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October 23, 2008 at 1:06 am #783654
InactiveSimply put we all like the “perks of the job”. The better the job the bigger the perks.
October 23, 2008 at 1:12 am #783656Anonymous
InactiveWell I guess I should not reply to anymore of your posts so that you don’t feel unwelcomed. :sarcasm: If people are scared to post because of me then maybe they shouldn’t be at ANY political forum. I”m not the big bad wolf or have any pull here. LOL
In 13 days it will all be history anyway.
And if you are talking about getting nick banned, to be honest it was not me that made that decision. When I made my statement to start campaigning there were other complaints voiced that I had NO clue of so it must have been Karma!
Infact I was all for giving him another chance UNTIL I saw his final post, but if he would have said that crap at my forum I would have banned his ass too.
October 23, 2008 at 1:59 am #783658Anonymous
Inactive@bud405n 182340 wrote:
Right on gooner, :hattip: best post I have read in here. Your backing the person I am voting against, but your post made so much sense, I’d sponsor you if you wanted to come to the states. Not that you need any sponsor the way Bush lets people stroll across the border, but I’d still welcome you.
Hey Bud – you know I’m not sure that Bush and the FBI would actually let ME across the border, as I’m a heathen who likes to promote online sports betting as a fun and exciting option for the entertainment dollar.
:roflmao:I’ve never quite understood why it’s such a EVIL thing to do ONLINE when it’s OK at a land based casino, and why SPORTS BETTING is worse than other forms of gambling … especially horse racing and lotto. I’m just aware that the law enforcement agencies and sports bodies seem particualrly agitated about it – despite it being the MAIN reason why people retain an interest in sport.
I’ve actually chosen recent flights to ensure that I don’t go through the states, not because I dislike the USA, but simply after recent sports betting arrests of executives … I didn’t want to take the chance … (although I’m sure that I’m not REALLY on their radar !)
:sarcasm:So perhaps we will meet in neutral ground somewhere in Europe some day mate.
:hattip:In the meantime … all I’d like to say to all CAP voters is …
(I bought the shirt myself – the haircut cost $10 and I paid by credit card)
:roflmao:October 23, 2008 at 2:04 am #783660vladcizsol
MemberOk guys calm down. We discuss the issue not the poster. I am going to lock this one for the evening so I can sleep in peace without worrying about any flame ups.
Bud you and Chips are welcome to post your oppinions and we all respect that. Bleuze you too. In the Politics area people get fired up, its the nature of the beast. Have it out in here all you like, lets just keep things in perspective. We all get along great the rest of the year dont let an election damage your relationships.
GamTrak you are doing a hell of a great job and are a godsend to CAP. Thanks for your input and firm yet fair hand on the rudder down here in the stormy political seas :hattip:
Guys get some rest. We all have to work tomorrow becuase its doubtful we will be showered with $150K in new snappy clothes, we gotta earn ours. :wink-wink