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Opinions on the Jackpot Factory scandle going on

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  • #695904
    Lloyd wrote:
    Joeyl, I’d like to think that was the case and it’s the explanation that I was given. Anyone with half an idea about old school seo will know the intended target(s).

    Lloyd wrote:
    Regarding eCOGRA: like any third party auditing body they can’t be responsible for doing a one hundred percent audit of our operations. The same is true for financial audits of public companies.

    Regarding the questions around eCOGRA – best to ask them directly.

    Hope this post isn’t too long. Thank you all again for being so nice.

    Best regards,
    Lloyd Why any self respecting casino needs help with policing itself from any third party is an amusement no? lol

    Drop Ecogra, go set the standard yourselves and stop being cowboys.

    Balls-ups like this come round few and far between. Do FJ management have the balls to use it as the catalyst to start running the best casino online bar none is a reasonable question?

    Be well Lloyd.


    I have not bothered to dig deep into this issue. But I am beginning to suspect a dirty stunk, one who might be trying to damage reputations.

    I have seen worse, but for some reason this issue seems to sticking to JF. I have seen other programs behave worse and yet it is shrugged off and forgotten. After taking a glance at things I personal think its’ all a bunch of BS.

    Why don’t we take the time to tackle some real problems. On players issues what about the malware and scumware that was downloaded onto my computer form Monaco Gold. A total of 12 hours was needed to flush it out.

    Ecogra pretending to be an independent non profit organization, what a joke that is.
    I would rather have Casinos audited by CAP before this outfit. What about that corrupt outfit 888.nutszoids?

    One issue pops up over JF and everybody is on it like sharks on a feeding frenzy. I find this rather suspicious and hypocritical. Lloyd does not deserve this BS either. I have yet to find Brightshare praticing bad marketing stageties compared to some other programs. Believe me I do check on regular basis and some of the stuff I do find pales in comparison to this.

    So whats up with all the pressure? greek39

    greek39 wrote:
    So whats up with all the pressure? greek39

    Telling destitute, depressed folks, people in ill health, financially disabled people and known problem gamblers that playing at allslots will make them happy, healthy and wealthy is morally totally corrupt.

    Unbelievably disgusting.


    I do agree if this did indeed happen this is very very bad stuff. But at the same time I find it amusing relying on a ecogra response is just as scary. In fact anything 888 touches is bound to be corrupt! why rely on that organization with players issues in mind?

    Is there anymore dirt on JF besides this one issue? JF was just unfortunate enough to get caught doing something pretty nasty. Maybe I will pull some nasty marketing used from other programs and see if it gets the same attention. greek39


    No, JF has been very clean so far, which is why I have not yet published the blacklisting content I have written about them.

    Hwever, I abhor the idea that my players might think I agree with the dribble published by JF because I continue to recommend the casinos.

    Re, eCOGRA: In my book, they are doing good things for players.

    If I were donating to a charity, and I found out that 888 was donating to the same place, I would not stop.

    That’s the way I feel about eCOGRA, I am not throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    That’s the last I am saying about eCOGRA in this thread, I don’t care to get into it with Joeyl, whom I respect a lot. We just disagree on this issue.


    Then that said Dominique – possibly rigged games, bonus abuse accusations, spyware, curious terms and spam are more prevalant and arguably more insiduos, than FJ’s crime against the player to be or not.

    If not so obvious.

    This is superficial. Jumped on because it’s so dopey, it might actually open the can of worms that is “online gaming” and let’s have it right – the “aggressive” nature of online gaming firms tactics to bring in customers.

    Which brings us back round to 888 :wavey: and argocE :drunk2: and FJ :hitthefan


    Hehe, no matter how hard you try, you come back to eCOGRA. biggrin.gif

    Dominique wrote:
    Telling destitute, depressed folks, people in ill health, financially disabled people and known problem gamblers that playing at allslots will make them happy, healthy and wealthy is morally totally corrupt.

    Unbelievably disgusting.

    I guess if I told you to jump off a bridge you would jump without even questioning me? GIVE ME A BREAK!

    The intent of those stories was not to attract those you mentioned. When I see people like yourself, greedygirl, and chatmaster to name a few running around insinuating that their intent was to attract those kind of players your comments, in my eyes, begin to affect your credibility.

    I happen to agree with those above questioning ecogras authority. I also like the idea of the Factory group scorching a new trail. Thats another bandwagon that has been easy to hop on for some.

    Best of luck to you Lloyd and to Jackpot Factory. As I stated before I was going to check out your program, I did and I will be joining :rockband:

    axl wrote:
    I also like the idea of the Factory group scorching a new trail. Thats another bandwagon that has been easy to hop on for some.

    What does that mean?


    Chatmaster, these activities were handled in very confidentially manner and in a totally separate department from the casino management department and this was the root of the problem. Casino management were in no way involved in how these people were doing their work. This situation has since changed radically. They are now directly under JF casino management.

    Loyd, thanks for the reply.

    Loyd, first of all I want you to know that I speak my mind and this in no way is a personal attack towards you as I would not want to trade places with you. Casino management cannot distance themselves from what has happened here and has to realise that they had a responsibility in supervising this, regardless of who did this, they run the casino and carry the responsibility that goes with it. For those of us who are running respectable/reputable affiliate sites trust casino operators to take that reponsibilty. I do see in David Brickman’s post this seems to be the case though.

    I can draw a picture in mind that you most probably outsourced your SEO and this is how this happened (I have seen this many times before). I am burning to know who you outsourced it to though, not to go public but just to know, as I am well respected in the SEO community. Anyways…

    Back to the problem! Certainly sorting this out ASAP can be very quickly accomplished. Especialy with the sites that are registered through Spiral. Obtaining a domain list from them should be quick. Designing a template page for each of those domains and then setting up 301’s or IIS permanent redirects for those sites to that single page can then buy you the time to fix these domains and make us feel better.


    Granted with any debate opinions are strongly contested and upheld, however, facts will and always remain facts; a statement some posters seem clearly void of comprehending.

    For example –

    I’m convinced that there are factions within the heavily debated JF subject that are out to discredit Jackpot Factory.

    Some posters seem absorbed in posting because they can and with the sole intention of using this topic to lining their Kudo basket.

    ECogra suspended JF Seals due to direct contravene of eCogra’s eGap policies.

    ECogra have not suspended Cassava Seals even though are also in direct contravene of eCogra’s eGap.

    John Anderson CEO of Cassava ( provided funding to establish eCogra.

    John Anderson holds a non-executive independent directors position at eCogra.

    John Anderson hold shares in 888holdingplc to the tune of 724,758 shares.

    eCOGRA’s constitution is structured as such that the non-executive independent directors will always have control over board decisions, thereby guaranteeing eCOGRA’s autonomy from affiliated software providers and operators. (

    eCogra operating under its own guise should have suspend of its eCogra Seal, as it too is in direct contravene of the eGap. Doing anything else lends itself (eCogra) to being left wide open for scrutinising.


    I have to say, I love your avatar!

    eCOGRA doesn’t seem to talkative about the issue. Maybe they think it will go away? Or maybe they do not feel spamming is serious?

    Chatmaster wrote:
    I have to say, I love your avatar!

    Thank you, by all means use it if you like, that goes for anyone else too :)

    Chatmaster wrote:
    eCOGRA doesn’t seem to talkative about the issue. Maybe they think it will go away? Or maybe they do not feel spamming is serious? Either way, they need to respond on the Casava issue

    Exactly. If eCogra are to be taken seriously then they have to uphold their eGap rules void of favouritism, which in the JF/888 issue seems to be the case.

    Chatmaster wrote:
    I have already written a nice article and will publish it later this week, in which I will definately blacklist eCOGRA as a biased and front organisation. I feel the time they have been given was far more than they needed. They were able to make up their minds allot faster with regards to JF,… why?

    I’ve been holding back on this (releasing an article) in the hope that eCogra would come to its senses and see that it must also suspend Seal and hold them accountable as they’ve done with Jackpot Factory.

    After many emails to eCogra and having to wade through what I can only describe as attempted justification dribble (Spin Doctor tactics) my patience has grown thin.

    Chatmaster I’d be very interest in perusing your article when its released, please let me know the URL, thanks.


    Thank you, by all means use it if you like, that goes for anyone else too

    I am snagging, thanks

    Thanks for the great post Lloyd, cheers!

    Wager2winUK wrote:
    eCOGRA’s constitution is structured as such that the non-executive independent directors will always have control over board decisions, thereby guaranteeing eCOGRA’s autonomy from affiliated software providers and operators. ( lol, w2w, I believe that is not the case, but it is written so.

    The independant directors allegedly have the final say.

    As with FJ I believe.

    The eCOGRA Compliance Committee has been assured by Jackpot Factory staff that the offending material has been removed . If any future traces surface going forward, eCOGRA has insisted on an assurance that Jackpot Factory will immediately remove these, too.

    eCOGRA’s next requirements will involve its independent inspection regime, which will study how this offensive material managed to pass through the vetting and administration systems within Jackpot Factory. The objective of this will be to ensure there can be no reoccurrence.

    eCOGRA’s non-executive directors who form its Compliance Committee have nevertheless decided to suspend the Play It Safe seal from All Slots casino and those other casinos within Jackpot Factory which had links to the offensive material pending the outcome of eCOGRA’s investigation.

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