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Part-Time Affiliate Tip #2

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    Maximizing your time… It’s beyond the affiliate marketing world. These are tips that can be applied globally ;)

    Any way… In this impressive series that we’re working with Robbie Strazynski on, take a look as his big tip #2, how folks can succeed as a part-time iGaming affiliate, and excellent tips on Maximizing Your Time:

    How To Work Part-Time as an Affiliate

    The best part of this recommendation… Maintaining a healthy work-life balance. A lot easier said than done, but totally an essential factor.


    This was a great article by Robbie, and I have to say, I agree pretty much on everything. But if you take the recent Google updates into account, and how difficult SEO has become over the last 12 months, maybe part time might not be the way to go. Unless you are OK making a small amount of money every month for your efforts.

    On the other hand, maybe your full time job allows you to outsource a number of your activities, especially when it comes to link-building, and you don’t really mind.

    I think being a part time affiliate is good enough just as long as you have a good website that generates a lot of traffic, that will eventually convert and bring that additional income at the end of each month.


    @bingofind 243664 wrote:

    This was a great article by Robbie, and I have to say, I agree pretty much on everything. But if you take the recent Google updates into account, and how difficult SEO has become over the last 12 months, maybe part time might not be the way to go. Unless you are OK making a small amount of money every month for your efforts.

    On the other hand, maybe your full time job allows you to outsource a number of your activities, especially when it comes to link-building, and you don’t really mind.

    I think being a part time affiliate is good enough just as long as you have a good website that generates a lot of traffic, that will eventually convert and bring that additional income at the end of each month.

    Hey guys,

    Just saw this thread – and thanks for having promoted the article JillO and for your kind words bingofind. Indeed the amount of money my site is making each month is minimal. My main “obstacle”, as it were, is that my audience is primarily based in the U.S., where online poker is not yet legalized and regulated. Thus, partnering with affiliate programs is simply ineffective. I’ve partnered up with a number of different companies to sell Vegas/AC hotel rooms and have focused on “Poker Vacations” with my content… and the results have been okay…but even so it’s much harder to sell hotel rooms than something that just requires a visitor to click and register.

    My strategy thus far has been to minimize costs and not rely on outsourcing for almost anything if possible. What my full-time job DOES has given me (I work in the gaming industry) is a fantastic network of contacts and friends on whom I can call upon once in a while to do me small favors (SEO-related, graphic design, etc.) – often in return for me helping them with content (my strong suit).

    My personal passion for poker has been and always will be the #1 motivator, but the extra monthly income is a solid #2. Eventually the hope is that traffic grows enough – a rising tide lifts all boats – that the side income becomes substantial enough to risk going at it full-time. For now, my site is happily marking 3 years online this Thursday (I’ve got an upcoming celebratory blog post on to boot!)

    And of course, when the U.S. poker market opens up, I’ll be doing my darndest to capture a slice :-)

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