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One more thing about Casino Coins guys.

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  • #587995

    I think it was from august 2004 last year when I

    had them on my site. I centered there banners

    on my n/d area so everyone can see and click

    on. What I found out was that my stats did not

    change in a month or 2 month. That is imposible,

    this place I’m not sure of. :drunk2:


    I haven’t made a penny from them. I think they are the hardest to make a profit off of. I don’t know why? :banger:


    my advice is if you’ve tried a program for a few months and have nothing positive to say about them, move on.

    They’re dead weight that at least unable to convert your traffic, or at worst are cheating scumbags who are robbing you blind. In either case, you are NOT getting that valuable traffic back to try and send someplace else.

    And in CC’s case, last I heard, they were even promoting their competition’s casinos as an affiliate. And you can bet they aren’t going to be sharing any revenue generated by your players that they sign at their competion’s casinos.


    Just took them out from N/D section. Got a feeling

    this place gonna be trouble :hithead:

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