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Opinions on the Jackpot Factory scandle going on

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  • #694872

    Lloyd – I have to say that I have not promoted any Brightshare property before, but after reading this and a few other threads, I will be joining Brightshare.

    I like the way you guys delt with this whole thing. I hope more affiliate programs use the way you guys handled this problem an an example to follow.


    I am impressed with the whole attitude the casino has had from the begining, they never lied nor hem hawed around about the subject, they also admitted up front it was bad and took the full blame, I had faith in Lloyd to handle this in a professional manner from the get go, this is why banners stayed up and will continue to stay up.


    I think this was a simple mistake to make and that no intention was made to harm anyone. Obviously they have nothing to gain from such outrageous claims as playing at a casino cures cancer. From what I can tell the seo firm used software to generate pages and it auto replaced some words in prewritten articles.

    Llyod is without a doubt one of the most honest affiliate managers and one of the most honest people that I know. I respect him not only for his professionalism but also for his personal convictions.


    You guys are so kind :blush: thanks bonustreak! thanks antoine! welcome aboard lots0!


    stand up Lloyd! :clapper:

    you may have seen my post at the meister’s where I totally defended your position and action.

    That said: still not a fan of bundling. So your properties will never get prime spots but you certainly continue to give me reason to not give up on your casinos. Perhaps someday the powers that be will see the advantage of not putting their affiliates in a position where once they accumulate a certain number of players … that it is not enough to counterbalance the wins but is enough to almost ALWAYS negatively effect any income earned. And while I do not know what the magic number could be(?) that takes us out of this predicument … I do know that in my case (and I imagine many others) that magic number is too far off in the distance to make promoting your casinos an attractive endeavor in respect to the other programs which choose NOT to bundle their network.


    Hi bb1webs,

    As I’m sure you recall as well, going back now almost three years, the most significant improvement that we made then to our program t&c’s, which was the removal of the three month inactive affiliate clause, was to your credit!

    Now we have to work on this one…

    On the basis of requests from Dominique, Webzcas and some other affiliates, I’ve requested to run calculations of bundling against not bundling on the 2005 figures. We need to see the significance of the numbers before I can consider approaching our client on this. I’m hopeful that the commission percentage differences will offset the cost of not bundling but then I’m just hoping…

    Once I have some numbers in front of me I’ll let you know.

    Thanks for your support!

    Best regards,


    oops can you delete that please?

    I should never post after having been :shots: for a while, but it was my birthday.


    lol….. Happy Belated Birthday!!:drunk2:


    It was my understanding that you, brightshare had nothing at all to do with this, so while I dont see a need to say youre sorry, it is cool and goes a long way to show the kind of people you are.

    I think I will have to get over and check out your program, I have been looking for another mgs program to give a whirl.

    bonustreak wrote:
    Please what is your thoughts on all this going on with JPF, did they get rogued(casino meister) too fast in your opnion or is this fair do you think? I say yes this was very bad marketing practices and yes they needed to jump on this asap, but to be rogued so fast I am just not too sure……what do you all think, should we pull them off our sites?

    It was way out of line, not professional and definitely not something one expects from a MG casino. Much less from one being managed under the JF label.

    Personally I’m pretty peeved how this whole thing has turned out.

    JF has been thrown to the wolves. Yet in regards to 888 who has committed far worse acts in regards to eCogra’s eGap, flies under the radar and is allowed by eCogra to continue business as usual.

    Based on this, It’s my opinion that JF have been used as a pawn/scape goat.

    eCogra imo has its hand tied by John Anderson (CEO of Cassava), who is also a non-executive director of eCogra. Who injected considerable funds into eCogra’s foundation (along with CEO Roger Raatgever of Microgaming).

    Word on the grape vine suggests that this financial backing still continues today. Personally I don’t see the 888 issue ever being dealt with by eCogra, given the following extract on their site:

    eCogra – About US – Directors wrote:
    eCOGRA’s constitution is structured such that the non-executive independent directors will always have control over board decisions, thereby guaranteeing eCOGRA’s autonomy from affiliated software providers and operators.

    Basically no matter what the board members decided, both John Anderson, Roger Raatgever and Karl Magnusson can override them.

    eCogra – About US – Directors wrote:
    The independent directors have been carefully selected based on their integrity, industry experience and ability to remain independent.

    Is it me or do you also find it rather comical that no mention anywhere on eCogra that both John Anderson & Roger Raatgever provided the financial backing to get eCogra started?

    So much for transparency and integrity. As far as independence, as long as it got nothing to do with a casino/poker room any of these so called independent directors hold business interest too they will uphold eCogra’s eGap, otherwise they’ll turn a blind eye!

    For completeness, those interested, here is links to two of my posts over at CM. (remove XXX)


    I’ll probably put a few people’s noses out of joint over this post. However most ofthis is my opinion and I’m entitled to that as you are to yours. :)


    lol… cheers lots0! :cheers:
    Thanks axl and welcome aboard! My email is lloyda@brightshare if you need anything.

    Wager2winUK – thanks for your comments!

    Cheers, Lloyd

    Lloyd wrote:
    Wager2winUK – thanks for your comments!

    Just calling it as I see Mate!

    BTW how’s things Lloyd. I’ll drop you a email.




    Sigh, I am amazed! Lloyd you are being used by JF to chill this entire EXTREMELY serious matter. There is so many uninformed nice people on the thread it is scary. I am very sorry to scratch all of this open again, but perhaps before directly attacking an individual for what he said, perhaps you should get your facts straight. This thing is still happening and the underhanded way this has been done is revolting. The seriousness of this matter calls for senior management to take responsibility and stop feeding Lloyd to the wolves.

    I am not repeating my posts at CM, but if you read the last couple of days you will note more has hapened. JF needs to get serious about this. If this idiot that posted there(to be the content manager) was the responsible person I would like to know that this is the official statement from JF and that they take responsibilty for this mess. I also want the assurance that they will remove this crap. This is not being done so at this stage I am still hot around the color about this issue.


    I was just reading over a post on casinomeister made by this “Boisterous Bitch” she believes that we are all mad and that we should all be pulling Lloyds clients from our sites intead of praising him.

    chatmaster, if you have further information and we are all simply not understanding them please explain it to us / me, please? From my point of view what I see is half a dozen or so individuals who apparently actually think jackpot factory intent was to prey upon cancer patients and the like. I see one after the next jumping on a bandwagon and pushing the issue as much as they can because its currently the popular thing to do.

    If you have information that they have not removed everything, then post it or give that info to jackpot factory so that it can be removed. If you have proof that jackpot factory did in fact intend to prey upon cancer patients and this wasnt just a poorly executed SEO campaign then please provide it. If you have proof that they actually ranked for keywords/phrases that preyed upon those individuals then post it.

    I guess what I am asking for is proof, not just conjecture.


    And yes, I have read the last few post “there” its mostly one person yackety yackety yackety. What am I missing? Please show me the light.


    I have written a rogue page for Jackpot factory and am waiting for the eCOGRA statement regarding the results of their investigation to see if I post it or not.

    I have stayed out of this thread mainly because I like Lloyd as manager, he does a dynamite job.

    And he had nothing to do with the depravity and utter disregard for human frailty, and the attempt to capitalize on people’s misfortune that was displayed by Jackpot Factory. I don’t know if you guys have read that s#!t, but I have and it made me sick to my stomach.

    I am reserving judgement until I know that the people responsible for this have been fired.

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