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Opinions on the Jackpot Factory scandle going on

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  • #696211
    Dominique wrote:
    Well, this definitely has brought me a step closer to losing faith.

    However, it’s still the best attempt out there to regulate things in a way that helps players, and unless someone shows me something better to support, I will continue to support eCOGRA. & I would agree, because I understand, but I don’t have the faith you do.

    Let’s have it right. A truly independant 3rd party cannot rightfully assure anyone the games are fair anymore than you or I can.

    joeyl wrote:
    Let’s have it right. A truly independant 3rd party cannot rightfully assure anyone the games are fair anymore than you or I can.

    That’s a pretty fair point you raise joeyl.

    I guess to assure anyone of game fairness a certain level of involvement directly or indirectly must prevail.

    Some good food for thought. thank you.


    What JPF may have done, may not have been correct and ethical, and you can’t deny what the majority of players think.

    Why does ecogra stand up and take notice when JPF gets complaints from players, but does’nt do the same when has been receiving complaints from players on bigger and longer outstanding issues.

    Is ecogra showing that it perhaps has no muscle against someone the size of and they can’t justify time spent on going after what could be a lost cause?


    Hi there,

    Regarding the donation issue, David Brickman, JF Spokesperson updated me as follows:

    If people ask you about donations, please tell them we will not do what essentially would be a knee jerk reaction. Our first and foremost priority is to get to the bottom of the seo issues. A donation won’t change the content and won’t make management changes.

    We know how important it is to fix the damage by making a sincere and generous gesture and I really appreciate that you are telling JF to do this for their own good! They will be dealing with this, but it will take time and preferably be done in a manner that is carefully considered.

    Best regards,


    A donation to gamblers anonymus or similair would be an excellent gesture, as would a change in management.


    I would rather see a management change than a donation. As pointed out, it would be knee-jerk; what exactly is that going to accomplish?

    The gesture of goodwill IMO was taking immediate actions to remove the offending materials.


    I won’t say were I got this from but I have many more. It appears ecogra supports casino portals as well. A vested interest in webmasters or vice versa.

    com Proudly listed (bottom first page) as recognized by as a reputable casino portal ” known to have a history of honest y, professional ism and player-sensitive conduct ” features secure

    Lloyd I appreciate all your efforts!! greek39

    greek39 wrote:
    I won’t say were I got this from but I have many more. It appears ecogra supports casino portals as well. A vested interest in webmasters or vice versa.

    Greek one of my sites is actually listed on the eCOGRA Reputable Portal Page. There are also other member’s of CAP who have their sites listed there.

    So, what exactly are you trying to infer?


    I not did not realize this part of ecogra mission statement. Not trying to infer anything just pointing it out.greek39


    Thats what I want to know.

    I am proud to be listed there.


    In my honest opinion I think ecogra has some credibility issues. Some which have been already posted. I do find this interesting and explains volumes of information to me anyway. Like I said in another post the way you view ecogra today will change in a years time.


    greek39 wrote:
    In my honest opinion I think ecogra has some credibility issues. Some which have been already posted. I do find this interesting and explains volumes of information to me anyway. Like I said in another post the way you view ecogra today will change in a years time.


    I completely disagree. Whilst eCOGRA looks after the players interests at the casinos which are sealed, then they will have my continued support.

    Why don’t you actually contact them and find out exactly what they do.

    BTW as you know both Dominque and I have 888 rogued and have been very outspoken about said roguing. Yet we are listed on eCOGRA’s reputable portal page. No hidden agenda at all. If there was, I doubt we would still be there.

    Webzcas wrote:
    BTW as you know both Dominque and I have 888 rogued and have been very outspoken about said roguing. Yet we are listed on eCOGRA’s reputable portal page. No hidden agenda at all. If there was, I doubt we would still be there.

    I am a very major pain in 888’s butt.

    My blacklisting them is all over google, including their stock page.

    I hardly think they love me .

    I have no idea what you are trying to imply here, but you are making no sense at all.


    I already know everything there is to know about ecogra. This was the same sort of attitude I received when I began work on 888. I am not accusing Dom or yourself of anything.

    A simple fact remains ecogra has takin no action against 888 and I would like to find out why? greek39


    Because it’s not a player complaint.

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 133 total)