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Opinions on the Jackpot Factory scandle going on

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  • #694383

    Well, most people will agree that this group has an excellent track record across the board.
    However, they single handedly managed to destroy it with their little SEO effort.
    What´s more is that they are really dragging their feet on removing all this crap and that doesn´t exactly instill trust in me that they are looking for a swift resolution.

    I think they way to go forward is to really put a lot of pressure on them to pull this stuff down ASAP without any further delays. Unlike 888 I assume that the jackpot factory people are sensible when they get a kick in the butt from the affiliate side.


    Hi there,

    Jackpot Factory people are working to fix this right before we make any additional postings and I hope that will be very soon. I’m waiting for the Jackpot Factory General Manager to give me the thumbs up that everything unwanted has been removed and then I can get back to you all.

    I sincerely apologize on behalf of Brightshare and our client, Jackpot Factory for the inconvenience and frustration caused by this and thank you all for bring this to our attention.

    I hope to have something of substance to update you with very soon.

    Yours sincerely,


    Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Lloyd.

    Before this mess I have never had a single player complaint.


    I can say that anytime we had a complaint Lloyd has always jumped right on it and fixed the problem, I have no worries in this case either and we plan to stand with the casinos, everyone makes mistakes and in my thoughts they just hired the wrong person to do the SEO which they have admitted and they are removing links as fast as they can I am sure.


    Hi there,

    Thanks Dominique, thanks bonustreak :)

    For starters, all the articles in question have been removed. Please check the Jackpot Factory General Manager’s posting at

    Yes, a wrong committed negligently doesn’t make the guilty party innocent and this is the problem here.

    There have been ongoing meetings about this at all JF management levels and it is of course being handled extremely seriously. Corrective action of removing all the articles in question has already been taken and required changes to internal procedures are being implemented.

    I’d like to add that people and organizations make mistakes and will always make mistakes. The real test is – who is willing to admit that a mistake has been made and to then take the necessary action to correct it. I believe that our client will do what is right.

    Damage has been done, but lessons have been learnt, people are smarter and things will, in time, be far better…

    Please post here or email me at if you have any questions/concerns. Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Lloyd wrote:
    Hi there,

    Thanks Dominique, thanks bonustreak :)

    For starters, all the articles in question have been removed. Please check the Jackpot Factory General Manager’s posting at

    Not True.





    I am not going to bash you over this, as I personally feel you and also Brightshare have been dumped into the fire by the management of the Jackpot Factory Casinos. In other words, this is not your mess.

    I would like you to suggest to them though that they make a considerable donation to GamCare or an equivalent charity that deals specifically for problem gambling.

    This way, not only will they be making a very positive move in getting players back onside, but also many affiliates who have stopped promoting them, will also be encouraged to promote them again.



    Right Dominique. First Web Casino has now been taken care of as well. That should be the lot. Thanks.

    Dave, that’s good advice – thanks. I’ll put it forward as an opportunity to make a genuine and appropriate gesture of good faith.

    I hope that’s it for now on this subject. If not, please let me know right away.

    Thanks everyone for all your patience and support!

    Best regards,

    Webzcas wrote:

    I would like you to suggest to them though that they make a considerable donation to GamCare or an equivalent charity that deals specifically for problem gambling.


    That is an excellent idea.


    Hi all

    Jeez what a thing to walk in to after a leisurely weekend.

    I have given serious profile to JF this month, waxing lyrically about their credibility. This is makign us look like idiots, especially becuase of strong alignment with eCOGRA principles.

    Any further news from eCOGRA as to the JF status?



    Thanks for a straight forward and candid response, Lloyd. I respect that a lot.

    All too often other programs take the low road by making absurd excuses and not shouldering the blame when things go awry.

    The content that was published was so unbelievably disgusting. Do you know how that happened?

    Is it true that the people responsible have been fired?

    Again, it’s good to see you facing this head-on, not that we’d have expected any less from you.


    Hi Fergie, justred,

    Thanks for your kind words and important questions.

    Any further news from eCOGRA as to the JF status?

    You can see eCOGRA’s official statement here:

    Regarding the period of suspension – we have no idea at this stage. It’s never happened before so they need to first setup an appropriate process for it and then we should have a better idea.

    The content that was published was so unbelievably disgusting. Do you know how that happened?

    Jackpot Factory casino management, being the people who actually run this group of casinos, up until now weren’t involved in any way in giving guidance, instruction, training or monitoring of the seo people within the company as well as the outsourced content writers. Having gone through casino management training myself, I can ensure you that had anyone in casino management seen any one of these poor taste, poor quality articles in question there would have been hell to pay internally.

    However, the plain hard truth is that it was overlooked completely to a point of gross negligence and for this we are 100% guilty.

    To try and explain how far these articles in question go against everything that our client and Brightshare work so hard to build – I would like to cite a real example for you all:

    I guess you are all familiar with the MG slot game ‘Loaded’ which has a sexual and racist feel to it. Well before its launch in 2005 the marketing team had a very heated debate as to whether this game would be offensive or not to some of the JF casino players and a final decision was made not to launch the game. However, later on, due to player pressure it was added.

    Other examples are the casino promotions themselves. JF casinos are always very careful about wording all of their promotions so as not to mislead their players. You’ll never find false promises in any of the JF casino promotions. Please have a look at the latest headline promotions:

    The Slot Code Promotion:

    …. ‘you could be one of 25 winners of $100!’ and ‘One lucky player will win a grand’…

    Same here:

    To summarize, there have been a lot of meetings at all levels – more meetings :p , a lot of butts kicked, a lot of people devoted to cleaning up this mess with the objective of putting this sad story behind us and ensuring that it will not happen again.

    Is it true that the people responsible have been fired?

    I’m not at liberty to hand over such information, but the JF’s General Manager is very upset about this and people involved have been dealt with appropriately.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s fair to blame anyone specifically – we messed up, we are responsible, we apologize and we’ll fix things up.

    Best regards,


    I really like the honest answers I have been seeing from Jackpot Factory and Brightshare. You messed up, you fessed up, and now you are trying to make things right again. That deserves respect.

    I will be updating my sites tonight. When I do that, I will bring Wild Jack back into the mix. :thumbsup:


    Personally, I don’t think it’s fair to blame anyone specifically – we messed up, we are responsible, we apologize and we’ll fix things up.

    In my opinion, rogue listing, black listing or whatever was a huge step without a decent explanation. Especially if there has never been any evidence that this was a common practice in the past.

    People make mistakes, sometimes huge…ask the guy who came up with new coke. (If you can find him)

    Lloyd has really taken the high side here and owned up even though his end had nothing to do with it directly. I totally agree with Engineer…respect is deserved


    Thank you both – that’s very nice of you and much appreciated!

    Best regards,

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