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November 6, 2008 at 8:13 pm #785784
InactiveLol, you guys do entertain me
note I only responded stupid items to your stupid items. and it still kills me you have to compait Obama to the rep VP to even up…
I really, really do hope your all right on this! (no sarcasm there)
November 6, 2008 at 9:18 pm #785791Anonymous
InactiveI guess that is what this is all about, knocking, arguing, but it is over now, why continue to kick a dead dog, and for those who are getting upset for those kicking the dog, dont even bother, it is only hurting you, believe me, the dog getting kick does not care at this point, the one kicking, that’s nuts, so your the only one hurting.
I’m upset too and worried. I am watching MSNBC now and they are think of another bailout, that’s nuts, and it wont get pushed through now, but it will next year, I’m telling you as a friend in arms, instead of replying to this nonsence the best thing to do is to really do two things. Pray to your higher power who ever he or she or it may be that Obama does a good job and channel your energy to these wackos dems and/or reps that want to give away more of our money.
Don’t worry about ppl replying saying it was all the Reps fault, because honest people know there are two sides of a coin. Just get on the phone, email the reps, mail them, OH WAIT. I just heard its Palosi who wants to push it through, so it is so Dem’s, now I heard some are not for it.
Can we get a form on how we can rid the country of her, the speaker of the house, I embarresed she is Italian. Those kicking Palin, I think they are afraid of 2012. Palin and Romney in 2012….I ready man Who’s with me, come on…LOL
November 6, 2008 at 9:26 pm #785792Anonymous
InactiveWell I’m glad your having fun chips. :hattip:
it’s a bit hard sometimes to determine anger/bitterness from sarcasm/cynicism/humor. After all we’re here in these non business areas to socialize and have a bit fun so glad to hear it’s still entertaining for you.“Palin and Romney in 2012”
Now that’s a dream ticket! Can we sign up for that now?November 6, 2008 at 9:31 pm #785793Anonymous
InactiveEither way, if you liked him or not, I do think the way people talked about a president of this country (Bush ) was disgraceful.
The press, the public all of it, it’s sad. He was in a tuff spot with 911 and all. I think he did what he thought was the proper thing to do in most cases and History may prove me right.
November 6, 2008 at 9:43 pm #785795Anonymous
InactiveDon’t expect ME to stop talking about anything I feel like or saying exactly how I feel about any subject on any given day.
This IS the forum for Politics so I would suggest that you not try to tell folks what to do or how to act. We STILL have freedom of speech and I plan on exersing that before it’s taken away like our gaming rights and our online business.
You need to decide if you can take the heat or not.
We need to be involved and not expect our dumb A#$ govt to get us out of the financial mess as well as regulate online gambling.
November 7, 2008 at 3:48 am #785833Anonymous
Inactive@allfreechips 185084 wrote:
How it relates is simple.
On geography –
Obama is looking at 57 US states and on a live feed his daughter had to tell hime what sate he was is (good thing its onr of the known 50)
Palin – Thought Africa was a Country
– See how they realate?
Are you claiming that Obama learned his geography through live feeds? wtf…also, since when does US have 57 states? or was that a joke too?
@allfreechips 185084 wrote:
Then we have experience
– Palin has run an executive position in goverment and cleaned out both republican and democratic trash
– Obama went to school and gave some speeches, his only real decision was Biden who almost cost him the election lol..
The only thing palin has ever executed were animals during her hunting escapades.
How can you claim that she ran in executive position (presumably successfully) if she doesn’t even have basic knowledge of how the legislation works on a civil, municipal and state level? You can’t be seriously inclining here that Palin is smarter and more experienced than Obama? muwahahaha…thank god your fellow comrades had more sense in their logic when they voted!
November 7, 2008 at 5:55 am #785841Anonymous
Inactive‘thank god your fellow comrades had more sense in their logic when they voted! ‘
Scary thing is over 40% of people voted for her.
November 7, 2008 at 6:10 am #785843Anonymous
Inactive@antoine 185186 wrote:
‘thank god your fellow comrades had more sense in their logic when they voted! ‘
Scary thing is over 40% of people voted for her.
Thank you for saying that, because THAT is my biggest problem with this whole thing. How that many folks could be persuaded to vote for Palin as a VP is way beyond me. I heard today that there were many of the GOP that just did not bother voting at all.
The conservative GOP folks needs to seriously re-evaluate what their party stands for and they need to include a few more races and stop trying to tell us citizens how to live our lives and run the country to keep us safe.
This last election was a CLEAR statment that America wants to come together NOT be divided like Palin tried to do with her hate-mongering. She will go down in history for that crap she directed toward President Elect Obama as well as the way she presented herself in this historic election and she deserve it.
November 7, 2008 at 7:32 am #785848Anonymous
InactiveYou know what… I really wanted Hillary to win so we could have a woman president for the first time. I think that would have been long overdue and could have gone a long way. Instead I was surprised at how Obama came out of nowhere and beat her fair and square. Instead we have a first black president which is just as great. When I listen to him I am amazed at how good of a politician he is, the words just flow.
What I think is wrong is that Palin was picked to run for vice president because she is a woman, regardless of her ignorance and lack of skills. That’s a shame because that was picking a woman for the wrong reasons instead of the right ones. She really made women look bad by going up there and showing the world how ignorant and how much of a shoppaholic she is. She played into the stereotype.
I hope next time we can have a woman president or vice president but for the right reasons because they deserve to be there. I also hope that Obama proves to the world that a man of color can perform just as well as a white boy from Arkansas or better.
November 7, 2008 at 8:25 am #785852Anonymous
InactiveI was talking to the few in here who I believed think like me..
Don’t we all get to share in here.
Hell, I dont feel the heat at all, Im in calif. Prop 4 passed, :hattip: Prop 8 passed :tongue: yea baby, thats where I worked the most , to get those to pass I bet a whole lotta your friends are feeling like they just got :flush: if they live in CA, hell, I’m happy. I even starting to feel good about Obama bringin in his chicago buddies, I was raised there, I wroked for the daley machine. I’m glad Daley was a king maker like his old make.
Obama will learn real fast that Dems in ChiTown demand to be listen too.
I might join up again, I worked for daley and the good ole boys for years.
Pretty soon the white house will be nicknamed wrigley field lol I love chicago, my kind a town and I love the fact that someone from my old neigherhood will be able to pull some strings in the white house again.
Its like :santa2: to me, My kind a town, chicago is. It will be fun watching obama walking with daley down state street when its painted green for st pattys days, hope obama likes corned beef now that he’s in with my man daley :tongue: I am lovin this
November 7, 2008 at 8:33 am #785853Anonymous
InactiveGood post , I’m with ya, I want obama to do well to, all of our lives depend on it..I liked Palin too though, gusyt chic I though, I think we need a woman up there too, as long as its mt my pisian, polosi, way to far left. You made some good points though.
I just want to reassure you who were worried about obama being a bad president. Im telling you, daley backed him so dont worry, daley is like his old man, he only backs those who listen to him and daley can get things back in order for us, maybe with the gaming too.
This is going to turn out much better than I hoped, dont worry, with Daley behind him, Obams going to do great.
November 7, 2008 at 12:36 pm #785868Anonymous
InactiveLets all hope were all mkaing money in 4 years and are happy as hell, thats all I hope for.
November 7, 2008 at 12:39 pm #785869Anonymous
Inactive@splinterfree 185177 wrote:
Are you claiming that Obama learned his geography through live feeds? wtf…also, since when does US have 57 states? or was that a joke too?
The only thing palin has ever executed were animals during her hunting escapades.
How can you claim that she ran in executive position (presumably successfully) if she doesn’t even have basic knowledge of how the legislation works on a civil, municipal and state level? You can’t be seriously inclining here that Palin is smarter and more experienced than Obama? muwahahaha…thank god your fellow comrades had more sense in their logic when they voted!
Obama asid he visited all but 2 of the 57 states on TV lol, thats where the “joke” came from
Also I dont see anything about Sara thinking Africa was a country, this is all from anonymouse GOP folks. People like to point fingers in a loss but they could at least say who they are if it was all true. Just kills me Obama gets compaired to the vice president!
November 7, 2008 at 3:22 pm #785885Anonymous
InactiveAlso I dont see anything about Sara thinking Africa was a country, this is all from anonymouse GOP folks. People like to point fingers in a loss but they could at least say who they are if it was all true. Just kills me Obama gets compaired to the vice president!
Anonymous GOP Folks saying stuff? Like Carl Rove did to Valerie Plame, or with John McCains “black baby” story in SC in 2000? That’s how people work, most backstabbers don’t want to be found out.
Finally the point about all of this focus on Palin isn’t about comparing her to Obama (it was your side who claimed thru the end that he wasn’t qualified). It’s about comparing her to what would be considered the minimum qualifications for a president. Yes she’s over 35 and breathing, so according to the constitution is qualified to hold the office. The fact that one of the 2 parties would put that person into that position isn’t laughable, it’s pretty much criminal.
This is about comparing the rhetoric of a republican party that claims to be more skilled at protecting our nation, with the people who put a corrupt moron in position to be VP of the USA.