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Opinions on the Jackpot Factory scandle going on

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  • #696043

    The main problem I have with the poor SEO tactics is that JF hired a Black Hat SEO. You do not do that without knowing a little something about what they are going to do for you.

    Sorry – But there is NO WAY that they ‘blindly’ hired a SEO and gave them carte blanche to do what they wanted. There WAS knowledge and there is no point disputing it.

    Just fix it and apologize and be done with it.

    As far as eCogra. They are just laughable IMO. 888 has no repercussions while JF does? Give me a HUUUUUUGE break.


    JF surffers and 888.nusties live on under the ecogra shield. The more I read into this the more it all makes sense. Many people and some webmasters have a vested interest in ecogra. In the words of Howard Hughes ecogra can “kiss both sides of my ass”. greek39


    To set the record straight.

    I’m not saying JF has not deserved what they’ve got in so far as having their Seals pulled or being dragged over the hot coals of the gambling community.

    greek39 wrote:
    JF surffers and 888.nusties live on under the ecogra shield. The more I read into this the more it all makes sense. Many people and some webmasters have a vested interest in ecogra. In the words of Howard Hughes ecogra can “kiss both sides of my ass”. greek39

    Greek39 articulates this BIG issues so well above.

    I’ve been saying for a while now that conflict of interest runs riff within eCogra which extends to ‘Jobs for the Boys’ syndrome too.

    Of course to the knockers I’m touting this because of hidden agenda issues or I’m Oliver Curran incognito :sarcasm:


    OK this issue has just turned for the worst for JF.


    Thabks for posting this Chatmaster :)

    Chatmaster wrote:
    OK this issue has just turned for the worst for JF.

    eCogra wrote:
    Once the inspection has been completed an unbiased report prepared by PriceWaterhouseCoopers will be submitted to the eCOGRA independent directors responsible for operational issues, who will consider this document before making appropriate decisions.

    PriceWaterhouseCoopers has direct connections to Microgaming & eCogra, there is nothing unbiased about it.

    Hypothetically lets say eCogra finally folds to public reason and decides that should be suspended of its Pay It Safe Seal. eCogra based on the possibility of bias slurs decide to have PriceWaterhouseCoopers conduct an investigation into just as it’s doing with JF.

    The touted report (probably wouldn’t see the light of day) is then handed to the independent directors for their final judgement. All of which basically means nothing as in cases such as this the non-executive directors are the one who actually hold the final vote.

    I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.


    Wager2winUK You are a difficult person to please :D

    Well as far as PriceWaterhouseCoopers are concerned, you cannot ask for a more neutral organization to get involved. By auditing and questioning the personnel allot will be revealed as far as the intentions, operations and mistakes are concerned. It will actually make it very difficult for JF to hide anything and get to the root of the problem. I believe eCOGRA has made a good decision here. They are ensuring that their decision processes are as unbiased as it possibly can be.


    Many people and some webmasters have a vested interest in ecogra.

    Casinos have a vested interest in eCOGRA.

    I fail to see how webmasters can have a vested interest here, eCOGRA has made it plenty clear that they will protect players but not webmasters.

    I like eCOGRA because any organization at all that does solve player problems is sorely needed.

    Like it or not, all eCOGRA approved casinos treat players well and resolve problems well.

    We need self policing in this industry. There is no one doing it for us.

    So they don’t look out for webmasters (and I think they should be guaranteeing the integrity of their membership in ALL regards, but they don’t and won’t) but at least they do well by players.

    If the player ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

    PriceWaterhouseCoopers has a wide variety of clients ( ) and is well known and respected all over.

    JF messed up and did an unethical campaign. It was stupid, and it needed to be stopped. Someone needs to be held responsible.

    But it is not comparable to 888’s mess, which persists in clogging up search results and which triggered attacks on numerous websites who are to this day under attack.

    JF made a really stupid mistake that has not further consequences but to hurt JF itself.

    888 has done something that has hurt the entire industry.

    Let’s stay gounded here, this is not about eCOGRA. This thread is about JF, and sweet Joeyl has once again succeeded in turning a thread from whatever it was about into one about eCOGRA. And with minimal effort I must say. You are a smart man, Joeyl! biggrin.gif


    888 has done more than hurt the entire industry, the sumware, malware, spam results, leading players down false trials ect.. I agree this thread is about JF but do find it all suspecious how 888 gets away with it. I going to persue this very question with vigor for my own piece of mind.

    I agree this is JF thread and will keep it that way. greek39

    Chatmaster wrote:
    Wager2winUK You are a difficult person to please :D

    Actually I’m not, though in these matters my standards are highly set :)

    IMO this industry for too long has been permitted to hold conflict of interests, which in most cases are neither addressed nor challenged. I would hope that in voicing my sincere concerns regarding these issues, they’d be seen by those who also hold passion to the gaming industry as constructive criticisms to the betterment of this industry on a whole.

    Granted each one of us may be construed as holding some form of vested interest in this industry, be this as a player, affiliate webmaster or any other number of possibilities. Still, it’s my belief that ethical, just and fair behaviour should prevail and in doing so sit squarely on this industries shoulders.

    Chatmaster wrote:
    Well as far as PriceWaterhouseCoopers are concerned, you cannot ask for a more neutral organization to get involved. By auditing and questioning the personnel allot will be revealed as far as the intentions, operations and mistakes are concerned. It will actually make it very difficult for JF to hide anything and get to the root of the problem. I believe eCOGRA has made a good decision here. They are ensuring that their decision processes are as unbiased as it possibly can be.

    In so far as my views towards PWC I don’t have a personal issue with them or disbelieve that they would not perform their duties to a 100% capacity.

    I do however feel that under the current climate, it would have been a wise alternative to opt for a totally disconnected, un-associated Company (there are others that could perform this duty as competently as PWC) that holds no ties to this industry.

    Dominique wrote:
    I fail to see how webmasters can have a vested interest here

    Correct me if I’m wrong here (btw this is not a slur aimed at your integrity which I know is solid Dom) but your web site is listed at eCogra as a reputable casino portal is it not?

    This could be viewed as a vested interest. Could also lend its hand to a conflict of interest too.

    Dominique wrote:
    this is not about eCOGRA. This thread is about JF

    Yes this thread is about JF however eCogra pulled All Slots Play It Safe seal and to that end eCogra is involved, like it or not.

    We can sit here and play semantics but this fails to relinquish JF, Ecogra and who are directly or indirectly involved in this thread.


    I am sorry for being vague at times with my posts, but it is for my own security I do so. Like it or not What Wager2winuk speaks is fact not fiction. I have known about these conflicting issues for quite sometime.

    I truley feel JF is plucked out because they are the weakess lamb out of the bunch. greek39


    PWC doing questioning? :sarcasm:

    “The intention is to fully and objectively test JF’s explanation of events, examine ongoing measures to remove the offensive material from the Internet and make recommendations to ensure that there is no recurrence.”

    OMG, Jackpot Factory have said they are sorry, they have taken down the materials, now give them back their seals and be over with it! I dont understand this; they have to be drilled and grilled further? Why?

    How about using some common sense? This was SEO not stalking! How about speaking with someone who knows SEO processes? How about speaking with someone who knows demographics? PWC trying to determine if the chain of events is correct what a load of BS!

    “independent team from auditors” what the hell do they have to audit?

    The only chain of events that matters to me is: They put up SEO stuff, some one complained about it, the story blew up, they got called out, they said they were sorry, they took actions to remove the materials, they said they were sorry again. Why push it any further?

    Someone implied it a few post back, something more is going on here. Maybe Jackpot Factory was getting too popular? Maybe its time that the others in the crew or the big dog takes a bite out of the popular kid (All Slots)? This is too fishy and with stupid investigations its getting fishier! It sure seems to me that 888 must be calling most of the shots over at eCOGRA.

    wager2winUK, wow, I agree with almost everything you have said, that is scary! IMO it’s obvious that some affiliates do have a vested interest in eCOGRA. Most of those followers over at casinomeister that are always touting eCOGRA are all webmasters. Its the popular thing to do and over there if its the popular thing to say, they say it or do it so that they can get some browny points (rep pts).


    Oh my, now we have a conspiracy theory going on!

    JF screwed up. Someone didn’t do their job right. I’d like to see that person fired and move on.

    eCOGRA responded to player pressure from Meister’s place and that is their function – to make sure players have the info they want. If players want investigation of something, that is eCOGRA’s job.

    Affiliates are NOT their job. We are on our own folks, there is no one who has been funded to look after us. Thats why we are all here – we are looking out for each other here.

    So Ecogra steps in when players raise a stink, and we step in when affiliates raise a stink. The 888 debacle is something that affects primarily affiliates. JF primarily offended players.

    Correct me if I’m wrong here (btw this is not a slur aimed at your integrity which I know is solid Dom) but your web site is listed at eCogra as a reputable casino portal is it not?

    This could be viewed as a vested interest. Could also lend its hand to a conflict of interest too.

    There are several hundred places linking to my site because it’s damn good after my putting in 7 days a week for over 5 years. And yes, it’s reputable, too. I am just riddled with conflicts of interest!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually, I think you are linking to my site. And holy cow, I am linking to yours, too! Our interests are hopelessly vested and we should likely not post in the same thread!

    And it’s


    Well I quess everyone is entitled to to their own opinions. I stand firm on my position and in time the whole truth will come out. I will be on this until the cows come home if they ever do.



    As far as JF is concerned they stuffed up BIG time, as axl and other have said they’ve now said sorry and are working on solutions to address this from happening again.

    eCogra pulled their seal/s and maybe should extend this to some type of probationary ruling. But, to bring in this rot now, you have to be joking!

    I could sit here and fill close to five pages of incidents that have been much worse than this, but have been overlooked by those keen on having JF drawn a quartered.

    If this lends itself to casting doubts on eCogra’s integrity or for holding favouritism towards then the more fool eCogra is.

    I’m also perplexed, well actually at times flabbergasted, that on one hand eCogra is touted as the best thing since sliced bread while on the other it’s is clearly held in the grips of bias behaviour.

    Granted, eCogra based on its model of functionality, especially player mediation, is something this industry needs.

    However, what it doesn’t require is another trumped up bias organisation that’s riff with conflict of interests. Which given the current saga is exactly what eCogra looks like from where I’m sitting.

    eCogra’s as far as I’m aware and inline with their home page statement states:

    “eCOGRA is the independent standards authority of the online gaming industry, specifically overseeing fair gaming, player protection and responsible operator conduct.”

    Nothing to do with casino portals or webmaster concerns.

    If that’s not evident enough that eCogra’s is on the wrong page. Under the link of reputable portals, (located on their home page navigation) pay direct credence to and which in reality assigns weighted endorsement value to these portals.

    Yet stating at the bottom footer of the reputable portal page is the following:

    “eCOGRA has no control over, nor is it responsible for, the content of portals or of the sites represented on any portal. eCOGRA gives no assurance regarding sites represented on any portal, except for sites which have eCOGRA accreditation. Portals are not subject to eCOGRA accreditation nor are they within the scope of eGAP.”

    If that still leaves you questioning. From my understanding, eCogra has employed consultants who also have casino portal/s listed on eCogra’s reputable portal page.

    Further evidence of vest interest and conflict of interest issues.

    I further back this opinion up by the following:

    “Relax, enjoy, and play without worry. Only where you see this Seal” (directly before the Play It Safe seal located at the bottom of their home page.

    However eCogra then voids the above, by posting this retraction:

    While eCOGRA does its utmost to ensure compliance with its principles, it cannot offer 100% assurance that the operation of any games at any given site is at all times in accordance with the eCOGRA requirements. Therefore eCOGRA cannot assume responsibility for the consequences resulting from the use of any Internet gaming site bearing the eCOGRA Play It Safe seal. eCOGRA is not liable to any person or group of persons, firm, company or entity for losses of any description that a user of an accredited site may suffer. Accredited sites are subject to regular monitoring of their operation.”

    Seems that eCogra among other things also suffers from transparency issue too.

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