a dime in months. The very fact I have not been able to update payment details on the affiliate site for at least 6 months nor have I received a reply from support to have details changed in the same time frame so that I could be paid – leaves me very sceptical.
    As for removing your post – Thats your decision I would personally wait and see if Maxima pays out first.
    I’m curious to see if I can achieve the same Miracle – My payment details were forwarded to the e-mail affiliate@maxima and to the attn of Jerry.


    GamTrak & FreeCC,

    I’m glad I helped out. Now let see how things resolve, but for removing the post I don’t think I’ve enough editing power there to do this.

    In anycase, if they pay everyone that is owed money in a courteous manner, I will no longer consider Maxima Casino “out of the course”, but I just hope that those issues are showing that communication is *very* important – and even if you are late in your payment, at least notify your partner to avoid those awkward public threads. But don’t promise things that you won’t honor…


    This isn’t the first time Maxima has had “issues” paying their affiliates. Search for “Maxima” here at CAP at you’ll see. At one point the story was that they didn’t have enough money to pay their affiliates, due to a big winner.

    I’ll certainly never work with them again. There are many other programs to choose from — programs that pay on time without having to be hounded to do so.


    E-mail sent to attn:(Jerry). on Sept 20th

    It is now Sept 25th and still no reply as to whether my payment details were updated from Neteller or that a payment is even being issued.


    Jerry never replied back to my reply… and I received one week later the same email he has sent me, that he wanted to pay – but it just *seems* he isn’t getting my emails (sent from different domains)…

    So Jerry since you’re reading this thread as per your first email, please register here and send me a private message so that we can discuss about my payment…

    Jerry, you can also contact me on my MSN, even if I’m on busy status… my MSN is sheet9 –at–

    With all those ways of communication, it’s impossible you can’t get back to me, Jerry.


    @Maxfalcon1 140177 wrote:

    Jerry never replied back to my reply… and I received one week later the same email he has sent me, that he wanted to pay – but it just *seems* he isn’t getting my emails (sent from different domains)…

    So Jerry since you’re reading this thread as per your first email, please register here and send me a private message so that we can discuss about my payment…

    Jerry, you can also contact me on my MSN, even if I’m on busy status… my MSN is sheet9 –at–

    With all those ways of communication, it’s impossible you can’t get back to me, Jerry.

    Ill second that exact statement


    Funny huh – He see a post warning prospective affiliates about non-payment – then issues a statement otherwise and to have the post removed.
    YET – Still ignores the non payment issues at hand.

    I’m not owed anywhere near the amount you are but, I earned that commission – I deserve to be compensated for my efforts and time.

    So JERRY – If your watching – Its time to make due on overdue accounts!!!


    @freecc 140205 wrote:

    I’m not owed anywhere near the amount you are

    They owe us $1,650 now. It’s growing and I will update the thread.

    Jerry, lying is not an option. It’s obvious that you want to steal that money. I’m sorry but you’ve given me your MSN and you’re never connected. You’re not sending me any PM. You’re not replying to my emails.

    You’re just a liar.

    I’m sorry but for $1,650, I can afford to qualify you as a liar, in public.

    You’re in total breach of your own agreement I have signed with you since the registration is approved with this agreement. Unless you now put a new agreement online which is saying that you won’t pay anyone, I can bring you in court for non-paying.

    I will make my best everyone knows your practices, including players.

    I’ve nothing to lose, since the money is in your hand. But I will guarantee you that I willl try to sustain enough financial damage to your brand to make what you owe me a small cup or coffee. And it has already started.

    Sorry but your actions only deserve hostility.



    @freecc 140205 wrote:

    I’m not owed anywhere near the amount you are but, I earned that commission – I deserve to be compensated for my efforts and time.

    It’s not that you deserve. It’s that they are legally binded by their own terms and conditions and contract they are exposing online. LEGALLY. They MUST pay you. If they fail to pay, they are not a legitimate business.

    I would prefer seeing Maxima Casino closing than to try to harm a little more the sector and other webmasters, as well as players.


    Update: I logged in to neteller today and noticed that my payment was declined on 9/21.

    Maxima never let me know anything or contacted me for another payment method so it’s just like them not paying me at all since they got the money returned to them!



    Jerry replied again and asked my payment details. I’ve sent them to him and he confirmed reception, and that payment will be on track as soon as possible.

    Who knows, maybe this issue is coming to an end… it’s a shame to be obliged to go public to get paid.


    which e-mail addy did you use – ?

    He still has not replied to my e-mail sent on Sept 20th and the 24th
    and my payment details are not updated on the system.

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