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November 6, 2008 at 2:54 am #612783
InactiveI’m not surprised :tongue: I despise Fox, but this is a gem…
November 6, 2008 at 3:22 am #785650Anonymous
InactiveI posted that in the other thread.
It’s really amazing that all the negative feelings i’ve had about her, her abilities, her integrity, etc. seem to be more than confirmed by the McCain folks now. Of course it’s also easy to blame her from everything.
But the mention of the admission that they were throwing a Hail Mary when the went for her as VP, because they had nothing else, is really amazing.
November 6, 2008 at 3:35 am #785652Anonymous
InactiveSorry AmCan. I missed seeing it in the other thread. But you are so right. All the suspicions I had are now coming into the light. What a reckless pick McCain made. In all fairness though, it was a choice made out of desperation. The right hijacked McCain’s campaign right after he got the nomination. If he hadn’t followed Rove, Limbaugh & the far right’s orders he would have been left out in the cold. It was a reckless & seriously dangerous choice.
November 6, 2008 at 3:42 am #785653Anonymous
Inactivedon’t apologize :hattip: I just wasn’t sure people would want another thread, so i threw it in there.
Palin is truely an amazing prize of this campaign. I thought Dan Quayle had questionable credentials, but he had some credentials. I really hope the far right rallies around her. i’d love to see the secular republicans and the religious folks split into two parties, a secular republican party, a more liberal democratic party and a religious party. I really would like to see another party or 2 getting involved regularly.
November 6, 2008 at 4:39 am #785659Anonymous
GuestYou really do have to wonder how much consideration was given to who would be running the country if Mac died, because I just can’t believe even now that anybody (with experience in politics) thought she was ready to be president of the USA.
Because when you choose your VP you had better believe its a possibility.
As I said early on when she was first nominated … I think the Rs pretty much figured they’d lose and they offered up Mac as one to take one for the team and put her in there so they wouldn’t have to run a woman again in the near future. I guess we’ll see if I was right if they have a woman run for either position in the next couple of elections. I bet they do not.
November 6, 2008 at 1:34 pm #785699Anonymous
InactiveWell it seems people didnt think of Chicago corruption, terrible ties to people you wouldnt want around the country and no experience at all for the top spot!
Hope this all works out well in the next 4 years but I am afraid of a few things. See Reaid and Palosi? they are almost jumping up and down.
November 6, 2008 at 1:39 pm #785701Anonymous
Inactive@allfreechips 185009 wrote:
Well it seems people didnt think of Chicago corruption, terrible ties to people you wouldnt want around the country and no experience at all for the top spot!
Hope this all works out well in the next 4 years but I am afraid of a few things. See Reaid and Palosi? they are almost jumping up and down.
So you are going to be bitter for the next four years now? You SHOULD be jumping up and down as well! :tongue:
We all need to come together and support Obama now so I’d like to see people JUDGE the man by how he leads and not assumptions because when it comes down to it YOU don’t know how Obama will do as our President.
November 6, 2008 at 1:58 pm #785707Anonymous
InactiveNo Im not bitter just responding to the stupid comments about Palin and how they reflect on Obama..
Not bitter at all, I think this will be a very interesting presidency.
November 6, 2008 at 3:46 pm #785726Anonymous
Inactive@Erik 184847 wrote:
I’m not surprised :tongue: I despise Fox, but this is a gem…
Not surprised either.
November 6, 2008 at 5:00 pm #785748Anonymous
InactiveNo Im not bitter just responding to the stupid comments about Palin and how they reflect on Obama..
Chips, could you explain how do comments that the McCain people gave to Fox News reflect on Obama ?
Sorry you are somehow offended or shocked that we would talk about the fact that our(the dems on the board) feelings towards her abilites were confirmed by the McCain campaign. I would call this natural human behavior.
When your rivals admit that you were right and they made the mistake of course we’re going to talk about it and laugh at how they could have made such a stupid mistake.
For those who like stupid right wingers, there is a member here who once spent a couple minutes on live radio with Glen Beck (now of Fox) trying to explain to him that South Africa was a country, not just the southern portion of africa. Apparently this political expert hadn’t heard of a country that was in the news for years because of Apartheid. He’s just left CNN for…. Fox, of course, where they need comentators who don’t know shit about anything.It’s hard to believe it but i think The Simpsons and Family Guy and the entertaiment programs by fox are more honest and factual than their news channels. LOL congrats rupert
November 6, 2008 at 5:21 pm #785753Anonymous
InactiveI agree and from some stuff I heard about her today you can be sure that I’m going to post every bit just as soon as I get over being mad about Micro pulling out of the US!
Someone in the McPalin campaign called her a “Wassilla Redneck” during a shopping spree and more dirt is coming out daily.
I’m sorry, but anyone that would vote for McPalin has to be living in lala land because we need the smartest person we can get to bring us out of the financial crisis and McPalin IS NOT IT!
November 6, 2008 at 5:52 pm #785762Anonymous
InactiveHow it relates is simple.
On geography –
Obama is looking at 57 US states and on a live feed his daughter had to tell hime what sate he was is (good thing its onr of the known 50)
Palin – Thought Africa was a Country
– See how they realate?
Then we have experience
– Palin has run an executive position in goverment and cleaned out both republican and democratic trash
– Obama went to school and gave some speeches, his only real decision was Biden who almost cost him the election lol..
I guess the whole punch line is she wasnt running for president
In all hope I want Obama to do a good job and unite the people and get rid of 80% ov goverment waste.
November 6, 2008 at 6:13 pm #785767Anonymous
InactiveThis is the real gem here with O Reilly. You can see in his face how he’s struggling to accept that his little social conservative princess turned out to be a complete waste of space:
this has some more rather shocking revelations such as:
On Wednesday, two top McCain campaign advisers said that the clothing purchases for Ms. Palin and her family were a particular source of outrage for them. As they portrayed it, Ms. Palin had been advised by Nicolle Wallace, a senior McCain aide, that she should buy three new suits for the Republican National Convention in St. Paul in September and three additional suits for the fall campaign. The budget for the clothes was anticipated to be from $20,000 to $25,000, the officials said.
Instead, in a public relations debacle undermining Ms. Palin’s image as an everywoman “hockey mom,” bills came in to the Republican National Committee for about $150,000, including charges of $75,062 at Neiman Marcus and $49,425 at Saks Fifth Avenue. The bills included clothing for Ms. Palin’s family and purchases of shoes, luggage and jewelry, the advisers said.
November 6, 2008 at 6:14 pm #785768Anonymous
InactiveChips you should be embarrased to even go there. You know that Obama knows better than that and probably MORE than you and I combined. Get a grip dude!
November 6, 2008 at 6:26 pm #785779Anonymous
InactiveSo you want me to believe your evaluation that Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president, because she’s been an elected official, despite being a moron who doesn’t know what countries are in North America, that Africa isn’t a single country and thinks that man and dinosaur coexisted?
So if we just gave her and obama a job interview, you’d strenuously recommend we go with Sarah Palin for her on the job experience, because Barack Obama doesn’t have the experience and seems less able to handle the expanded responsibility than Sarah Palin did?
From what’s coming out about her now it’s clear that she’s a loose cannon who pulled the campaign into a few distractions that backfired on them.